🤍Chapter 27💠

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   "Okay over there. Wait not there. Hyung, step back some. Okay. Alright. Now!" Seokmin took his hands off of Jisoo's eyes. "Check it out." Jisoo couldn't believe where he was.

    "My gosh. It's beautiful." Seokmin smiled. "Yea I know. Built it back when I was 18. I had the hands in school haha. It's very sacred to me."

    Jisoo admired the place. Seokmin called it his safe place. It had mellow blue lights, a rose quartz crystal wall, lofi music played in the back, and there was a cupboard full of food. Not that Seokmin cooked, though.

    "You NEVER cook!" Seokmin laughed. "I know I don't. But you do. Very well, I might add." Jisoo looked at him. "I take it no one else has been here?" Seokmin nodded.

"You're the special one, Jisoo. You're the first person I've brought here. Not even Mingyu's been here."

    Jisoo let out a sigh of shock. "That means a lot to me. I feel special by Twice." Seokmin chuckled. Then he walked up to him. "You should. I've gained enough trust in you, to let you in. I bet Mingyu is punching the air right now."

Jisoo giggled, startling Seokmin. He never thought he would hear just a bit of the pretty boy's voice. But he didn't expect what happened next, to happen.

"I-It's nice that y-you b-brought me h-here." Seokmin widened his eyes. Jisoo talked. After all this time, he finally spoke some actual words. "Hyung, you have the cutest voice." Jisoo was blushing more than ever now.

"Y-you're the f-first to hear it. I d-don't even know if J-Jae hyung has." Seokmin could jump to the moon right now. "Well, now I feel special." Jisoo giggled. "Y-you should."

"There. It's done." Wheein was currently living in a state of regret, realizing there's no turning back from what she's done. Hwasa found a way to get all the information out of her, and let's just say, her work is done.

"I can never show my face again. I'll be crucified, if that's the word to use for it." Hwasa looked at the older woman.

"This all could've been avoided, if you were cooperative to begin with." Wheein looked up at her. "Didn't have much choice. My boss was the only chance I had, at staying out of jail. Now that I've told everything, that's the end for me."

Hwasa sighed. Then she realized something. "Well, I wouldn't necessarily say that." Wheein looked at her. "What are you going to do to me?" Hwasa gave her a look.

"I know your potential. You're not necessarily a bad person. You're just trying to get back right with the law. And I understand that. So, why not come and work with me?"

Wheein widened her eyes. "I-but- the woman I work for, she-" "has little to no power compared to who I work with. Trust me. She won't even have a trace on you any longer."

Wheein thought about it. The younger was right. She needed a way out of being considered a pariah, even though her only chance was to please her mistress. But what the hell? She's had enough.

"I'm in." Hwasa smiled. "Knew you'd make the right choice." She walked out and dialed a number. "Speak." Hwasa smirked. "She's recruited. Let him know." "Excellent." They hung up. She walked back in.

"Boy, this was exactly what we needed. A day where I can just be free of responsibility, and feel better about things. You're a good luck charm, if I do say so myself, hyung."

Jisoo couldn't help but blush at those words. "I-I never had anyone r-refer to me as a g-good luck charm. That's nice." Seokmin couldn't help but smile his wide smile.

"I'm sorry, but I just can't accept the fact that you're talking, and your voice is literal Heaven." Jisoo chuckled, making Seokmin be whipped once again. God he's the most adorable he thought.

"I could a-always talk. It's just, my s-stutter got so b-bad, and I chose to b-be mute. But I-I can say i-it's getting better to s-speak now."

Seokmin nodded. He then moved closer to Jisoo. "If you don't mind me asking: what triggered it?" Seokmin instantly noticed the tension change in Jisoo's face. He instantly went to the rescue. "Only if you're comfortable sharing."

Jisoo looked at him. He nodded. "I trust you. S-so I'm okay with t-telling you." Seokmin nodded, feeling good about being a safe haven for his hyung.

"It all s-started around a-age 14. M-middle s-school is hell, ya know. And I was b-bullied for the most m-menial t-things. Mostly, I got b-bullied for my v-voice. It g-got to me so b-bad that I developed a c-condition where I wouldn't b-be able to talk."

Seokmin nodded, listening intently. "I would be s-silent for d-days on end. B-but it eventually stopped, and I would b-be able to hack a f-few words. But one day, I was m-met with an unexpected b-beating by t-the group that would b-bully me. And it t-triggered me to not t-talk anymore. W-when I did talk, I would be s-so nervous to, and the s-stutter developed then."

Seokmin felt his mood falter. He grabbed Jisoo's hands. "Hyung, there's absolutely nothing wrong with your voice. Those bullies are probably not even doing well in life right now. They're probably full of regret, wondering why they did what they did to you back then. Don't ever let anyone silence you. You have a voice that needs to be heard. Remember that. Okay?"

Jisoo nodded, surprised at how Seokmin didn't judge him for how it came to be why he's so mute. The younger pulled him in an embrace, shocking him a bit. But what shocked him the most is what happened next.

When they pulled apart, they stared at each other for a moment. But then, Seokmin started to leaned in, and Jisoo started moving forward. And in a moment's notice, kissed each other on the lips.

After a few seconds, they pulled apart. Seokmin was expecting a slap to the face, but instead, he got a smiley faced Jisoo. And in turn, he smiled back.

Oh my gammit Jisoo finally talked, and Seoksoo finally kissed! I'm on my shit today y'all 😩

Now, to be clear, this book is FAR from over👀 yeaaaa.

Thank you for reading! 🤍

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