🤍Chapter 13💠

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   "Morning Jisoo!" Jisoo walked inside Seokmin's quarters, seeing the man still in his morning attire. He started to blush when he saw he had on no shirt. "Morning, DK. I take it you haven't eaten yet." Seokmin shook his head. "Looks like you'll have to cook for me."

Jisoo put a hand on his hip. "I'll cook. But please at least put on a shirt." Seokmin smirked. "Liking what ya see?" Jisoo playfully slapped his arm and sent him away as he cooked. 

    After 20 minutes, Seokmin came back, dressed for the day, and was amazed at the food Jisoo cooked. "You are indeed a life saver, hyung." Jisoo rolled his eyes. "Literally my job." They ate, much to Jisoo's dismay. Seokmin didn't know how to chew with his mouth closed.

    "That was very much needed. Now, I believe we have to get things prepared for tonight I presume." Jisoo just realized. "That's tonight. And I believe you have to explain your strategy to the other companies tonight. But I got it taken care of."

   "Wow what would I do without you?" They headed outside to see Younghyun and Jae waiting, Jae's head sticking out the top of the limousine. "He's a different breed, Jisoo," Younghyun said, gesturing to Jae. Jae looked at him. "You love me though."

    Everyone got inside and headed to the company, seeing the head of the department chairs getting ready to gather inside the board room. "Seokmin, you were about to be late." Seokmin held a hand up.

"Trust me. I'll be fine. Now, let's begin." Jisoo stayed outside with the others at their table, fixing up things that Seokmin might forget to do. Seokmin looked back at him. "I've gotta wake up." He sat down and the meeting began.

   "Seokmin! The meeting for all companies start in an hour!" The poor boy was stuck on how he ended up with so much more responsibility. But that's when Jisoo comes to save the day.

"Hurry now, Min. Don't want to be tardy for a meeting of possible investors now," Jinyoung said. Jisoo acted fast. "I can go and set up in your place for you." Seokmin looked at him. "Jisoo, you do enough. Are you sure?"

Jisoo held up a hand and continued. "You can come when you've completed your work. Everything will be waiting for you. Trust me. This is my job."

Seokmin didn't know what came over him but he picked the boy up and hugged him, spinning him in a circle. "God forbid anything happens to you." "Man I'm telling you. Whipped," Soonyoung mumbled. Jihoon hit his arm.

Jinyoung agreed with them. "Wonderful. I'll head with him and Younghyun to the convention and you'll come when things are in order here. Great! Let's go!" Jinyoung said, wearing a smirk of deceit on his face.

Seungkwan and Wonwoo both took notice. "You peeped that too, right?" Wonwoo asked Seungkwan. "Sure did. I can smell bullshit a brewing."

"You two, seriously," Jihoon mumbled. "They right, babe. Cause I can sense it, too," Soonyoung said, eyeing the co-chairman as he walked out with Jisoo.

    Jisoo realized that the room was piling up, signaling that the meeting will start soon. And Seokmin was still nowhere to be found. DK where are you? Jisoo thought.

Soon enough, a young lady walked, wearing a smile and holding notes. She spotted Jisoo, and walked up to him. "Hi! I don't think I've seen you before. What's your name?" Jisoo signed out his name. Luckily, the woman understood.

"Well it's nice to meet you, Jisoo. I'm Nayeon. I hope we can be great friends!" She walked off to prepare for her presentation. And unbeknownst to him, there's someone in the hall, watching everything unfold.

"Seokmin is not here. Perfect. And I'm gonna make sure that he fails." The young woman walked in and sat down in the back. "I can't wait for you to be crushed, Hong Jisoo."


   The meeting began, and still there's no DK. Why? Because he was currently being held up in traffic. "Oh my gosh. This is terrible." Younghyun's idea light went off. "I may have a faster way to get you there. Buckle up. This might get crazy."

Seokmin didn't trust shit, but he did as told. "Younghyun hyung, don't get us caught by no damn policeman. I'm not in the mood, and I don't want to pay for anything else, let alone tickets."

Younghyun chuckled. "Dude, don't worry. None of that will happen. But my strategy is out of the ordinary." He crunk the limo back up. "I guess these are the benefits of living in Canada," he said. Seokmin was rather terrified.

This is so fun to write oh my gosh y'all have no clue how fun this is. 💀

It's Sunday, but I dropped this on ya because, I can haha. But watch out for next Wednesday. Coming in hot👀

Prepare for the plot twists of ya life to show up👀

Thanks for reading! 🤍

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