🤍Chapter 54💠

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Hanbin then walked up to the front of the room, standing at the podium. He tapped his glass with a fork. "Evening, everyone. I hope you're enjoying. There are a few announcements tonight that I'd like to make."

Everyone turned to the front. "I am proud to announce that my son will be getting engaged to.."

Bada fixed herself, getting ready to go up there. But what she heard next was shocking.

Hanbin smiled at the pair. "The one and only, Hong Jisoo!"

Everyone dropped their jaws. Jisoo's eyes popped out of his head. Wonwoo sat in the back, a laughing mess, clapping his hands. "I am amazing."

Jinyoung walked up to Hanbin. "You said you'd agree to this arrangement!" Hanbin turned to him. "I did, yes. But who said he was marrying your baby girl? Not me." Chaerin then walked up next to him and kissed him. "Knew you'd do the right thing, love."

   Seokmin walked up to his dad. "So you knew this entire time and said nothing." Hanbin shrugged. "Made this more fun." Seokmin shook his head at his dad and smiled. "Thanks, dad." They shared a hug.

    Seokmin then gestured for Jisoo to walk up. Jisoo pointed to himself, still trying to figure out what the fuck was going on. Seokmin laughed and nodded. Jisoo slowly but surely made his way to the front.

Seokmin held his hands, then proceeded to look him in his eyes. "Jisoo-" "Hanbin! You're gonna regret this with your life!"

    Hanbin waved him off. "Yea yea, later. My son handling business right now. As you were, son." Seokmin shook his head and chuckled. Then he got down on one knee.

   "Jisoo, I- ha, I'm at a loss for words right now. But I'm glad to admit to the fact that I am truly, deeply and dangerously in love with you. Ever since the day you set foot in here, exploiting only the positives and optimism's of this company and job? I knew you were of good spirit and had good hands. What I didn't expect was for you to choose me and see something in me that no one else can or will. I'm more than lucky and blessed to have you in my life and to be able to call you mine. You're such a wonderful, sweet, beautiful, and ethereal person that's amazing beyond description and reason. With that, I ask you, Hong Jisoo-" he opened a ring case, "will you make me the happiest sunshine ever, and marry me?"

    Jisoo was in full tears right now. Not having the energy to speak, he just nodded his head yes. "Y-yes, Seokmin. Of course I'll marry you."

   "AYO HE DIDN'T STUTTER!" Wonwoo yelled. Everyone chuckled and clapped at the beautiful notion.

Seokmin slid the ring on his finger and pulled him in for a kiss. "Finally! After forever pining!" Chaerin yelled. Everyone chuckled.

   It's the next morning, and everyone was heading to the company, not really ready for whatever was about to happen. Jisoo got up, and got dressed in what he thought was decent enough. He don't know. He just stopped caring now.

   "Time for the grand L to start, eh?" Jisoo turned to his bestfriend

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"Time for the grand L to start, eh?" Jisoo turned to his bestfriend. "You know w-what, hyung? I just d-don't care anymore."

  "Oh I see that, Soo. And I love that you don't. Let's just hope you don't get into another position you're gonna regret. Don't need anything else happening to you."

  Jisoo chuckled softly. "Baby, I'm a boss. Gotta stay prepared anyway." Jae held his hands up. "Yes sir. Go handle ya business then." Jisoo nodded and headed out the door.

He got inside the limo, seeing a very happy Seokmin and very happy Younghyun. "Morning, Mrs. Lee," Younghyun said. Jisoo blushed at the name. "Morning. And morning to y-you, Mr. Lee." Seokmin smiled and kissed.

    They arrived at the company, heading inside. "Seokmin! Jisoo!" They saw Yeeun waving at them. They waved back. "Oh my gosh! Is that an engagement ring I see?!" Jisoo chuckled. "Surprise."

  "It's very homophobic that I wasn't there to record the entire thing. Very homophobic." Seokmin rolled his eyes. "Girl, stop being so damn extra." They walked inside the company.

    Hanbin and Chaerin were talking with each other, and they saw their children. "Dad, I-" Hanbin hugged his son. "Don't ever be ashamed or responsible for creating your happiness, Min. I'm more than proud of you."

    Right after the tender family moment, everyone else showed face in the office. "Oh my gosh the married couple!" Hoshi yelled. Jihoon looked at him. "Bub, that's us." "Shh let me bask in the ambiance."


      Jinyoung and his family walked in, causing everyone to give side eyes and glares. They hated them. He walked up to Hanbin with an evil smile on his face. "Ready?" Hanbin shrugged. "You're the only one happy right now, man."

   "Isn't your son happy? Happy that he chose that sorry man over my beautiful daughter?" Wonwoo was about to bash his head in, but Mingyu grabbed him and wrapped his arms around him. "I know. We so close. Let him get his laughs, honey."

    Jinyoung walked to the front. "Good morning, everyone! I'd like to announce that I am now CEO of this company, and my wife will be chairwoman. My daughter is the president."

    Seungkwan held up some papers. "Please. No more. We've moved passed that." Seungkwan smiled. "Wait! I think you'll like these." Jinyoung took the papers and saw that they were all resignations from all the employees.

    "You really think we bout to stay working for your criminal ass? Think again, shawty," Wonwoo said. Mingyu laughed and shook his head. What shocked them all was that Seungcheol, Jeonghan and Seol walked in.

    "Oh my gosh my parents!" Seungkwan said. "Hello, darling." "What are you guys doing back?" Seol spoke up. "The monsieur changed his mind and decided to invest after all."

    Everyone let out a sound of confusion. "Now that's crazy," Jisoo said. Seokmin smiled. "Indeed." "He's here in person. You guys should meet him!" The elevator dinged and everyone saw a man walk in.

    Jisoo's jaw dropped. "Ain't no w-way." "Wow, it's really him?" Seokmin asked. They knew that face all too well.

    "Do Yoon hyung?!"

Next chapter will definitely be the last so buckle up☺️ you gonna love it💕

This book been fun but all things come to an end🥺 but as I always guarantee, there's more adventure on the way.💖

Thanks for reading!💠

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