🤍Chapter 11💠

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"Wow Jisoo! You have the creative mastermind everybody yearns to have!" The presentation ended, and since Seokmin couldn't go, Jisoo presented in his place. Seeing that he couldn't talk, he presented in more of the visual sense.

It got him to get a yes from some of the biggest shareholders in Osaka. Some of the biggest names were more than ready to combine and work with the Lee's. He clutch with it.

   "My God, you're a lifesaver, hyung," Wonwoo said. Just when the noise and bustle was calming down, Seokmin walked in, looking at everything that's going on. "What I miss?" Jisoo turned around and smiled.

"I saved your company." Seokmin chuckled. "Is that right?" "He's not wrong, Min. He came up with this strategic plan thing that sold to the other companies in Osaka!" Jihoon said.

Seokmin looked at Jisoo with admiration. "Wow you really are amazing." Jisoo blushed once more. "Whipped," Soonyoung mumbled. Jisoo pushed him away.

"Ah, Mr. Lee Seokmin, correct?" Seokmin turned to see who was speaking to him. "Yes. It's nice to meet you-"

"Oh, forgive me. I'm Nakamoto Yuta. I'm planning on investing on your company soon. Your assistant here really out sold on the pitch."

Seokmin couldn't believe it. One of the biggest names in Japan chose to invest on his company. He almost fell to the ground. "It's an honor, Yuta hyung." Yuta smiled. "Looking forward to working with ya."

"And now, let's celebrate!" "Wow, I keep forgetting you're older than me," Wonwoo said. Everyone chuckled and left the building.

"Its his assistant. He thinks he's the best, mom. Little does he know that Seokmin belongs to me." Bada was talking to her mom, Yoona, as they left the building, wondering why he doesn't pay attention to her, but his assistant more.

"Oh honey, don't worry. Things are gonna pull through soon." Jinyoung then walked out and met them in the limo. He sighed and then he sat down with his wife and daughter.

  "Hanbin should have better sense than this. Should I remind him of what happened last time I had to make decisions out of spite?" Yoona and Bada turned to him.

"Your bestfriend should understand that your mind is not of a human. Hopefully he'll realize his mistake when he has to run this company all alone."

That's when it hit Jinyoung. "Hmm. Maybe his son is just distracted. And I think I may have a way to change that." Yoona looked at her husband.

   "Wait. What is your plan?" Jinyoung smirked. "You'll see, my love. You will see. Now, first things first: sushi!"

   "Food's here!" Seokmin, Jisoo and a few others were at a restaurant, celebrating their victory. "We can all agree that tonight was a wonderful success," Wonwoo said, sipping his pomegranate martini.

"I must agree, everyone played a wonderful part in this," Mingyu said, wrapping an arm around Wonwoo.

"Oh my gosh. I never experienced sushi in a positive way. This is so good!" Younghyun said. Soonyoung laughed. "Oh sweetheart, I see you had a sad childhood."

    "Jisoo hyung!" He looked up and saw Seungkwan running to him, smothering him. "Okay okay. Let's not end up getting a domestic charge, Kwan," Hansol said. "He just saved our asses. Let me have this." Jisoo smiled and pat the boy on his head.

"Seokmin hyung, don't forget that tomorrow you have to sign off the documents for the Osaka companies to approve of our partnerships. The shares like the get out of hand, ya know." Seokmin nodded. "Noted."

   The waitress came and handed more food to the table. "Thanks Minghao! But I don't think we ordered this." Said boy smiled and waved them off. "No worries, love. It's been set up that you can eat as much as you want."

   Jisoo looked shocked. "Thanks!" They all enjoyed the celebratory dinner, and Jisoo smiled at how this was the most fun he's ever had. 

    "Thanks again for saving my company, Jisoo." Seokmin and Younghyun were currently dropping off Jisoo back to the apartment. Of course, he had to take home extras, cause no one felt like cooking.

   "It's my absolute pleasure, DK." Seokmin chuckled at the cute boy. Before he knew it, they were already there. "Have a good night, Soo." Jisoo looked back at Seokmin. "You as well."

   They drove off after a few. Jisoo walked in to see Dino and Jae trying to resuscitate Aunt Miya, who collapsed just minutes before they arrived.

    Jisoo dropped everything and ran over to them. "What happened?" He asked. Dino looked up, crying. "I-I came to give her the meds she needed and before I could, she just fell limp, and then collapsed to the ground."

    Jisoo ran upstairs to grab something out of her top drawer, and came back downstairs. He stuck it in her leg vein, and suddenly, she started breathing normal again, and opened her eyes, tiredly.

   "Don't you ever scare us like that again! You're lucky I keep this!" Miya sat up, rubbing her head. "It is a good thing you keep that. I don't even know what happened. I was about to take my meds and then boom. My vision went blurry."

    "Could've slipped into a coma. Always keep this," Jisoo signed. Miya nodded. "Now, I brought you guys food." "Oh yay!" Jae exclaimed.

   He fed the three, and went to shower. Jisoo was actually loving the way things were going. His job was treating him well, his friends and family were being taken care of, and he even upped on one by grabbing new investments. Things couldn't possibly go wrong.

Or could they?

It's Saturday! Y'all know what that means. Prepare for these drops👀

Thank you for reading! 🤍

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