🤍Final Chapter💠

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    The couple ran up to the man and shook his hand. "Hyung, you're the monsieur???" "I thought it was rather evident." Then 2 more familiar faces showed up behind him. Seoksoo were shook beyond reason.

   "Jun hyung?!" "Minghao?!" The couple smiled at the other couple. "Surprise!" Jisoo shook his head. "It's always b-been you." Minghao chuckled.

   "I can't believe y'all haven't figured this shit out! Monsieur Nam been asking us to keep eyes on you guys all along."

"Really thought you guys would've figured this out by now. Thought y'all were smart. Ain't that your thing?" Jun said.

"All this time, it was you, hyung?!" They walked up to him. Monsieur Nam smiled and nodded. "I've always asked Minghao and Jun to keep an eye on you guys, along with Seungcheol, Jeonghan, and darling Seol. So glad she didn't turn out like her sister."

Seungcheol chuckled. "It was a crazy journey, but it was worth it. As stated before, you show great human qualities and characteristics, Hong Jisoo. Hence why I knew it was a good idea to get you hired here."

"Oh out of the way!" Jinyoung pushed Chaerin out of the way, causing her to trip a bit and stumble back. Hanbin almost punched the man. "Don't you ever lay a hand on her again."

Jinyoung looked at him and rolled his eyes. He stepped up in front of Monsieur Nam. "Good morning, Monsieur. It is an honor that you want to invest on my company." He looked at the confused man.

"No sir. You got the wrong idea. I plan to invest with master Hanbin, not you." Jinyoung's eyes widened. "Haha, karma," Jisoo mumbled. Seokmin chuckled.

"You're making a big mistake, Monsieur." Do Yoon shook his head. "No dear boy. You're the one making the mistake. You bailed on your bestfriends and picked up a company. Not to mention many other things."

"He has no company now. I own this." Mr. Nam walked up to him. "Well guess what? They'll start a new. And rest assured that it'll be a better company than this ever will be."

Jinyoung scoffed. "We'll see about that." Jisoo, being the sweet soul that he is, walked up to the man. "It was k-kinda fun working here, d-despite the fact that you tried to k-kill me on multiple occasions. But I've l-learned things and experienced g-growth." He looked back at Seokmin.

"And I also happened to find love. So thank you." He bowed and walked out with the others.

Wonwoo was about to head out until he thought of something. "Oh yea. I never got to give you this." He punched Jinyoung square in the jaw and then kicked his shin.

"Merry Christmas. To ya daughter as well." He grabbed Mingyu's arm and walked out.

After they departed from the company, it was changed to Park industries. For 3 months, they were able to recruit new employees and keep the #1 spot. Until the Lee's put their plan into action.

Monsieur Nam purchased a building, that had 60 floors. Everyone was able to get 90% extra interest to their salaries, and Seokmin was made CEO, while Jisoo was Co-CEO. Hanbin was chairman and Chaerin was chairwoman.

Yeeun, being the amazing soul she is, decided that her company would intertwine with that of her brother's, causing their family bank, business and reputation to thrive and rise.

With that, she also took the time to run up the reports of embezzlement, fraud schemes, and the situation with getting Jisoo arrested. It got out to the public, which includes the police.

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