🤍Chapter 50💠

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  "Today's the day. Now, when you head to Malaysia, you make sure that you are ready with a well presented demonstration."

Seokmin was getting ready. He never felt stress like this before. "Let's just give this the best we've got. Alright?" Seokmin nodded to himself. He fixed his clothes and looked in the mirror once more.

    He sighed. "Here goes nothing." He grabbed his stuff, heading out. "Morning, hyung." Younghyun turned to the younger and tipped his hat. "Big day today, boss." Seokmin sighed and sat back. "Indeed."

    He pulled off, heading straight for the airport. "I think you forgot, hyung. Jisoo is supposed to be coming along." Younghyun turned to him and shook his head.

   "Message said you'd be traveling alone, Min." Seokmin shook his head. "I never travel alone, hyung. You should know this."

   "Now that's suspicious. Hang on, kid." The duo turned back around, headed back to the other's place. Seokmin walked up to the door and was about to knock but saw Dino walking out.

   "Oh hi Seokmin hyung! Jisoo hyung isn't here! He's at work! He left this morning with Jae hyung. And that's where I'm heading so bye!" He walked out. Seokmin tilted his head. "Usually rides with me every morning."

  "Um, sir? Hate to interrupt, but we gotta go. We need to get to him and ASAP," Younghyun said. "You right you right. Let's go." Soon enough, Seokmin received a call from Jinyoung.

   "Seokmin, your flight leaves in 5 minutes! Where are you?" "Going to get my assistant. I told you where he goes, I go!" He hung up. "Let's go, Younghyun hyung."

"Jisoo hyung, didn't you remember? You're supposed to be heading to Malaysia with Seokmin hyung." Seungkwan said, walking to the older. Jisoo sighed. "I thought t-that meeting wasn't for another t-two weeks."

    Seungkwan shook his head. "I distinctly remember when you read the schedule. It said that the flight to Malaysia was this morning at precisely 10:30 a.m and you'd be staying for 3 days."

   Jisoo was looking at the younger in complete confusion, trying to remember when exactly he said that. "Hyung, it's right here on the iPad." Seungkwan picked it up and showed it to him. The younger was right.

   "Oh shit. W-when was this?" Wonwoo pulled his glasses down. "Y'all, I smell trouble a brewing." "Oh God. What's about to happen now?" Hoshi asked. "I don't exactly know. But I know it ain't good," Wonwoo said.

Jisoo was currently getting ready to leave. "Hyung, I think Seokmin hyung is gone. I don't think you should be going anywhere now," Seungkwan said. Jisoo looked at him and sighed. "I'm just gonna g-go in his office."

    Everyone was going about their business. That was, until Bada walked in, with police behind her. Oh shit.

   "What is happening, B-Bada?" "Jisoo! I want to know exactly why this was found in my office!" She held up files that were laced with the titles of embezzlement and fraud, marked in red ink.

    He looked in confusion. "I don't k-know. I only handle files that deal with foreign e-exchanges for investments. T-that's not something I'd d-deal with, right there." He pointed to the folder.

"Hmm. Is that right?" Jisoo nodded. Bada smiled. "Well, I don't know about you, but I think I may have an inkling as to who did it."

"Who?" Jisoo asked. Bada smiled and snapped her fingers. "Arrest him!" The police put Jisoo's hands behind his back. Jae walked in and dropped everything he was holding, causing uproar in the office.

"Oh HELL no! Wait a minute," Jae said. "Get him out of here!" They carried the boy away, who had fear in his eyes. "I gotta stop talking sometimes," Wonwoo mumbled, getting up.

   "What the fuck- huh???" Jae panicked. He ran up to the boy but was held back by 2 other security guards.

"Where are you taking him!" "Jae hyung, what's happening?" Jeonghan walked out of Seungcheol's office. He turned to the younger. "Jisoo just got arrested!" Then he explained what happened.

Jeonghan's eyes popped out his head. "Ain't no way. No!" He ran back in the office. "Seungcheol, what the hell is going on?" Said man was in a trance, not really hearing anything.

    Jeonghan smacked him in the back of his head. "Huh?! What?! Jeonghan, what are you doing?" Jeonghan looked at him. "Jisoo was taken away! According to Jae, he was just arrested."

Seungcheol looked in utter confusion. "What?" Then he leaned back in his chair. "How? What was the situation?" Jeonghan explained everything, thanks to getting info from Jae.

  "Embezzlement. Wow." After piecing everything together, Seungcheol nodded. "Mmhmm. I think I may know how to handle this. I've been waiting to do this properly for so long."

Whew I feel so sick of putting my bias through shit😩 but it makes the story😩💜

It won't be long before it's over. Hang tight💚 I'm very much sick but this made me not feel like shit lmao. So I decided to update even though it's not Saturday but ya know🥰

I also saw that....I GOT 3K READS! Thank you guys🥺✨💓

Thanks for reading!💠

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