🤍Christmas Special💠

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Surprise! Merry Christmas/Holidays!!!🥰

"Mama! Papa! Wake up, it's Christmas!" Jisoo and Seokmin woke up to their daughter bouncing on their bed. And just their luck, Jungwon, now 10 months old, was sitting up in his crib, with a pacifier in his mouth, looking with wide eyes.

"Karina, baby, calm it down a bit. Okay?" Said girl nodded and jumped off the bed. Jisoo freshened up as quick as possible, brushing his teeth and washing off before he went back to his room.

"Ma! Ma!" Jisoo looked over to see Jungwon making grabby hands towards him. He chuckled and picked up his son, walking to the living room.

"Come on! Santa left us presents!" Karina ran to the living room. Jungwon started clapping his hands, giggling along at his sister's antics. "They're the most adorable children," Seokmin said. Jisoo smiled. "The cutest."

Jisoo placed Jungwon in his Walker, giving him his bottle. "Look what I got papa!" Karina showed Seokmin her new Star Wars collection. Seokmin smiled at his daughter. "That's wonderful, baby."

"Jungwon got more diapers and a stack of One Piece figurines," Jisoo said, holding one up to the baby, who started giggling and took it. "Luff!" Jisoo found it utterly adorable.

"Well, who is this knocking on my door on Christmas?" Jisoo went to get the door and was shocked to see so many faces.

  "Merry Christmas, hyung!" Dino jumped in first, smothering the older. Subin walked behind him, shaking his head at the boy.

"Merry Christmas, baby. It's nice to see all of you! Come in come in!" Jae, of course, has to be extra beyond definition and just picked the younger up. "It's been a while." Younghyun walked in behind him.

"I see y'all still going strong," Seokmin said. Younghyun nodded, walking up to him. "Thinking about proposing soon," he whispered. Seokmin widened his eyes, nodding. "Yes! Definitely!"

"Where's my favorite nephew?!" Aunt Miya waltzed in, dragging some woman behind her. "Oh my gosh! Aunt Miya!"

   Jisoo smothers the woman. "It's been forever! And who's this?" The woman did a shy bow. "I'm Rosè. Nice to meet you."

"Welcome to the family!" They all walked inside. "Jae oppa!" Karina ran to the older, jumping in his arms. Jungwon just sat there, giggling and clapping at everything.

"Your son is too cute," Dino said, taking him in his arms. The baby instantly started giggling at him, playing with his hair. "I'm losing it," Seokmin said, admiring the sight.

"Oh, I gotta go check on the food." Jisoo ran to the kitchen. He made sure that nothing caught fire or anything before heading back in the living room. "Figured you'd love this." Jae handed the younger a bag. Jisoo looked at him and took it.

He opened it, and was shocked to see what was inside. "You-" "Surprise!" Jisoo pulled out the t-shirts. "Promoted to aunt. Wait! Huh?!" Jae smiled. "We're accepted to adopt a pair of siblings!"

"Jisoos. I'm ancient now!" Aunt Miya yelled. Everyone laughed at her. "Congrats you guys. You'll make the best set of parents."

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