🤍Chapter 46💠

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"Halloween party! Ahhh yea!" The company was excited that Hanbin decided that it would only be right to throw a Halloween party for the evening.

Everyone would draw what costumes they'd wear and that determines who wins the contest of getting 30% added onto their income. I'd make that deal.

"Long as I don't get some down bad shit like a stripper," Seungkwan said. Hansol scoffed. "That's not a costume for you, baby. That's your night job." Seungkwan smacked him in the back of his head.

   "Alright everyone! We're passing the jar around now!" They all pulled something from the jar, and boy was everyone surprised at how accurate these costumes were.

"Hmm. Well this is gonna be so much fun." "So I get to be creative. My expertise," Hoshi said. Wonwoo shook his head. "Typical."

    Jisoo looked at his slip. "Well, t-this is certainly something." Jihoon took notice and walked over. "I forget. I take it you don't celebrate Halloween."

Jisoo scoffed. "I actually l-love Halloween. I just haven't played dress up s-since I was a kid."

"Well this ain't ya average dress up party. We're grown. We go illegal almost." Jisoo shook his head. "Damn. I c-can't wait to see this."

"I did NOT expect you, of all people, to be at a Halloween party. Getting drunk and going dumb. I'm filming that."

Jisoo and Jae were looking for costumes. Jae decided that he should at least attend something the company gave, seeing he ain't done that in a good minute.

"It doesn't h-hurt to have some f-fun every once in a w-while." Jae nodded. "You right you right. But I just never expected you to be so chill with shit like this."

Jisoo rolled his eyes. "Darlin, if I'm close to being a s-sailor mouth now, anything goes at this point." Jae held up the okay sign. "Noted." They kept looking until Jae came across a rather adult section of the store.

He looked at Jisoo and smirked. Jisoo raised a brow. "What?" Jae showed him the costume. Jisoo's jaw dropped. "You gotta be fuckin k-kidding me."

Jae chuckled. "Trust me! It's what you were assigned, and Seokmin will absolutely love ittttt." Jisoo took the costume and looked at it.

While it wasn't what he had in mind, it is rather cute. Oh, what the hell? "Yea. I c-can work with this. But they're not the best p-people. But I'm the best one."

Jae squealed. "Yes. And I'll happily apply the makeup to it. They're not gonna even recognize you!" Jisoo sighed. "Well thank every God in e-existence for that." Jae laughed. "Come on."

"Tonight's the night y'all!" Friday night. The perfect time to party. Or so most people would think. Hell, Jisoo wouldn't know. He don't party. Like that, at least.

"I just want to know what exactly Jae pulled out for this man." Miya said, waiting along with Dino. "Just don't expect either of them to come home tonight," Dino said, eating the last bag of popcorn.

Meanwhile, Jae and Jisoo were upstairs, getting ready for the party that's going on tonight. "Seokmin is going to love this I swear," Jae said, doing the younger's makeup. Jisoo sighed. "I hope you right, c-chicken little."

"Andddd we're done!" Jisoo looked at his face. Not that he minded, but he wasn't much of a fan of makeup. But he had to admit, he looked good as hell right now. Then he stood up, admiring his costume.

(Yea his sleeves short though)

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(Yea his sleeves short though)

"I can hear Seokmin now. It wouldn't be the first time I'll gladly get arrested." Jisoo slapped the taller. "Last t-time I let you choose my damn costume." Jae snickered. "You know you love it. Now, I'll go get dressed."

"Do I h-have to do your makeup?" Jae shook his head. "Baby, you barely do your own. I'll handle this one on my own, okay?" Jisoo put his hand on his hips. "Don't make me knock you out with this b-baton."

A few minutes later, Jae stepped out. Jisoo wanted to throw him to the moon. Jae took notice of his face. He snorted. "I don't know what you surprised for. I always go all out on Halloween." They walked downstairs.

             (His shirt is cropped more, btw🥰)

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(His shirt is cropped more, btw🥰)

"Aunt Miya? You see this shit, right?" She walked in and looked at the two. She shrugged. "Eh, they're grown, they pull it off, and Mean Girls is shaking in its boots right now."

    Dino shook his head at the pair. "We didn't raise you to be like this." Jisoo put his hand on his hip. "But I r-raised you to be like that." "Did a good job if I do say so myself."

   Jisoo shook his head and pulled out his phone. He had 8 missed calls from Seokmin. He turned to Jae. "Let's go. S-Seokmin is losing his mind right now." Jae smirked. "That's just the preshow. Wait til he see you, dude."

The actual party gonna be next chapter. Y'all gon love this☺️💕 I'm reviewing as we speak. She's gonna go crazy👀

Thank you for reading!💠

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