🤍Chapter 44💠

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"Oh my g-gosh. We're in Canada!" Jisoo was excited to be in Canada. He's heard good things and that's more than enough for him. So, why the hell not?

  "Hyung, calm down! You're gonna lose an ankle!" Seokmin said, walking with him out the airport. Jisoo chuckled. "Sorry, sweets. I'm in such a g-good mood I can't help it." "And we love that for you, baby."

   "Dokyeom? Jisoo hyung?" They both looked at who called them. Jisoo turned to him. "Good to see you again, Seoho hyung." "Likewise. I see you have your assistant with you." Jisoo smiled. "But he's so much more than that."

  "We love that. I'm here to escort you to your quarters. Mark hyung was specific and thank every God in existence for him." The couple laughed at the boy. "Alright then. Let's be off, shall we?"

   They loaded their bags in the limo and headed to the estate. "I'm gonna be v-very surprised if I see some cottage core s-shit." Seokmin chuckled. "Mama is boujee. You won't be seeing that." Jisoo giggled.

   "And here we are!" And boy was Seokmin right. The house looked as if it could be used as a museum. Field trip me, sis.

   "Enjoy you guys!" They bid Seoho goodbye and went inside

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   "Enjoy you guys!" They bid Seoho goodbye and went inside. Jisoo looked in awe. "Please tell me t-there's a plastic ass dog." Seokmin shook his head, laughing.

  "Ah yes. W-wake up Minnie!" It was the day of the meeting, and Seokmin was still snoring away while Jisoo just finished cooking.

"Oh my g-gosh, it's too early." Jisoo walked upstairs and started poking him his chest. "Jisoo what-" the elder kissed him. "Get u-up, sleepy head."

"Alright, shower it is." Seokmin went through his morning routine. "Good thing I packed my favorite fits." He took out one and made sure it was looking okay in physical appearance.

   He walked downstairs, seeing Jisoo already dressed and sitting at the table

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   He walked downstairs, seeing Jisoo already dressed and sitting at the table. "Morning b-baby." They shared a sweet kiss.

"You look r-rather nice today. And I love how w-we color coded together."

    They ate in comfortable silence, Seokmin adding seconds every now and then

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    They ate in comfortable silence, Seokmin adding seconds every now and then. Jisoo shook his head. "I am so s-sorry, Ailee noona." After their much needed breakfast, they headed to the company.

They got out of the limo. "Holy zaam." The building looked as if it was running a mafia. "I would LOVE to h-hang here," Jisoo said. Seokmin nodded. "Let's go."

"Welcome to Bae Industries, the most prominent company in North America." Seokmin bowed to the young man. "Glad to be here.." "Oh forgive me. I'm Kevin Moon, Mr. Bae's personal assistant."

"Can I just say your hair is so p-pretty," Jisoo said, looking at it. Kevin laughed. "Why thank you, hyung. It costed 20% of my paycheck. In other news, I suppose we head to this meeting, correct?" They followed the younger.

"Here we are. The meeting will began in literally 4 seconds." Jisoo and Seokmin sat down, admiring how everything was so chill and laid back, giving off the most positive of vibes. They loved it here.

"Good morning, everyone!" They looked up and saw a honey blond man walk in with a beautiful smile. "Oh my g-gosh. He's adorable," Jisoo said, looking at the younger. "It's giving...sunshine," Seokmin said.

He bowed to everyone. "I'm Jacob Bae, the owner of this company. I introduced myself because we have a pair of visitors in the back." The couple stood and bowed to everyone.

"Its lovely to meet you, Lee Seokmin." Likewise, sir. It's an honor to be invited here." Jisoo looked at them, really hoping he don't say nothing to him.

"And you brought someone along with you." Shit. Jisoo bowed. "I'm Hong J-Jisoo. Pleasure to be here." After the introduction process, the meeting went on.

"Well, that went well. And he's an absolute sweetheart. God protect that one." Most meetings last for 4 hours on end. But this one? Give it 50 minutes. And with logical reasoning, Bae Industries became shareholders with Lee Inc., and we love that.

"Now, to do literally e-everything before we go home Thursday." Jisoo said, sitting on the bed. Seokmin chuckled while loosening his tie. "Or, we can just be a bit lazy with each other, rejuvenating before we go back," Seokmin said, plopping next to him.

Jisoo smacked him, shaking his head. "We can be unholy another d-day. More like month." The younger pouted. "You lucky I love you."

"Well, we can go and try some things. You've always wanted to try poutine!" Jisoo nodded excitedly, causing the younger to chuckle. Cute. "We'll do that then. We got another day here since we'll leave Thursday evening."

   Jisoo kissed the younger out of absolutely nowhere, causing his eyes to go wide. Jisoo chuckled. "I l-love how whipped you are. Anyways, let's go! I'm ready." Seokmin scoffed. "Damn. That shit called me out."

"As it should've. Now let's go!" They walked out the house, going on an evening of adventures that could only be named in dreams.

Jisoo went for every corner store, restaurant, and art studio in existence in the country. "Can't believe you got me to get you a painting that said fuck you mean industries. You supposed to be holy!" Jisoo chuckled. "It's for J-Jae hyung! He'd love this."

After a day of quite needed adventure, they headed back to their quarters. "Best. B-business trip. Ever!" Seokmin chuckled at him, pinching his cheek.

"I'm so glad you enjoyed baby. But now it's time to rest. We're gonna need it." The couple did their nightly routines, and showered together for the first time. After they ate, they headed to bed.

Yea. It's decided. I'm doing a Halloween party for the chapter after next. Y'all gon love this☺️💕

Wrote this in lecture. I'm pitiful 😩

Thank you for reading!💠

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