🤍Chapter 47💠

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"Oh my gosh! You bitches look so good!" Jisoo and Jae walked inside the building. Seungkwan, being the extra bitch he is, noticed them first. And of course, he HAD to hype them up.

"This is all h-his doing. I had no consent or say in a-any of this." Seungkwan chuckled. "I love how everyone collectively understood the assignment with the color black. Except for me."

   Seungkwan pulled a nice lil mortal Kombat concept. Not that Vernon minded, ya know. Jade is fine anywhere. And this Jade was pulled off wonderfully.

    "It's a good night if I do say so myself

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    "It's a good night if I do say so myself. I'm just waiting for the drinks to kick in. I need a blackout and fast!" "Oh shit! The life of the party showed up!" Wonwoo walked over.

"Honey you not even wearing a costume. You're a witch on the daily," Seungkwan said. Wonwoo scoffed.

"I think we all knew that. I just wanted to take the chance to exploit it. And damn does it feel good."

  "You d-do pull it off," Jisoo said

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  "You d-do pull it off," Jisoo said. Jae clapped his hands. "Well honey, cast a damn spell." Hoshi walked over. "I take it that I missed something?" They turned to the man, widening their eyes at the costume he had on.

"Wait. This is what you pulled, right? Are we tripping or not," Seungkwan asked. Jae shook his head. "I don't know but honey you understood the assignment."

    Hoshi laughed at his friends. "Thanks. Took me a good minute to make it. Yes, I made it."


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