🤍Chapter 53💠

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   "It's finally time!" Bada was getting her makeup done, as a big dinner party was getting held at the company tonight. Yoona smiled at her daughter.

   "You look so beautiful, darling. Everything will finally be as it should be." Oh you have no fuckin idea.

    Jinyoung walked in. "My beautiful ladies. Are you ready for tonight?" Yoona walked up to her husband. "It's all finally paying off, darling. I can't wait until the time he announces the agreement."

   "And I'll finally get to be with Seokmin! This is what I've always wanted!" Jinyoung smiled at his daughter, walking up to her. "Everything will always pan out for you, baby. Now, let's head to the dining hall."

   "It's almost time for the grand L to start." Jisoo, Seokmin and the rest of the gang were getting ready to head to the dinner as well. But them, being as bad as they are, they were walking in with met gala energy.

   "Y'all know how this go, man. I gotta do this right," Seungkwan said. He walked up to Jisoo. "You fucked up letting me dress you up." Jisoo rolled his eyes. "Let's g-get this over with, K-Kwan."

    He pulled out one of the most stunning outfits he's seen since a Time magazine, stunning him to no end. "You t-think I'm pretty enough to wear something l-like this?" Seungkwan widened his eyes.

    "Hyung, did you seriously just ask me that?" Jisoo shrugged. "I don't t-think I'm pretty enough to wear s-such clothes."

"Hyung, you're royalty. You have to accept it. And if you don't, I'm beating it in you." Jisoo folded his arms. "Let's s-stay sane."

Seungkwan chuckled and handed him the outfit. "Get changed in here. Wonwoo will do your makeup."


   "Hansol, you think this will go? I don't wanna marry that bitch." Hansol was fixing Seokmin's outfit, making sure it wasn't too much but just right. "Trust me, hyung. It's gonna end well."

    "Mingyu, those are not your shoes!" Jihoon yelled, shaking his head at the younger. Mingyu looked at him. "They fit though."

"Those are mine!" Hansol shook his head at the hyungs. "And they're older than me. Right."

   Seokmin sighed. "Alright. Let's get this on." Seokmin straightened up one more time before he walked out the bathroom. "Ugh, I hate it out here."

   "And we're done!" Wonwoo finished the older's makeup, and then he fixed his outfit. "Please, f-for the love of Jesus, n-no heels tonight." Hoshi chuckled. "Honey I thought we all agreed on sneakers."

   "You seriously got on sneakers?" Hoshi lifted his jumpsuit. "You know damn well I'm not throwing on heels for nobody except Woozi. And barely him." "Yea he has Napoleon complex. Don't broaden it."

Jisoo stood up. He had to admit: he looked good. But in everyone else's view, especially Seokmin's, that was always true. He just saw it for himself for the first time. So, he loves it here.

   "I've done it again," Seungkwan said, wiping a fake tear

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"I've done it again," Seungkwan said, wiping a fake tear. Hoshi clapped. "We love it here." "Limo's outside, guys. Come on."

"We all can't fit in there." Wonwoo turned to Seungkwan. "This is distinctly for Jisoo and Seokmin. Shut up."

Jisoo walked outside, getting inside the limo. Seokmin was sitting inside, smiling at how pretty he looked. "You look so amazing, babe." Jisoo blushed. "And you look rather handsome."

"Was that a sentence with no stutters I heard?" Younghyun asked, ruining the moment. Seokmin sighed and chuckled. "Yes, hyung. Now let's go!" They headed to the company, not knowing what was to come.

    Everyone was in the banquet hall, enjoying everything and the food. But of course, Jihoon and Mingyu have to go overboard on the wine. Typical.

   "They're gonna end up on a hospital bed," Hoshi said. Wonwoo smiled. "Nah I wouldn't say that. Liver problems? Maybe. But nothing I can't fix."

Hoshi looked at Wonwoo. "When we get to Dante's 1st ring you are teaching me this shit." "I got you."

    Seokmin was sitting furthest away from his father, not wanting to deal with him. "Sweetie, don't be this way. Your father is making a good decision." Seokmin looked at his mom.

"You call this a good decision? Mom, you know I love Jisoo. And I can't marry a fucking criminal."

Chaerin sighed and hugged her son. "Everything will be alright, baby. Trust him. It's for the good of the company."

   Bada and her family walked in, all smiles. "Wonwoo hyung, I give you full permission to make her near death again," Seungkwan said. Wonwoo chuckled. "I'm in a good mood tonight. Simply because I know why." This is gonna slap so hard.

Well what the hell? It's not the last chapter after all🥰 y'all gonna love the ending I promise💞

Gonna feed the whole book to ya tonight. I'm in the mood to do so☺️

Thank you for reading!🤍

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