🤍Chapter 12💠

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"There he is! CEO Jisoo!" Jihoon yelled. Jisoo shook his head and smiled at the elder. "I'm merely an employee, darling." Jihoon raised a brow. "Hyung, I don't know if I told you before, but I'm not fluent." Jisoo pat his shoulder.

Jisoo headed to Seokmin's office, walking in on a disturbing sight of Bada trying to seduce him. He knocked on the door and crossed his arms. The girl instantly moved.

"Oh, you're here, I see. I'll be taking my leave now. I'll talk to you later, oppa," Bada said, kissing his cheek. She glared at Jisoo and walked out. Seokmin wiped his face, which caused Jisoo to giggle internally.

"God! It's brutal out here. Okay, so today's the 13 so, I don't think I have anything scheduled for today." Jisoo started to sign. "I believe you had something to sign. According to Hansol." Seokmin snapped his fingers. "Ahh! That's been taken care of, darling."

Jisoo blushed at that. "You're cute when you're blushing, ya know?" Jisoo widened his eyes. "DK, I hate it when you do that." Seokmin giggled. "I really question if you're older than me."

Jisoo rolled his eyes and held the iPad in his hand, checking for what's going on today. He saw that there was no scheduled event for today. So that means, free day.

  "There's nothing else scheduled for today, DK." Seokmin silently thanked God. "Yes! No mandatory schedules. Besides it's near the weekend so I usually just leave and go home after 2:00. But I believe my parents asked us somewhere today."

Jisoo didn't know what came over him, but his mood uplifted. "Where exactly is that? Another business meet?" Seokmin smiled at him. "Something of the nature. I guess we'll see." They walked out of his office.

"Now, when we go to this press conference next week, you'll know what to do. Right?" The girl nodded at Bada, hoping she'll do her proud.

"Bada, this is all so unnecessary," Seol said, shaking her head at her should-be sister. She put a hand to her face. "Nonsense, Seol. Seokmin will belong to me soon. I'll take whatever measures I must, to get him. You should understand what it's like to have something you know is yours."

Seol couldn't believe it. Why the hell is she so set on him? He's not even interested in women. She's as blind as a bat. But don't tell her that.

"Bada, this will all end horrible for you if you keep this up." She walked away, leaving her sister with her antics. If she's honest, she's praying for her.

"Seol. Never looking at the big picture. No wonder she's not seen as part of this family anymore. As I was, make me proud. If you really want this raise." The girl walked out.

    Bada sat down at the desk. "Why am I the only one who's competent!" She threw her shoe at the door. She hates how things have yet to fall into place. Her mother walked in. "Everything okay?" Bada looked up at her mother.

   "No mom! It's not! And you know why? Because I have to live with knowing that Seokmin might be in love with his assistant, and I'm not going for that!" Yoona ran to her daughter. "Oh honey. Don't worry. It'll all be worth it I promise you."

   Jinyoung then walked in. "I believe we have everything ready for tomorrow night?" The two women nodded at him. "I'm really hoping this goes well. Last thing I need is another plan falling apart."

Seol overheard the entire conversation. She shook her head at her family. "Sometimes I really wish I was born in another family." She pulled out her phone and dialed someone. "Seungcheol? Yea, it's Seol. You and Jeonghan need a plus one?"

"Seokmin! Over here. Oh, who's this?" Seokmin and Jisoo left the office for the day to go see about some ventures. Jisoo saw this as a break, for he is rather tired. They ran into his sister, Yeeun.

    Jisoo smiled at the woman. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Jisoo, Seokmin's assistant." Seokmin cringed at him signing the word assistant. But he didn't let it be known.

   "Oh my gosh! It's you?! I've been waiting to meet you!" She gave the boy a bone crushing hug. "Okay okay! Let's not kill him." They pulled away. "I'm sorry, doll. I've just heard all good things about you and I had to see for myself!"

"Let's play the silent game, shall we?" Seokmin said. Yeeun winked at Jisoo. Jisoo looked back at Seokmin, who wore a shy look on his face. They walked over to the table with their parents and they all sat down.

   "Oh my gosh! It's the famous Jisoo! It's lovely to meet you dear. I'm Chaerin, and this Hanbin. We're the lovely parents of this kid right here." Jisoo bowed to them and smiled. "It's nice to meet you."

"No need for the formalities, dear. Just know that we have heard only good things about you and you're even more beautiful in person. Wow."

Jisoo blushed at that. This man gonna keep blushing until he explodes. "Thank you very much." Seokmin giggled at his shyness. They really enjoy each other's company and with the family.


"Yea they're all meeting at the restaurant now. I'm looking at them." "Excellent. It won't be long before we go into action."

The young girl hung up the phone and walked away, unaware of someone watching her like a hawk in the bushes. "I refuse to let her win."

With that, she dialed up one of her closest friends. "Yea, you ready? I think you're gonna find this task a bit easy." She wore a smile on her face.

It's bout to get crazy y'all. Buckle up man.💞

Thanks for reading! 💠

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