🤍Chapter 51💠

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"Wow. That was easier than I thought. Thank you for your work, kid." The young woman looked at Bada.

"Will I get that 70% raise you promised me?" Bada smiled and handed her the envelope. "There you are. Well done, Tzuyu."

Right before she could exit the office, there was pounding at the door. She fearfully went to go open it. And to her surprise, Seokmin stormed in.

Bada gulped. "Seokmin! Lovely to see you, my dear. But why aren't you in Malaysia?" Said man had the glare of a million men on his face. Right behind him walked in Meanie and Soonhoon, wearing glares that said kill.

"Ahem. You just gonna forget us, too?" My bad shawty. Verkwan also followed suit. Yeeun also walked in, arms folded. "Yeeun unnie?! You're here as well?!"

"Yes! This is Jisoo we're speaking about. You don't get my baby put in jail and get away with it!"

Tzuyu watched the chaos unfold. She felt bad at the fact that this happened. She walked out, not wanting anything to do with the situation.

"Admit it! You did it!" Hoshi walked up to her and almost yanked her by her shirt until Jihoon stopped him. "Hoshi, chill baby."

    Hoshi turned to Jihoon. "Honey, I'm tired of chilling. I been wanting to knock this girl out since forever!"

"I say go for it," Wonwoo said. "I second this motion," Mingyu said. Seungkwan held his phone out. "We waiting."

   Seokmin walked out of the room, trying to compose himself. Tzuyu took notice of his state and sighed. "Let me do this."

She walked up to him. "Seokmin oppa?" He looked up at her. "Yes?" Tzuyu sighed. "Jisoo doesn't deserve to be in jail. He's innocent. Here's how I know.."

Jisoo was currently sitting in an interrogation room, scared for his life. "Just admit you did it! Then this could be over and done!" The police officer, Chanyeol, was screaming at the scared man.

"I didn't do it, Officer." The policeman was about to yell once more until another policeman walked in. Jisoo looked up, scared for his life. "Look kid. I'm not here to hurt you. I don't wanna be here anymore than you do."

"What?" "Get out, Chanyeol." Said man looked between them and left. Jisoo spoke once again. "Good to know o-officer," he looked at his name tag, "Kun."

"Yep that's me. And it says that you were brought in here for charges of embezzlement and fraud."

Jisoo shook his head. "I-I didn't do it, sir." Kun chuckled. "I believe that. That's why I'm not really gonna pressure you. And here's why." He went and opened the door.

"Seokmin? Yeeun noona?!" He ran to the boy. Kun stood by the door. "They were able to get you out, thanks to the help of information from a young woman named Tzuyu. You're free, kid."

Jisoo held to Seokmin with his life. He didn't let go for anything. "You guys came to g-get me." Seokmin chuckled. "Of course, Jisoo. I will not let anything bad happen to you."

"Besides, you in jail sounds like a mix for poison. Makes absolutely no sense," Yeeun said.

"This is cute and all, but like, get out," Kun said. The triple chuckled at the police officer. "Have a good day, sir." They all walked out, Seoksoo with their hands intertwined.

"There's one good thing about this baby: you'll never have to deal with something like that ever again. I promise you that." Jisoo smiled at him and then poked his lips out, indicating he wanted a kiss. Seokmin couldn't help himself and pecked his lips.

"I love you, hyung." Jisoo froze at that phrase. "Still s-surprises me when you say it." Seokmin smiled. "I mean it. And I felt that it would've been too soon to say it." Jisoo laid his head on his shoulder. "Well then, I love you, too, Minnie."

Seokmin looked down at him and smiled. "You didn't stutter." Jisoo rolled his eyes. "This is cute! But I'm leaving now. Bye," Yeeun said, going off. The couple got in their limo, wondering what chaos was happening at the company.

"Well, this is bullshit served on a silver platter." So, due to Seokmin not attending the meeting, the monsieur decided not to invest any longer. And that would be a huge deficit in their company stock percentage.

"All because you went back for that sorry ass assistant," Jinyoung mumbled. Of course, he was shut down instantly.

"Say something else about my mama again, and I'll make sure you don't see the light of day ever a fucking gain," Wonwoo said, pushing up his glasses.

    Mingyu pulled him back. "Dude's still our boss. I'd say tread lightly, baby." "I work for Hanbin. Not him. And I don't tread lightly, Gyu. You know that." Mingyu sighed. "Yes I do."

   "Seokmin, you m-missed the flight for m-me? Why w-would you do that?" Said man turned to his lovely boyfriend. "Jisoo, you know that nothing can keep us away from each other. Right? You're more important than an investment."

    Jisoo smiled a small smile. "But w-what about J-Jinyoung?" "Who cares what he thinks? My dad is the real boss. And besides, my top priority is you. And only you. Nothing else matters right now. Plus Jinyoung can sit on a stick." He kissed the older. "All that matters is I have you."

    Jisoo buried his face in Seokmin's chest as the taller kissed his head. "They grow up so fast. It's so beautiful." Seungkwan was wiping away tears. Jisoo rolled his eyes. "D-don't faint, Kwannie."

Book coming to an end🥺. But don't worry. I have a cute lil book on deck afterwards 🥰💜 and maybe another will be after that🥰

Depends on my mood💀 but yes this ones getting wrapped upyou'll love this ending I swear💜

Thank you for reading!🤍

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