🤍Chapter 24💠

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   "Let me raise your salary. Jesus." By the end of the day, Jisoo had cleaned almost the entire top floor of the building. Everything screamed novelty to the roof tops, and the floor could literally reflect everyone's faces.

   "Today's supposed to be about AVOIDING doing this shit," Wonwoo said. Jisoo shrugged. "It's therapeutic for me. Very calming, and I don't feel at war with anyone or anything. Now, food!"

   "Yea let's go take care of that." "What are you doing, man?" Soonyoung grabbed Jisoo's arm. "You singlehandedly saved all the workers a night of work. That's king shit." Jisoo smiled. "As I should." Seokmin then spoke up.

   "Now, pretty certain we all want to eat. So let's get out of here." "You paying right?" Seungkwan asked. Soonyoung smacked his head. "Leave his ass here, man."

They all walked out the building. What they didn't know, however, was that someone had their eyes on them from the building.

    "It's definitely him, monsiour. He's the one." "Excellent. We've gotta be casual with this, so that we can execute our plan quietly and efficiently." He hung up the phone. "This is gonna be so good."

"Oh my gosh! Jisoo!" Said boy turned around to see Yeeun running towards him, and hugging him til he couldn't breathe. She finally pulled away from him and he smiled at her. Seokmin looked at her.

"You're gonna kill him." Yeeun waved him off. Jisoo smiled. "It's nice to see you, noona. I'm taking my day off seriously, for absolutely no reason." Yeeun laughed at the cute mute boy.

  "Well so much for a day of leisure for you. I usually go there because all of the good lemon scented masks be put to use on this day, and they really do the trick."

Jisoo shook his head at her. "You're something else, noona." "You know mom asked you about an appointment with someone who had a job interview with you, right?"

   She widened her eyes. "Oh, shit biscuit! See ya later!" She left the restaurant and headed to that appointment.

   "You do realize it's 9 at night right? Her company closed 20 minutes ago." Seokmin chuckled. "Oh I know. Just wanted her to go away. Like ASAP." Jisoo slapped his arm. "You're pitiful."

   "Jisoo, you gotta go. Jae hyung said to have you back at this time," Wonwoo said. Jisoo rolled his eyes. "Y'all listen to that man?"

  "No, but he has the ability to step on people. And I don't want that for myself. So, let's go!" Soonyoung said. Jisoo shook his head.

   He got up and then turned back to Seokmin. "I'll see you Monday." Seokmin pouted. "Don't leave me by BTS just yet. Please?" Jisoo started blushing once more.

"This is cute and all but I got 23 messages from this man and he really playing the parental role right now," Seungkwan said.

   Seokmin chuckled. "Fine. I'll see you all Monday. And you better be on time this time. You been late for the past week."

Soonyoung raised his hands. "In my defense, Jihoon likes to go slow in the morning." "Yea we ain't had to know all that. Let's go!"

    "I almost called the police on yo dumb ass." Jisoo walked into the house, holding plates. He set them down and then signed. "You literally had nothing to worry about. I'm a grown ass man."

   "Hyung! You'll never believe what I found today." Dino ran in, holding something. Jisoo gave a look. "Sweets, what the hell is that?" Jae held his chest. "Stop cussing oh my Goddd." Dino chuckled.

   "I found a kitty! She's really cute!" The cat rubbed her head on Dino's chest. Dino looked up at Jisoo. "Where did you find her?"

   "She was at the corner store I went to earlier when I went to get some chips. When I left, she kept following me. I felt bad to leave her and she doesn't have an owner, so I took her."

    "I told him no. I'm allergic to those things," Jae said. Jisoo pet the cat. She was an adorable one, and she was clean so that's a first. Then he looked at Jae. "Well, you're gonna have to wear a mask."

   Jae's jaw dropped and Dino celebrated. "Yay! Welcome to the family, Maia!" Jae turned to face Jisoo. "I'm suing you when I die."

Can't believe I wrote this shit in class💀 but I'm clutch like that💕

This when the road gets REAL rocky. Y'all gon be so confused.

But it'll be worth it. I hope this will hold til Saturday. Be ready👀

Thank you for reading!💠

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