🤍Chapter 20💠

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   Jisoo didn't even give the limo time to stop before he jumped out and ran inside his apartment. When he walked inside, he was met with the bodyguards sedated on the ground.

To make matters worse, his aunt, bestfriend and dongsaeng were tied up in a chair. He saw red. Especially after he saw who was standing behind them.

"Jisoo! Wait!" Seokmin ran in, eyeing the horrific sight. But what scared him even more was who was standing behind them, wearing a menacing smirk on his face. "Nice to see you again, Jisoo." Seokmin looked at him and then back at Jisoo.

"Nice to see you, too, Song hyung." He walked from behind the other two, walking up to the others. "Why are you doing this?" He started laughing. Then he grabbed Jisoo by the neck.

"You owe me, kid. Big time. You walked out of my place of work, not thinking about the repercussions that you, your dongsaeng and your other friend were gonna have to pay and face?"

Seokmin lost it and punched the elder square in the jaw. Song stumbled up, wearing a face of vengeance. "Oh, you've done it now." Seokmin looked at him and tried to get him to stop.

"Look, it doesn't call for all of this, man." Song looked at Seokmin with an evil eye. Then walked up to him, holding a knife in his hand. "Not like you have any power over me or anything, but I'd tread lightly."

Seokmin gave him a look. "Listen, dickless, just name your price so this can all be over with already. This shouldn't have started to begin with!" Song grabbed him.

"Listen pretty boy, looks like ain't nothin over til I say it is. And there's no way no one in this place can come up with $300,000. If so, point me to the jeweler."

For some reason, Seokmin started chuckling. He reached in his back pocket and pulled out the exact amount. An even bigger flex, it was in cash.

"You got 2 options: take the money and go, or I kick your ass, call the cops, and you go under the jail house for kidnapping and assault. Take your pick." Jisoo looked at Seokmin. "I think we can all agree on the latter." Seokmin chuckled. "Most definitely, sweetheart."

"Oh my God! That was the scariest thing ever! Thank God for you guys. I thought I was a goner!" Miya was currently trying not to overdose on her medication, seeing that she still trying to process everything that just happened.

"Okay, let's chill on the pills, auntie," Jae said, taking the bottle from her. Jisoo sat down, Seokmin sitting beside him. "So, I take it that was your old boss that Seungcheol told me about?" Jisoo looked at him. Then nodded.

"That thing was the most abusive waste of air I've ever worked for. Glad I left not too long after you, hyung. Or else, I would've been a goner," Dino said. Seokmin then got an idea.

Jisoo took notice of this. "I see them evil wheels turning in your head. What you thinking?" Seokmin started laughing. "Wow you're good. But don't worry about that. You'll see." With that, he left.

"So, we can all collectively agree that Song deserves to be buried 6 feet under, we deserve to get paid more than what we are, and Jisoo need to hurry up and wife this man?" Jae said.

Everyone gave a collective yes, while Jisoo looked at all of them with a face of deadpan expression and shook his head. "The one thing y'all persistent with. Damn. That crazy."

Jae put a hand to his chest. "Y'all he cussing!" Jisoo waved him off. Dino then spoke up. "Seriously, hyung. I've never seen anyone this crazy about you, and obvious with it, in my 20 years of living. I'd say this the one time you can out the cart before the horse."

Jae pointed at Dino. "You know how bad it is when the baby speaking facts." Miya hit him. "Jae, hush! You're on thin ice for your mess with Younghyun in my house." Jisoo looked at the giant.

"Excuse me?!" Jae smiled and looked up. "I don't know what she's talking about. I'm a good Christian boy." Dino looked at him. "Yea. And I'm a straight boy who understands math. Hyung, you can't lie on that."

"I thought for sure, that seeing his face, in his house, would strike enough fear in him to stay away!" Bada was pacing around her office, mad that her plan of infiltrating Jisoo's old boss on him didn't work.

"We just didn't play our cards right, madam. Remember, he's quote on quote "protected" by those others." Bada slammed her hand on her desk.

"That doesn't mean shit! He's still fair game, and he obviously hasn't gotten the message. Unfortunately, that Song thing is in prison now, and my assistant went into hiding after that evening altercation."

She looked up at the other woman. "You are my last saving grace, Wheein. If you let me down, I swear it'll be the last thing you do. And I can't have the co-owner of this company finding out about this."

Said woman bowed at Bada. "Yes, madam." She walked out. Bada sat down, sighing. "That Jisoo better say a prayer. He doesn't know what's gonna come for him. And I love it that way."

Soon enough, her parents walked in. "We got him." Bada sat up and smirked. "Good. Bring him in." They brought the man in, and threw him in the chair, and walked out. She smiled at him.

"So, Seungcheol. Let's talk."

Bet nobody nor they cat was expecting that shit haha. Yikes.

Don't worry. It ain't what y'all think. Or is it? Guess we'll never know. Might update again later tonight. We'll see.

Also, I saw that I reached 500 reads! Thanks a bunch y'all! 💛

Thank you for reading!💕

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