🤍Chapter 6💠

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"Welcome, Jisoo! It's a beauty, isn't it?" Jisoo giggled at that and stepped out the limo. He wanted to drool at the sight of the house, feeling as if he was in front of a story book castle.

   I thought the company was a castle

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   I thought the company was a castle. Damnnn. They walked inside, Jisoo staring in awe at everything that he came across. "This is the dictionary definition of paradise." Seungcheol couldn't help but laugh lightly at the junior.

   "Now, this house, along with the offices at the company, will be your working quarters. For majority of your job, at least. Hope you enjoy. But for security purposes, we must get you in the system."

   They walked over to the scanner and let it record his retinal, and then they put his fingerprints in. "And we are done! Now, here's the real description of your job." He handed him his itinerary, showing that he would have no problems.

   "Thank you, hyung." He then explored the house, and was shocked at how discreet and well kept everything was. The only issue was the empty kitchen fridge.

   He went to the cupboards, opening them, and seeing them empty. He turned to face the elder. "How is he alive again?" Seungcheol chuckled at that.

   After the quick house tour, they dropped Jisoo off at his house. "Here you are, mr. Hong. We'll be by to get you tomorrow morning at 8 a.m so please be ready!" Jisoo nodded and waved goodbye to them.

"Who was that in that large car?" Miya asked Jisoo when he walked in the apartment. "That's my new way to work." She widened her eyes. "Daebak.." he chuckled at his auntie. He could get used to this.

  "Good morning, Jisoo." Jisoo walked outside to the limousine, happier than usual. He was still kind of happy from yesterday. "Morning, Younghyun hyung. Let's have a good day today!"

Younghyun smiled at the younger. "No clue what you signed but yes!" He started to drive off.

After about 30 minutes, they arrived to the quarters of Seokmin. "Enjoy your day, Jisoo." "Thank you, hyung." He got out of the limo with his bags and sighed. "Here we go."

   He walked up to the front gate, let it take his retinal scan, fingerprint and then it opened. "I'm liking this. A lot." He walked inside, taking in the ambiance. He looks at the time. 9:00 it said.

"Work starts at 10. I think I should cook now. Good thing I bought some groceries yesterday. Let's see!"

Jisoo walked in the kitchen, unloaded the groceries and got busy. He settled on cooking the simple usual: bacon and eggs with fruit platters on the side. He made sure that it was enough to be tasteful and to provide energy for the day.

Without him knowing, Seokmin walked in, only in some pants, hair still wet. "Oh, morning." Jisoo jumped at the voice, turning to see him standing there, messy hair and all. Oh my....

"Morning, DK. I've made breakfast. If you're hungry, that is." Seokmin nodded, taking in the wonderful aroma of food. "Thank you very much."

   They ate in comfortable silence, until Dk opened his mouth. "You are a wonderful cook, Jisoo." Jisoo blushed at those words. "Thank you."

After eating, Seokmin went to get ready, knowing he has a long day ahead. "Alright, let's get a rolling." With that, they started their day.

  "Here you are, Jisoo. Have a great day!" Jisoo bowed and took the coffee. He went inside the president's office. "Your coffee, DK." Said man took the cup and thanked him.

   Jisoo then checked Seokmin's schedule for the day. Just because he can, he went to meet the other department chairs, since Seungcheol said to get familiar with them. "Oh hi! You're Jisoo, right?" He nodded. "Yea that's me."

   "Oh yes I forgot. You're mute. It's nice to finally meet you. I'm Mingyu, head of Legal Services. Trust me you'll love it here." Jisoo nodded, sensing positive energy from him.

  "You didn't get to meet me because I was out with someone, but I'm Jihoon, head of IT." Jisoo nodded at him. "You're adorable. And I'm Hansol, but most people call me Vernon. I'm really chill."

   Jisoo smiled. "I see that. Well it's nice to meet you guys!" He walked out, glad to be familiar with the others. He was liking it here, and he wasn't going to let anyone or anything, take that from him.

  "You seem to be a lovely young man." He turned around to see a young lady, who looked a year or 2 younger than him.

"Oh afternoon, madam. I'm sorry if I was disturbing you." She looked lost. "I'm so sorry love, I don't understand sign language." Jisoo nodded, putting his head down.

   "It's lovely to meet you. I'm Seol. My father is co-owner of this company." Jisoo smiled and nodded.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Seol." Then he held up the sheet that said his name. She chuckled at him. "Yea, I think I know who you are. You were just recently hired here as Seokmin's assistant, correct?" Jisoo nodded. "Indeed, madam."

"I hope you enjoy it here. Many people who have worked here in the past, have." She walked off. "Well, that was sufficiently awkward." He went about his business.

I might speed this up a bit so things are going to get a bit interesting 👀 but yes, double update cause I love y'all 💕

Thank you for reading! 💠

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