🤍Chapter 8💠

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  "Seokmin!" Said boy turned around to see his father walking towards him. "Don't forget that we have the family dinner tonight."

"Yes, father. I know." Today was everyone's day off. Seokmin made it his life's mission to not do a damn thing. But of course, being part of an upper class, or noble, family, there's always something you have to do.

"Okay, so what exactly do I have to do today?" He thought about it, and then soon enough, his phone rang. He let out a sigh before he picked up. "Hello?"

"Hyung? Yeah it's Hansol. Listen I need you to help with some last minute things for the presentation next week."

    Seokmin rubbed his head, forgetting all about that damn presentation. "Sorry, Sol. I honestly forgot all about that damn thing. But um, what exactly is missing from it? Im trying to be at peace with my day off, here."

    "Only a few statistics here and there. Nothing major. Trust me." Seokmin sighed. "Alright. On my way." He hung up. "God, this is all so depressing if I do say so myself."

"So, Jisoo, how do you feel about working at the company?" Jisoo looked up at Seungkwan. Then he proceeded to write.

   "I love it, actually. It's quite fun." Seungkwan gave a pleased type of look. "Well, glad you think so. And I also took the liberty of learning a few things in sign language. But I'm not gonna say I'm fluent just yet."

    Jisoo smiled. "It's all good, kid." These two were enjoying their day off, going through the city. With the money Jisoo been making over the past month, things been going great.

Thankfully, his aunt Miya was able to get her prescriptions on time for now and he came to find out that Dino and Jae finally left that abusive place of work. Thank God for that. However, they don't have any jobs at the moment.

  "I got an idea: let's get some new fits for next week." Jisoo looked Seungkwan in the eyes. He shook his head no. Seungkwan smirked. "Oh come on. Trust me! Besides, I think Seokmin will love to see you in certain fits."

    Jisoo blushed at that. He started signing out of spite. "That's not true!" Seungkwan chuckled. "Oh but it is, love. You just proved my point, so let's go!" He dragged him to the nearest store.

    "Now, so I can be lazy until 8 tonight." Seokmin just finished helping Hansol with his stuff, and was heading back to his house. He was enjoying the beauty outdoors. And he loved just roaming around for some unknown reason.

He walked on, staring up at the sky. His mind wouldn't let go of his beauty of an assistant, who just so happens to be mute. Ain't it a lovely thing?

   "Whoa! Excuse me!" He accidentally bumped into someone, forgetting where he was going. "Oh goodness. I'm frightfully sorry-" "Oh. I'm Jun. It's nice to meet you." Seokmin nodded at him. "Likewise."

    After the little walk he took to clear his head, Seokmin headed back to his castle. The poor boy still couldn't take his mind off his assistant. "Ah, nap time it is."


   "And there we go. Cute, no?" Jisoo looked at himself in the mirror, wondering if he should pray to God to take him up, or let Satan open up the floor.

    "Seungkwan, it's a bit too much for me

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"Seungkwan, it's a bit too much for me." Seungkwan waved him off. "Hyung, I can assure you, that when dealing with me, it's gonna always be a bit much." Jisoo shook his head at the younger.

"I'm suddenly scared." "Yea you gonna have to write that down." Jisoo internally chuckled and changed into another fit Seungkwan picked out for him. Did he want to? Absolutely not. Did he have a choice? Absolutely not.

Jisoo walked back out in the other fit. Boy, was he losing his mind. Then again, he felt a bit secure with this one. Who said that? Certainly not his mind.

 Who said that? Certainly not his mind

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  "It's giving...CEO and best believe we are here for it," Seungkwan said. Jisoo turned to him. "I'm not a CEO, darling."

    Seungkwan understood that entire sentence. "You're not far from it, hyung. Trust and believe me." Jisoo thought about what that meant. Damn, am I really whipped for my boss?

    They went to go buy the outfits. "Hope you found everything cool," the clerk said. "Oh trust me we did...Minghao?" He nodded. "Yep that's me!" They bought the fits and left the store. "Now, food!" Seungkwan yelled. Jisoo shook his head at the younger.

    They went to a small cafe, and Jisoo didn't even have an appetite. He sat there, thinking about what was said earlier.

    Come to think of it, he is kinda fond of his boss, but ain't it a bit too early to be thinking like that? Like broski just got there.

   "Hyung, if you won't eat it, I will." Jisoo snapped out of his thoughts and looked at how Seungkwan basically had nothing left to eat on his tray.

   "Jesus, you weren't lying when you said you was starving." "Yea I have no clue what you just said but I'm still hungry." Jisoo smiled and chuckled at the younger, and went to eat his food.

Y. R. N. I'm in love with Benjamin Franklin~ it's been in my head all day.

Thanks for reading guys!💠

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