🤍Chapter 3💠

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  "You quit? Why?" Jisoo walked inside his apartment. He started to sign. "I couldn't take it anymore, aunt Miya. Song hyung was being such an abusive and ignorant prick. If I stayed any longer, I would be worried that I wouldn't make it home because of him."

Miya was distraught. She didn't know that her nephew was being put through all this. Now she was raging with anger, wishing she would've known what he was going through. Instead, he was brushed off. 

  "Oh Jisoo, honey, why didn't you say anything?" Jisoo broke down. "I didn't want you to see me as weak, and lazy and other negative things. So I stuck through it as long as possible."

"Love, please remember, always, that your health, mental and physical, comes first. Always. Don't try to live up to things, especially not for me. Your life is yours. Please be careful next time."

He wiped his tears and nodded. "Yes, auntie. I'll remember that from now on." She nodded, hugging the boy even more. "Promise me that."

Jisoo went to his room. He laid on his bed and thought about why people expected so much from him. He just wanted to make his money in peace and be on with his life. He started to roll over and take a nap until his aunt knocked on his door.

"Jisoo, you have a letter here." He lazily got up and took it, surprised to see it's from a prestigious company. Hmm what's this? He thought. He opened it and was surprised to see what was inside.

It was an invitation to come in for an interview. He looked up at his aunt, who looked at him in confusion. "What is it dear?"

"A letter that says I have a job interview with Lee Inc. Oh my gosh. They chose me!" They were jumping for joy. "Thank you God," Jisoo signed out.

  "My interview is at 11:30." He looked at his phone. "It's currently 7:00. I know just what to do." He rolled back over and went back to sleep.

   When 10:15 hit, his alarm went off. He groggily shut it off, dreading the fact that he set it. "I forget the after effects of getting extra sleep."

   After he ate, he went and took a thorough shower, brushed his teeth, dried his hair, and then proceeded to get out his outfit for the interview. He didn't have many fancy clothes, but he made the best of what he has.

    "We're gonna make it work." He took out his khaki pants, white v neck, and some loafers that he's had for the last 2 years. He got dressed, quickly, and then checked the time. 11:00 is what it read. "Alright. Let's go."

   He got off the bus and walked up to the company building and admired it. "Wow. She's even more beautiful in person. I hope I get to have this opportunity." He then headed inside. And needless to say, the building had beauty, inside as well as out.

  "Today is a new day

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  "Today is a new day. And it will go good. I will pass this interview. I pray so." After his small affirmation, he looked for where to go. Luckily, a staff member saw him and was willing to help.

   "Hello! Are you here for an interview?" Jisoo turned to her and smiled. He nodded his head yes.  "Great. Now, all the other candidates have already made their way upstairs so please follow me."

Jisoo nodded and followed the woman to the elevator. They reached the 15th floor, and she led him to where the others were. "Good luck!" Jisoo smiled at her as a thank you. Then he went and sat down.

"Gross. He really thinks he's gonna get this job, looking like that? Poor thing thinks he's gonna make it." He turned to whatever ignorant person that was, and gave them a nice, sweet smile.

"Oh love, just because you have to draw on your uneven eyebrows don't mean you get to blast every person you see. Have a blessed day." The girl went silent after that. After a few moments, Jisoo was called to be interviewed. Here we go, Lord he thought.

"Welcome, Mr. Hong. I am Choi Seungcheol. I'm interviewing you today. So just sit back, relax and things will go smoothly." Jisoo nodded at Seungcheol's words.

   They sat at the desk, facing each other. With that, Seungcheol started the process. "So, Mr. Hong, how long have you been out of work?" Jisoo thought about it. "Oh, would you prefer to write it down or-" Jisoo shook his head.

"Well, it pays to understand sign language." Jisoo internally giggled. Then he started to sign. "I've been out of work for only a mere 2 weeks." Seungcheol nodded. "What was the cause of that resignation?"

    Jisoo got flashbacks. "My former boss, he wasn't a nice one. He was verbally, and sometimes physically, abusive. And he would have me take the blame for things I don't even know of. So I figured that I had enough of his abuse. After 4 years."

   Seungcheol looked in amusement. "Wow. I applaud you for staying as long as you did." Jisoo nodded at that. Time had passed, and after about an hour, the interview ended. Seungcheol smiled at him.

   "You did well, Mr. Hong. Now, you are welcome to explore the company halls. The other candidates must be interviewed now." Jisoo nodded. "Gladly."

   Jisoo walked out of the room, going to admire the beautiful building and it's perks. He felt lucky enough to even set foot in it. "I feel as if I actually bummed out on that interview. But God has the final say so."

Thank you guys for reading!🤍

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