Chapter Seventy Six

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I'd been down the same path so often recently through my pack house, it was almost burned into my mind, I could probably do it with my eyes closed at this point. Storm ran beside me, his tail wagging excitedly, "buddy I really don't think there's a reason to be excited about seeing Yarah this time." Ever since she had started hanging around the pack house more Storm took a shine to her, now I had both Yarah and Rae fighting over Storm's affection.

From the emergency meeting with Rae, I'd tried to Alpha link to Dom but I couldn't get anything from the other side. It was like a dead cord. It didn't lead anywhere. When I'd tried to do the same with Emily it cut off completely when I'd started. I quickly called Misty to start calling around and trying to get in contact with them.

As I took the torch from the wall that led down the secret meeting room I wondered just how much my life was about to change. Emily, Dom and Malik had no idea what they were walking into. They thought they were doing the right thing, they thought they were on the right side... I still had an annoying thought at the back of my head that Yarah and the Nordic witches were planning more than this, but I was prepared. I had an army of packs at the rest if they even stepped one foot out of place.

My face was completely neutral as I entered the room, I didn't want to worry her unnecessarily. We wouldn't even know if the rumours told by this man were true until any of the three could confirm it. Her face dropped when she saw the expression on mine. "Why do I feel like I wasn't just called her for a catch up?" She spoke slowly and carefully. I took a deep breath before dropping the news, "We've found out from outside sources that Malik, Emily and Dominick have been seen in the north of Sweden. They've also been in contact with the moon goddess."

Her face matched mine instantly, "can you trust these sources?" I shrugged, "we're working on it, but it makes sense as to why they were so secretive." She started to pace back and forth, "did they know? Do they know anything?" I shook my head, "as far as we are aware they think they are helping to keep her safe." A long list of curses escaped Yarah's lips and her pacing turned into panicking. "We don't have enough time... we need to prepare Whitt." Prepare Whitt? What?

"Prepare my mate for what exactly?" I asked, my blood pressure rising at the thought of her in their hands. Yarah stopped pacing. "To siphon magic obviously." The tone in her voice instantly made me suspicious that there was something she was keeping from me. "Yarah... you will run through everything safely with her right?" She batted my hand away, "she'll be aware of what she has to do, yes. If that's what you're asking." It wasn't exactly, but at least I had confirmation that she wouldn't be walking into the dark.

"When do you need her?" I said, already mentally preparing to spend time with her before she would have to do her part. Yarah's left eyebrow raised, "immediately." Immediately?! "It takes a lot to learn Logan and as powerful as she is, she's going to need time to work out how to use those powers in the way that we need her to." Of course it made sense. But I still didn't like it. "I can get her to come over later?" I offered, Yarah shook her head, "we need to get started now, who knows how deep the moon goddess has already clutched her nails."

That was the worst though, not knowing exactly what had been said, for all I knew they could come back hating us and thinking that we were the bad guys. "I just need to grab her from upstairs," I told the witch. From the corner of my eye I could see a similar blue vortex closing in on the centre of the room, it's thrashing and waving wind reminded me so much of a raging storm in the sea. "I already have her." What?

As she said it, the vortex shifted, moving away from the centre of the room again. Left in its place was a very confused Whitt. "What exactly did you just do to me? I was in an incredibly important virtual meeting about the coffee machine!" She complained. I opened my mouth to tell her what we'd been discussing but Yarah got there first. "You need to start your training immediately. Starting from now." She held her hands up, "woah. You're telling me that's more important than my grumpy pack community getting their coffee?"

No one said anything and Whitt threw her arms up, "Fine. But when Bill from the accounts team starts messing up the numbers, it's on your head." I gripped Whitt's wrist before she could walk any closer to Yarah and I didn't give her an explanation. Instead, I pushed my forehead to hers and then pressed my lips against her lips. "Don't let them bully you." I told her, she smirked and I saw an evil flash of blue flame in the corset of her eye. I kissed her again, "that's my girl." She pranced her way to Yarah, before they disappeared all together, she said one last thing and for some reason it set the hairs on my arm standing to attention.

"Hey Logan, when I get back, I think Alpha Jessie Fenton sounds perfect."

"I promise." I whispered as her figure disappeared in a flurry of twisting wind. When would be the next time that I saw her? Would she be here when we finally got hold of someone? Speaking of, a blonde head poked into the room, "Alpha, we have Beta Malik on the phone." Misty had finally managed to get through to someone, someone should give her a promotion to Best Beta.

I took the phone from her hand and heard crackling, Misty explained instantly, "it's not the best connection, but it's there." Placing the phone to my ear I asked one important question, "is he with her?" Malik sounded confused, "are you asking me if Emily and Dom are together?" I rubbed my temple, "I'm asking if Dom is with the moon goddess." I specified. He paused, that wasn't good. "I've been a little busy here, but last I heard Emily went skiing and she was telling Dom to spend time with the moon goddess."




Trust Emily to be sensitive to people's feelings and accidentally cause the end of the world at the same time. "Do you know where they are now?" I asked him, but the connection was getting quite bad. I was struggling to hear his replies. "Emily just got back." I waited for a minute so that the connection could stabilise a little better, in that time Malik was still trying to explain to me, "Dom... with... they gone... hasn't... back... hours."

None of that sentence sounded like it could be good in any way. The buzzing from the other side of the phone was almost unbearable, "get Dominick and Emily and get home now." I told him, hoping that he'd managed to hear any of that. The phone cut off, the signal was stretched too far. I looked at the phone in my hand, I didn't know whether to cry or laugh at the absurdity of the situation. I didn't do either. I marched all the way back through the hidden tunnels and decided to press the red button on my pack army.

It was confirmed, the moon goddess had got to Dominick. Who knew what was about to happen?

.... but I wasn't about to walk into a war unprepared.

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