Chapter Two

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"I don't care what it costs, get me those mercenaries." I yelled, pacing my office. Misty sat back in the leather chair, "excuse me? You do not order me around like that." She leaned forwards, placing her hands on her knees, "I know that you are stressed out about Whitt, but there's nothing more we can do Logan."
I stopped pacing. "You know what happens if anything happens to her right? It happens to me too." Between trying to figure out my mixed feelings and finding my mother, I also now had the extra added problem of my mate.

"Where is she anyway?" I asked my second in command. She picked up a piece of fluff from her blue woolly jumper and flicked it onto the floor, "If I told you, you'd only get pissy anyway Logan." I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. How was she ever meant to be a Luna when she spent the entirety of her time over at the Rising Dawn pack. "I need her here. I need to know she's safe." Misty stood from the seat and walked over to me, placing a hand on my arm, "she'll be fine Logan. Besides, being there might be good for her. She hasn't been feeling well here. You know that."

I spun around, leaning against my desk with my hands either side. "I know that she's my mate and instead of being with her alpha she's walking around other packs with other alphas." Misty gave me a cold look, " she isn't fully wolf Logan and she has to see her family. You need to give her time, she'll come around and she's at one other pack. One." I dropped my head, "I don't think I even want her to come around," I was staring off into the distance, struggling to focus on anything she was saying.

Misty started to walk towards the door. "You know you can't have her... Emily I mean" she explained. "You've got a mate Logan, it's the one thing we all wish for... you need to start acting like it. Maybe that's what's pushing her away?" I let out a sarcastic laugh, "yeah because the fact that my mate isn't even meant to be on my pack grounds makes this situation so much easier." She shook her head, "I'll see about the mercenaries but I'm not sure how much good it's going to do you. She's a big girl, she can look after herself." With that last floating thought left to linger, Misty opened my office door and left.

Was I overreacting? Probably. Would I change my mind about Whitt? No. I sat down at my desk again and opened the top draw. An ivory coloured letter sat there, tucked neatly against the velvet lining. It was ready to be sent and had been for weeks now, I could just never muster up the guts to do it. I knew it's content would be difficult and hard to understand and I also knew that it was in that draw for a very specific reason. The best thing about my office was that could lock the top draw of my desk, it was only little enough to be useful for a handful of items, but the fact that it could be locked made me feel like I was in a spy movie.

I took the letter out of its drawer with a shaky hand and looked it over a few more times. Every word that was written was as true as the day I'd put my pen to the page, but I was unsure of whether it would be better to just burn it or leave it alone completely. I folded the page and shoved it back in the draw, locking it behind. Maybe I should burn it, that way the temptation would be gone completely. It's not as if the recipient would care if I sent it, she'd probably throw it in the bin as soon as she saw the pack logo.

Part of me hoped she would care enough to read my words, that we had once meant enough to each other that she would want to read my confused thoughts. The other part knew I was being ridiculous, I had Whitt now. She was my mate and I had to protect her no matter what that cost was. Alpha Dominick was looking after her now and I owed him the respect in trusting that he knew what he was doing. I guess I just felt useless, what use was I as an alpha if I didn't have control over my own pack?

Soon enough my leadership would be called into question and I'd need to explain why I was letting all of these things happen right under my nose. The way that it currently stood, I couldn't. I let out a long breath, managing to control my temper. The door to my office knocked, this time it was softer and I instantly recognised it. "Come in." I shouted, signalling for Rae to make her entrance. I was already tired from my constant overthinking, but when the door opened and I heard the pounding of paws, my mood instantly lifted.

Storm was leaping over the furniture and rolling over the carpet as soon as he made it past the door. "Hey buddy!" I grinned, the brightest smile I'd managed to get on my face all day. Storm paused his path of destruction and looked over at me, I saw the thought pass through his head before he changed direction and bounded over to me. "You have no idea how glad I am to see you." I beamed at the dog. We fell to the ground as he tackled me, licking every inch of my face that he could find.

My eyes were closed tightly against the attack of kisses, I pretended that the slobber bothered me, but in reality I didn't care. Storm had taken up residence in my room since the night of the mating ceremony, refusing to leave my side. Well, that was whenever Rae wasn't about. My third in command stood at the door with a huge grin on her face, she shrugged when I looked over at her "I thought you could do with a break."

Making Rae my Omega was the best decision I could've made, she was incredibly helpful around the pack and since being in a position of power, people had really come to get to know her and respect her. She was one of the most thoughtful people I knew, I was just glad that the whole pack was starting to see it too. She suddenly looked down, her feel shuffling awkwardly on the carpet. "What is it?" I asked her, worried about her sudden change in mood. She looked up and held my gaze, "Whitt's back."

My heart leapt out of my chest, I wanted to get up and run to find her, my senses were instantly kicked into overdrive at the mention of her name. "Hold your horses..." Rae said, this stopped me cold. "She's not alone." What did she mean she's not alone? A growl vibrated through my chest and into my throat, I rushed to the door and I was out in the hall before Rae could stop me. I sniffed the air searching for her scent, the unique scent of my hybrid mate.

I found it.

I locked onto it

and I stalked towards the kitchen, ready to show my disobedient little mate just who her alpha was.

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