Chapter Nineteen

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It was just past two in the morning and here I was wandering about the pack house. After Dom left the room, my parents had instantly hounded me with questions. What was going on with alpha Dom? Did I like alpha Dom? Was I aware of the special treatment alpha Dom was giving me? I shut them down faster than they could come up. No, there wasn't anything going on with alpha Dom.

Yes we flirted, yes he was kind to me and he played around a lot... but that's all it was to him. He had even said he enjoyed playing with me. I don't know what they expected, but they were wrong. I thought back to my dream, to the way his lips had felt on mine... I stopped walking in the middle of the corridor, pull yourself together Emily.

My head snapped to the side as I heard muffled moans coming from a door to my right, it was Doms. My blood started to boil as jealousy took over my senses, I had no idea why I thought I had any reason to be jealous, but it was there anyway. I stayed deathly silent and started to creep back towards my room, trying now to imagine anyone in there with him. He was the alpha, he had every right to do whatever or whoever he wanted to.

A thud stopped me from backing, there was no noise afterwards. I know I wasn't experienced in anything sex related, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't meant to sound like that. I creeped closer to the door, hoping to hear any sounds of life... nothing. I knocked once, twice... still nothing. I gripped onto the handle and turned the metal slowly, trying not to make any noise, just in case I was wrong.

The door opened smoothly, I waited after I'd created a small gap, still listening for any kind of sound. Still feeling sick about what I might be walking into. I'd expected to find someone in here, I'd expected to find the scene of my nightmares as Dom enjoyed someone else's company. What I didn't expect to find was him laying face down on the floor like he'd fallen out of bed.

There was no sign that anyone else had been in the room other than the crumpled sheets. I checked around myself to make sure that I wasn't intruding and the other person was just hiding. Shaking my head, I walked towards Dom, laughing, "hey what do you think you're doing on the floor?" I crouched down next to him and brushed the hair from his face. "That's the whole reason you have a bed, silly." I stopped cold.

His head felt cold. His whole face felt like ice. "Dom?" I called to him, tapping on his cheeks trying to wake him up. His eyes were closed tightly and his lips were sealed shut. "Hey Dom? It's me Emily" still nothing. My chest started to rise and fall rapidly as I started to panic. What if he'd hit his head and he was in a coma? What if the alpha wouldn't get up again? And now I was at the scene...

"Hey Dom? Can you hear me?" Still nothing, I tried to move him onto his back so I could see if his airways were clear and find out if he had any injuries. His chest was still moving so at least I knew he was alive. I gripped under his shoulders and heaved him over, he was heavy but I managed it. From the outside he looked fine. I checked inside his ears and nose but I couldn't see any traces of liquid or blood. I was confused. Maybe he was just a super deep sleeper?

I thought back to the noises I heard before coming in, there was no way he was asleep through that, and if he was... he was somewhat still conscious. I shook his shoulders, "Dom please, it's Emily... please answer me?" Still nothing. My head connected with his chest as I hung it in defeat, "please Dom, I need you..."

I had no idea what to do. The alpha of Dawn was lying next to me, completely unconscious and I had no idea why or how. What was I meant to do? I thought back to what Dom had said about how he gets information from people's thoughts when they aren't compromising... dream walking. DREAM WALKING. All I had to do was put myself to sleep. How the hell would I put myself to sleep? I was wide awake with worry.

I needed a witch. I didn't want to leave Dom, what if he got worse? I tried to think... Elena was usually around somewhere and I knew she could do it because she'd done it countless times with Dom in the past. I leaned down and placed my lips to his cheek, "I'll be back I promise." I raced to the door and flung it open, almost tripping in the carpet as I banged on the door a few rooms down.

"Elena! Elena are you in there?"

No answer.

"Elena, it's Dom."

The door to the room was pulled open suddenly and I almost fell inside. "What about Dom?" She scolded, I'd clearly only just woke her up. I didn't even know what the time was anymore. I rushed to fill her in but everything came out jumbled and messy, all she could really take from the conversation was "Dom. Not moving. Won't wake up."

Her eyes went wide as she asked, "where?" I pointed towards his room and she was off like lightning. "I think... I think I need to dream walk to get inside his head." She cut her eyes at me as she reached his door, "don't be stupid, I'm a witch. Whatever this is, I can wake him up." I just nodded, I didn't want to argue with her, I just wanted Dom to be okay.

She sat down next to him and touched his face with the back of her hand, "how long has he been like this?" She asked me, lifting her arms over his body. "I don't know," I told her honestly, "I was walking through the corridor and I heard some moaning and then a really loud thud." I picked at my palms with fingers, "do you think he's been cursed." She rolled her eyes at me, "of course he hasn't been cursed, the witch would've needed to be here to curse him."

She was right, there were no signs of forced entry, it couldn't be that. Her brows knitted together as she gritted her teeth. Her eyes snapped open and she looked straight at me, "you're going to have to go in. I can't get through to him. He's shielded off. I can only offer you my power to siphon, but he's rejecting my magic. No wonder the witches had needed Dom for all those years, magic didn't work for everything.

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