Chapter Forty

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I woke up a lot better than I'd gone to sleep. I'd completely overthought the situation with Francesca and it hadn't made me feel any better about it. I decided to put it to the back of my mind, today was the day. I had a lot to do today and I couldn't mess it up, even though I wasn't exactly sure how exactly I could mess it up. I hopped out of bed and walked to the bathroom, today was also the day that we'd be travelling to the dream realm library again.

Goosebumps of excitement raised the hairs on my arms. The last time we were there alone... I couldn't think about that right now. Instead I decided to focus on the idea that Dom had played around with me the morning after persuading me to think it was all in my head. That was better, I'd be annoyed at him instead.

There was no way any mischievous thoughts would get through that. I quickly brushed my teeth and got dressed into something comfortable. I wasn't planning to leave the pack house all day. Especially not if I was travelling tomorrow.

I had just pulled up my blue sweat pants when a light knock tapped against my door. I was instantly defensive, what if it was Francesca coming back to cause more trouble? My wolf growled inside of me, then we'd have to face it together wouldn't we? She was right when she told me I didn't rely on her enough, I really didn't. She was probably the only thing I could rely on to give me advice and yet I never connected to her like that.

She'd taken it worse than I had after the mating ceremony, but of course she would. She thought Logan's wolf was her mate too and a wolf's feeling of emotion outweighs any other. I suppose in a way it's like having a pet, they always love more. It's inevitable. Mulling over the thought I realised I should probably let her out more often. The door knocked again and it made me jump, I'd been so lost in my own pondering that I'd completely forgotten about the door.

I squared my shoulder and stormed to the door, this was the last time I'd tell her to go away and leave me alone. I swung open the door with force and glared at the person on the other side. "First of all, it wasn't my fault..." Malik stood on the other side, his face shocked, his hands held up in surrender.

I let out a heavy breath, "it's just you?" I looked down the hallway and sure enough he was alone. "What're you talking about?" I asked him. He laughed awkwardly and scratched the slight stubble on his chin, "did I say fault? I meant door." He quickly started examining the wooden frame he was leaning on, "yep, this definitely isn't my door."

I rolled my eyes, "what do you want Malik? I'm supposed to be getting all zen or whatever to do this mind link thing." He beamed at me, "that's what I'm here for, just call me Sensei." I let out a huge belly laugh, "you? My teacher? Of zen?!"

If I was hoping for my laughter to put him off, I was severely mistaken. He looped my arm through his and dragged me away from the safety of my room. "Does Dom know that you're hijacking me?" Again, another awkward laugh, "no." Oh my goddess what in the world was he about to do to me.

Malik led me to an office, I assumed it must be his because I'd been inside Dom's and this wasn't it. "I'm supposed to get calm and relaxed in an office?" I was definitely confused. Malik shushed me and took me over to a long armchair. "Sit." He ordered me, and so I did.

He sat opposite me and glared at my face. Okay what exactly was going on right now? "Tell me, how do you feel Emily?" Oh hell no. "No. No. No". He looked confused, "what? What's wrong?" I stood up from the chair and walked towards the door, "if I needed a therapist I would go professionally, so no thank you Malik."

"Okay, I just don't know how to do these things. I want to know that you're okay." He looked down at his feet, "like really okay." This stopped me in my tracks, I'd never seen him like this. "What you're doing today Emily, it's a big thing. It's a huge thing even." Like I needed reminding of that.

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