Chapter Eighty Three

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The side of my head started to hurt, it felt as if my blood vessels were exploding. I screamed out in pain and the whole coven moved to help. I put my hands in front of my face, "I'm fine, tell me what I need to know, please." My mother lifted her chin up and started to speak, she told me about the history of my coven. She told me about her meeting with my father and about the moon goddess' intentions with my brother, Dom.

"You need to channel all of that Jessie. You need to think about your mate, channel the strength of your friends, and use your pure heart to let all of those feelings come through your body." I held my hand out in front of my body and closed my eyes, "that's what makes you strong, Jessie. Your powers are nothing without your heart and your heart is the core of your magic. Just as your brother's heart is the core of his Alpha strength, yours is the centre of your magic." I thought of Dom's unyielding loyalty to find me and bring me home and I thought of Logan.

He was the centre of my universe and the person who understood me better than anyone. He was never afraid of me. Even from the beginning, he was always willing to bite back. Lastly, my mind wandered to the women around me. These brave women that had been trying to right the wrongs of the world for decades. As they knelt before me, I felt a surge of electricity through the air. It was like a tangible material that I could touch.

I thought of Emily, about the first time we'd met, the way that she had taken me in as a friend without question. My mind wandered to sleepovers, the evenings spent at her house, hot chocolate with marshmallows and cuddles late at night in bed. How she had helped me when my magic had burst out of my body like a torrent of wrath, she wasn't afraid. She was there, she never left. Even after everything with Logan, she had been willing to let everything go for the sake of our sisterhood.

I had tried to leave when I suspected that Logan was my mate, tried to save her the agony of losing the one person she'd ever really liked. I had been willing to give up our friendship for her happiness... to give up my one shot at having a mate bond, just to save her heart. She wasn't just my best friend, she was my soul sister.

"That's it!" Yarah cheered, "you're channeling!"

My eyes snapped open, I couldn't see anyone anymore, I couldn't see anything other than the blue blinding light filling my eyes.


I felt so much.

Suddenly I knew the answer to everything. I couldn't do this alone. I needed Emily.

"It's Emily," I whispered.

"We need Emily. I don't need more power, I need my other half."

Even now, I could feel my magic calling out from inside her. I couldn't track where it was coming from, I had no idea where she was, but I could feel her. Feel the familiarity of my friend and my magic all in one.

The ground started to shake beneath my feet, and a loud crash sounded above me. "We don't have time to wait for anyone. Do you think you can keep this energy up?" Yarah shouted over the quaking of the earth. I had enough reserve for it. "Push the energy down, you'll need to let it out just at the right time." I focused on the blue light that I had seen and the tantalising force I had felt around me, forcing them together in my mine until I could roll them into one fiery ball of lightning. I pushed further and let out a sigh as I felt it settle inside my body.

Suddenly, an echo of gasps cannoned around the room, I opened my eyes and everyone looked at me in awe. I didn't have time to figure out why, we needed to do something about this earthquake and fast. I'd only just remember that my mother had been here, but when I tried to look for her, she'd completely disappeared. Yarah saw me searching and placed her arm around my shoulders. "She could only stay for so long, but it seems that she did everything she had wanted to anyway..."

A huge screeching sound started to crack the walls of the cave. We ran towards the opening to see what was happening outside and I held my breath at the sight in front of me. The sky was shadowed, like the start of a storm, only with thousands of beasts instead. It was sickening enough to see their scaly bodies littering the sky, but then they twisted, heading straight towards the area that the Midnight Moon pack was located. Yarah gripped my shoulders, "do you know where Logan is?" She looked back at the sky, none of us able to keep our eyes off of it for any longer than a few seconds.

"Looks like we're going to need the help of those packs after all." She started to organise the witches, sending them in different directions and with various jobs, "I need you to stay with me Whitt, I'm afraid it's too late for anything else now, it's on you." I blinked as the realisation set in. I understood what she meant, I guess I'd always kind of known what my part was in all of this...

I looked down at my pack, the pack I would've been Luna of, the pack that invited me in even though I was a rogue. I wouldn't get to wish Logan luck, I wouldn't get to say goodbye... but I told myself that I hated teary goodbyes anyway...

I was Jessie Elio of the Rising Dawn pack, Witch of the Rising Dawn coven and I wasn't about to back down from this. I sucked in a breath and let it out again. The darkness of the evening was creeping in, but we didn't have time to wait anymore. I nodded to Yarah, finally ready. "Show me what to do."

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