Chapter Sixty Two

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The words started to lift from the old yellowed pages and spin around us, a sharp wind cut through the words and made a spiralling vortex. I was suddenly all too aware of how powerful this woman was and I was putting my life in her hands. The wind picked up faster, the noise was loud and overpowering. "I'd consider closing your eyes so that you don't throw up!" Yarah shouted over the wind, but it was too late. In the next second my feet left the ground and I was thrown into the air. I watched as the ceiling moved closer and shut my eyes preparing for the contact.

Nothing happened.

When I opened them I was in a clearing, all around trees circled a small village and people were rushing around, busy with their day to day lives. My stomach turned upside down instantly, I'd seen way too many circles to last me a lifetime. I opened my mouth to throw up, but nothing would come out. I suppose I should feel thankful that I hadn't had breakfast yet. I moved my head from left to right, looking for the witch I'd travelled with, I spotted her walking towards the village. "Wait!" I called for her, "where are we?" "The question you should be asking logan, isn't where, it's when."

"Okay then," I said sarcastically, "when are we?" She didn't slow down and so I had to speed up to be able to hear her. "It's about 1700bc, Egypt was in full swing and the Greeks first encountered the gods and made up the whole story of Olympus. Kresnik was usually around Egypt at this time, but for the past 7 years in this timeline, he'd changed locations. Egypt suffered through a huge drought and famine because of it." I looked around me at the perfectly peaceful village, "why did he leave?" Yarah pointed straight ahead of her at a small hut, of stone, brick and straw. A moment later a woman emerged, closely followed by a tall man with long white hair.

He looked so strange compared to the people around him, he was strikingly odd and everyone else just seemed normal. Yarah started to follow them, I stayed near to her, too worried about where I would end up if I didn't. "We're in the height of summer at the moment. It just so happened that one god in particular was busy over here at the time that Egypt needed him most. Can you guess who?" Of course, that woman looked like the one in the sketch. "That's Lilith" I breathed out, "so that means that the guy is Kresnik?"

Yarah continued forward, "he's not called Kresnik here yet, but that's what he will be later known as. Right now, people know him as Helios." The further we walked, the more anxious I got, "what if people see us?" I said to her, suddenly aware that we also looked completely different to these people. "They can't, we're in a memory remember?" Was this similar to the dream walking power that Dominick possessed? I'd have to ask him about it.

The couple looked happy as they walked through the village, Kresnik had his arms wrapped around the woman's waist and she was laughing. I couldn't see what the problem was. "Why is Lilith a problem?" I asked Yarah, genuinely surprised at how normal they seemed together. They were walking to a taller man now with dark brown hair, they all seemed to be getting on. It was almost as if no one noticed how different Kresnik, or 'Helios', was.

I hadn't really looked at her before now, but when I tried to her, Yarah was smiling. "They don't technically cause a problem," she stated, her face suddenly solemn. "Kresnik could never stay here. He doesn't know it yet, but what's happening in Egypt will make him feel guilty for leaving. This relationship upsets the balance and the balance is important. What they don't know is that as long as there's a decedent, there's always balance." With cold chilling clarity, I suddenly got it. All of it. "She's pregnant isn't she?" Yarah nodded, "before you ask, yes they know and he's over the moon. That's what makes the next part of their story so sad."

The closer that we got to the couple, the more I could see the small bump under Lilith's dress. "What happened to them?" Yarah's eyes closed tightly as tears started to run down her face. "Hey, what's up?" She shook me off and continued her story through her sobs, "the thing about Kresnik is that he's torn between his job and his human wolf hybrid love. He can't leave the earth to fend for itself, but he also can't live without Lilith, especially now she's pregnant."

I was waiting for her to get to the part of the story that made any sense, but it didn't seem to be coming. "The man they are talking to is called Apollo. If you know anything about Greek mythology, you'll know that Helios eventually rescinded his powers. He gave them to Apollo. A celestial being is not really a body, they are a power. If Helios had no power, there was no Helios." I felt as if I'd just been slapped across the face as everything was coming together.

"He felt guilty about Egypt, but he would feel guilty for leaving her. He gave his power to Apollo so that he could escape it all?" She nodded. He couldn't face the moon goddess, when she found out, she was furious. Lilith and the child went into hiding, they left the Swedish continent and travelled west until they found a new pack of werewolves. For generations no one knew anything about it. All that remained of Helios was the child's last name. Elio."


"You think Whitt is a descendant of the Sun God? That's why you've been after her all this time?" Yarah smiled at me, "there's only ever been one blood line with that name in the whole world. It hasn't been a problem before," her face changed, she looked like she had the weight of a thousand years on her shoulders. She probably did. When she spoke, it was so quiet I could hardly hear it. She looked back at the couple in front of us, "but now... somehow, the moon goddess knows."

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