Chapter Seventy Seven

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What a day this had been, though I didn't know much about skiing and I was still certain that it's not something I would ever pick up again, I'd actually had such a good time all the same. The day had gone by without even thinking about what Dom was doing and how I would get to see him and be told all about it.

Only, when I walked into the cabin that we were sharing, Dom wasn't in there. Malik was sitting in front of the fireplace, his phone pushed against his ear. "Emily just got back." I waved over to him and he smiled back with his own half wave, I didn't even think we could get phone reception here. I lifted my phone from my pocket, nope. No bars. Malik's phone must be some super technology. "Dom is with the moon goddess, they've been gone a while now but he hasn't been back in hours."

They were still gone? Dom told me that he would be back before I was. Was he really having that much fun with her that he'd just forgotten about me? My heart sank as I realised that my plan to tell him all about my day was looking less likely. I looked at my phone screen again, no missed calls, no messages, nothing. It was already 8pm and wasn't back. "Hello? Hello? Hellooooo?" Malik called repeatedly into the phone, it was no use, whoever he was talking to had gone.

"That was Alpha Logan on the phone, he was asking about Dom." I stripped off my coat and scarf, "what did he want with Dom?" Malik stood and walked over to the table to drop his phone down, "I don't know, I couldn't really hear him. I'm sure if it was something important he would let Dom know himself anyway." Hanging up my coat, I decided to broach the question, "so have you heard from Dom at all?" He shook his head, "not since this morning, before he left. You?"

I shook my head, "he mind linked with me for a little while earlier, but other than that I haven't heard from him." Malik grabbed onto my shoulders and pulled me into a hug, "don't worry, it's not as if he's suddenly going to change his mind. Dom is stubborn, but there's no way he'd give up his mate." That's exactly what I was worried about, if I was the reason he didn't restore the balance and everyone died... I didn't think I could live with myself.

Tears escaped my eyes and Malik pulled back to look at me, "hey, I promise you, it's going to be fine. He'll probably be back any minute now." Just as the words left his lips, the stiff wooden door to the cabin burst open and Dom stumbled in. He was panting and struggling to get his breath, I ran over to him instantly. "What's going on?" I asked him worriedly, "where's the moon goddess?" When his eyes met mine they started to fill with tears, and he gripped onto my shoulders and when he spoke, his voice was hoarse, "you have no idea how good it is to see and hear you."

About a thousand questions just ran through my head. I was instantly worried. Why did he look like he'd just seen a ghost and why was he so upset? I wrapped my arms around him and pulled his head against my chest, "whatever happened, you can tell me. What's wrong Dom?" Like a lightbulb going on above his head, his eyes opened like he'd remembered something. "We need to leave." Malik came over to us, "Alpha Logan called not long ago, he was trying to ask about you or something, but the signal went dead." As Malik said the world 'dead' Dom flinched and I noticed how his eyes tried to keep looking in my direction.

"We need to go back to the pack and I need to go and talk to Logan, but we can't just leave okay? We need to make it look like there's an emergency at the pack or something." Words were tumbling out of his mouth creating a stream of sentence that didn't really make sense. "Hold on, why are we leaving when you need to spend time with the moon goddess? What about the balance?"

Dom pinched the bridge of his nose, "I can't really say anything here, but I promise I'll fill you both in when we get back." I looked at Malik and he shrugged, "you're the Alpha, if you think that this is what needs to happen then that is what we will do." Malik gave us a smile and walked into the bathroom and I took Dom to the other side of the cabin, was he even aware of what he was asking? "You're going to be making a decision if we leave, you'll be sending a massage, it's practically a statement."

He reached out and held my face in his hands, when he answered his voice was low, but his intent was crystal clear. "I know. I'm aware and I love you." I looked into his eyes "so you've made your mind up?" He grinned and pinched my nose, "if you ever think there was any other option but you, you're even crazier than I thought." I rubbed at the sore spot on my nose and pushed at his chest, he held me tighter. "I'm never letting you go Emily, I'll never stop fighting for you."

My heart swelled at his declaration, "I'm so glad I met you, I love you too." Something dark passed over his face, but he tried to brush it away as quickly as it had shown itself, "I'm glad we met in the way that we did, Emily. I used to wish that things had been less messy, but I wouldn't change anything about it." I lay my head in his chest and breathed in his delicious earthy scent, "what's the plan now?"

He rubbed my hair with the top of his nose and kissed my head, "it's in Logan's hands now, I have a feeling he's been very busy while we've been over here." I wanted to let it go, I wanted to let the comment brush past me, but it was still irritating me. What was in Logan's hands? And why was everyone being so secretive? Most importantly, what the hell were we going to tell the moon goddess...

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