Chapter Thirteen

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When I woke up I was facing my window, the sun was shining through and  it was warming up the room and casting a comforting golden light across the walls. I felt so peaceful, so blissful. I turned to lay on my back and jumped about 50 feet in the air, "Sleep well?" Dom was lounging on the top of my blankets facing me, shirtless and leaning on one elbow, he used the other to catch the rays of golden light with his fingers. "We have spoken about this!" I told him, frustrated. "No," he said with his cocky grin, "you said I shouldn't just pop up on you, there was no conversation and I never agreed to anything."

I huffed and threw my hands down by my sides, "I can never win with you." He laughed, "I don't know why you are still trying." I went to grab some of my clothes from the wardrobe when he said, "you didn't answer my question..." I froze, I'd woken up remembering the strangest dream, but the way he was asking sounded weighted. It was so hard to tell what was an actual dream and what was dream walking, my cheeks heated as I remembered the dream.

It must've been a dream. Dom flirted with me shamelessly, but there was no way I'd be as forward. I started to think that maybe it was my subconscious playing on my desires. Was that something that I desired? Dom... doing... 'that'? I looked over at him and he was still smiling, waiting for my reply. "It was okay." I told him, turning back around quickly to hide my red face. I heard the bed shift as he moved, I was too embarrassed to turn around and see what he was doing.

"Just okay?" His velvety voice whispered next to my ear. My eyes rolled back and my legs felt weak at the sound of him so close. His breath danced across the skin in my neck and I was instantly taken back to my dream. "Because the sounds you were making told me otherwise." My body was hot, I was sweating and my core was tightening at the suggestion in his voice. There was no way he could know, there was no way he was there. I couldn't even remember exiting the dream realm and I wouldn't be awake in my own bed if I didn't. It definitely didn't happen, he was just teasing and I needed a cold shower.

I pushed past him, walking over to my underwear draw, "what did you dream about?" His smile grew wide, "maybe I should show you?" I glanced over to my wardrobe and he was leaning against it, watching my hands. I shut the draw quickly as I realised he was looking at my selection of panties. "What're you doing here again?" I asked him, annoyed that I couldn't stop imagining his beautiful face between my legs. He pushed off of the wood and started to move towards the door, "your parents are here."

"My parents! Couldn't you have started with that?" I told him, rushing around and throwing clothes over my floor. His back was to me now, "and miss out on seeing you melt under my gaze? Not a chance." Then he was gone. With him, also went the possibility that what I'd experienced last night was real. His back had been completely smooth and unbroken, and I definitely remembered dream Emily marking him like a wolf in heat.

I rushed to the bathroom to clear my head, if my parents were here there had to be something up, they were meant to be helping Alpha Logan with the search. I had to get my head in the game and concentrate. Over the past few weeks I'd been through every piece of information that we knew, I'd scoured the pack for any kind of information on the moon goddess that I could find and every time I came up empty handed. At this point it seemed more and more like a lost cause.

The water soaked into my skin and the steam helped to wipe away my heated thoughts. I wondered if Alpha Logan knew about their visit, if Whitt had seen them and spent time with them recently. I felt bad, being over in the Rising Dawn pack was a breath of fresh air, but I was leaving behind a whole group of people I'd grown up with. I might not be part of Dom's pack technically, but I felt more at home here than I ever had. I'd never wanted to stay there, but now that I was away, I did miss it.

I shut off the water and walked out into my room, there was a blue chiffon summer dress waiting for me on my bed, next to it sat a note.

You don't have to wear it, but it's warmer today and you look delicious in blue.

                                                                          - D

I smiled to myself at the thought of his reaction if I didn't come down wearing the dress, would he be annoyed? Would he play along? I rubbed the fabric between my fingers, it was a beautiful dress... I thought back to the dream, to the me that toyed with him and teased him. I wanted to be her. I wanted to see that same look on his face when I didn't do as I was told.

I walked over to the wardrobe and looked at my collection of clothing, there was a light blue skirt that caught my attention, it was figure hugging, but long enough that I wouldn't look ridiculous in front of my parents. I found a plain white t-shirt to tuck under the skirt and closed the doors. Was I making the right decision? Who knew. I had always done as I was told, got good grades and stuck to my mundane life, It made me feel good to be unpredictable for once.

I completed the look with a pair of white heeled sandals and I checked myself over in the mirror. I looked at the dress on the bed and smiled, he might not care at all, but on the off chance that he would, I was prepared. I flung open my bedroom door and stalked towards the stairs, I never usually walked around in heels but it didn't seem too difficult, they were fairly low and comfortable. Going down the stairs was a different story.

I had to side-step as I descended to the corridor, how women managed to walk down stairs normally in heels was beyond me, this was one of the most difficult things I'd ever had to do. I was so uncoordinated that I thought I'd fall and break my own neck a few times, but I managed to get to the bottom unharmed. I turned to walk down the corridor, towards the sounds of laughter and my parents voices, but walking the opposite way was the Alpha of Dawn.

He looked up and his eyes met mine, a grin spread over his wet lips, "what do you think you are wearing, little varg?"

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