Chapter Thirty Three

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I shut the door on Russell's summer house and turned to look at Emily, "we'll be having words when we get back to the pack." She must've known it was coming because she thinned her lips and nodded. I didn't want to treat her like a child but this situation could've ended so differently if we hadn't played it right. I saw the way that Ferdinand eyed Emily, he was up to something and I didn't like it.

Malik got into the driver's seat and I'd never been so happy to be able to sit back and think. Logan's pack had kept a lot of information from us over the years, dating back to goddess knows when. Did we even know the half of it? Probably not. I dropped myself into the passenger seat and opened the glovebox, there was a notepad in there. I kept it just in case people called while I was away somewhere and I needed to take down important information. "Do you know anything about Sweden?" I asked Malik who was busy trying to choose a radio station to drive to.

He shook his head, "all I know is that the women are beautiful and the vodka is good." Great help there. "Do you think maybe you could do some research for me? It would help to know why the Moon Goddess chose Sweden as her Earth home." Malik grinned, "isn't it simple enough? It's literally in the middle of nowhere, no one goes to Sweden." I suppose that would make sense.

Emily, who had been quite in the back seat for a while, suddenly spoke up. "It's full of folklore and legend." It was? I didn't even know that, "how do you know that?" I asked her. She wiggled her phone in her hands, the search engine read 'Folklore in Scandinavia'.

I shook my head, "you shouldn't trust everything you read on the internet you know?" She smiled, "good job there's a ton of books on the stuff too." Malik started to grim, "yay study buddies!" That was one thing I would've never wanted to hear from his mouth, I could only imagine how research would go with the class clown around. I scanned the screen she was showing me quickly, "we don't have any of those titles, we don't have a library yet." I reminded Emily. She tapped the side of her head, "yes, but I know where we can probably find them."

It took me embarrassingly longer than I expected to catch on, of course she was talking about the library in the dream realm. If we were going to find any information it would be there. I chill ran down my spine, I was scared. The last time I'd been in the dream realm I'd started to feel strange and then my unconscious state had no control over my movements or actions. I'd been actively avoiding it since. She noticed something was off when I didn't reply straight away and frowned, "or we can just try to find them online?"

I felt so guilty. Of course it would be more beneficial to search a library that had all of the world's books inside. I just needed to get over my unexplainable fear. She'd gone back to searching on her phone, I watched as she flicked her hair over her shoulder. I could do it, with Emily by my side there really was nothing to worry about and I could even invite Elena for the extra support. I felt better about it already. Malik had started driving, though he was still changing the radio stations constantly. That feeling of getting better started to wear off.

"Please can you just pick one?" I groaned, a headache thumping at my temples. He smirked and snorted at the road, "I'm a man of many tastes, I can't be satisfied with just one type Dom." And didn't know it. I think at this point everyone in the pack knew it too. "When's the last time you even took a relationship seriously?" I asked him, not actually remembering a single time he had. He looked in his rear view mirror, Emily was sitting with her eyes closed, her headphones firmly in place. "When's the last time you did Alpha?"


"Well played asshole. Just remember whose side you're on okay?" He glanced in the mirror again, "you're my brother, but I'm on her side. You break her heart and I'm on her side." I leaned on my arm and watched the trees pass by in the window, "yeah, you and the whole pack it seems." He nudged me, looking between the road and my seat, "there's something there, you've got to feel it? Hell, even I feel it and we've hardly spent the time together you have."

I peaked over at her, still relaxing in the back, "I used to think I would never never have anything good. Even as a friend she's brightened my days." I saw his shit eating grin from the corner of my eye and anticipated his next words. "And warmed your cold nights, am I right?" I moved away from the window and smacked him across the back of his head in seconds. "That was for being crude in the presence of a lady." He winced and started to complain, "You could've killed us! I'm driving, I could've crashed you ass!" He was such a drama Queen.

"Besides-" he carried on, I wish he wouldn't. "-I know I'm not wrong, she's started to come to your room a lot more recently." I lifted my hand in warning and he flinched away instinctively. "We haven't done... THAT." I stated. "And she's not that kind of girl anyway. Fran was different, I didn't care for her in the same way and don't mind waiting for something good anymore." Malik pulled towards the long stretch of road leading to the Midnight Moon pack, "I get it, she's different. But how do you know she doesn't secretly want it too?"

My mind started to swim with thoughts of the nights we'd spent together, the way she'd flirted with me in the library. The way she took control in my bedroom. Maybe he was right. I felt my jeans get tighter at the thought, "Dude!" Malik squealed, "what the hell have I told you about inappropriate thoughts around me!" I laughed and covered myself, Emily started to move around in the back. "Just in time" I told her pointing to the welcome sign, "you're home."

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