Chapter Forty Eight

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My whole body was trembling internally. The rage that I'd felt at seeing Ferdinand with Emily like that... it was struggling to subside. The worst part was that I had known, I'd known that nothing was going on and logically I'd tried to tell myself that. Something seemed to take over in my head and all of a sudden I was in a frenzy.

It could've been a mixture of the fear that I felt from seeing her like that with someone else, it could've been the fact that I didn't trust him. Whatever reasoning, it shouldn't have happened. Malik had opted to sit in the passenger seat for the next leg of our journey and I was thankful to him for it.

Though he hadn't done anything wrong, I couldn't trust myself being that close to Ferdinand right now. I glanced to my right, Emily was looking at the fields and trees as we passed through miles and miles of open land. What I would give to get out of the car right now and go for a run with her. My wolf whined deep inside and I felt his pain. We'd connected so much recently and all it took was one idiot move to make her not even want to look at me.

I took my hand from where it was resting in my lap and placed it on top of hers. She didn't look, she didn't seem to notice. But when I tried to pull my hand away her fingers suddenly grasped mine. My heart jumped straight into my throat and smiled at the contact. So maybe she wasn't completely annoyed by me after all. We'd gone hours into the car journey before anyone even spoke, there was a nervous energy that I couldn't quite explain.

It was Emily that finally broke the silence, "what's she like?" She asked out loud. I knew the question wasn't aimed at Malik or myself, and I knew that 'she' was the moon goddess. I saw Ferdinand's eyes look back at Emily in the mirror before he smiled, my fists balled and my jaw clenched. "She's amazing. She has the best stories and you wouldn't believe the kinds of things she's seen."

I tried to imagine what that would look like, having a conversation with the moon goddess. It seemed too bizarre to even comprehend. "Why doesn't she come to visit the wolves if she's already on the earth?" Emily probed him. He let out a small laugh, " the one thing you really need to know about the moon goddess, is that she does many strange things without telling anyone." He looked at each of us in the mirrors, "she knows what she's doing, we just have to trust that. In times of darkness, in the moon goddess we always find light."

Something inside my brain clicked, that's a phrase I had heard before. "Hey, where did you hear that?" I asked Ferdinand. He raised his eyebrows at me, "it's something my people have always quoted. It dates back centuries, I couldn't tell you where it originated, but it's a sign of respect." My mind was ticking over, I know I'd heard that before, but my brain was heavy with exhaustion and I couldn't concentrate.

"What does she look like?" Emily spoke up again. "She appears to everyone exactly as she wants them to see her. For me, she's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. She has gorgeous flowing locks of blonde hair to me, but my friend sees her with red hair." How strange that someone's appearance can look different to every person that sees them. "How do you not get confused if she constantly looks different to people?" I thought aloud.

Suddenly flakes of snow started sticking to the windows on the car, each tiny crystal burst into water as soon as it touched the glass. "Believe me, you'll know. She has a presence about her that's unlike anyone else. I suppose it'll be strong for you three because you're wolves. It makes you practically descendents." I hadn't thought about it like that but it made a lot of sense. Being a celestial power there's no way she could live here without her power being channelled.

"It's the necklace isn't it?" I said, bringing my eyes back to his. He smirked, "what a clever Alpha you are." I wanted to rip that smirk right off of his stupid looking face. I pulled my lips back and barred my teeth. Emily was watching from the side, "Dom..." She warned me. I dragged my eyes away from Ferdinand and looked at my hands, I really needed to find a way to get this anger under management and fast. Thicker white flakes started to fall from the sky around the car and I looked up at the clouds in awe.

Each flake started to hit the window and form joined crystals, spiderwebbing across the glass until I could see nothing but ice and snow. I checked my mobile to see if I'd had any missed calls from the pack, but there was nothing. I know Whitt had everything under control but I felt so strange leaving my pack behind for this. There hadn't been a day when I wasn't in close proximity to them and it made my chest ache. I felt the air shift before I noticed her move, Emily had switched seats and was now leaning against my arm with closed eyes.

I moved some of the hair back from her forehead and she snuggled closer to me. Only a few hours left to go and we'd be able to stop for the evening. I was excited to finally be able to get some alone time with her, I wanted to apologise. I felt like I needed to after what had happened. I trusted her, she wasn't the type of woman to play people against each other. My wolf didn't agree, my wolf wanted to rip Ferdinand's jaw off for even looking at her. He was prowling deep inside of me, waiting for his chance to get out.

No matter how much I had tried to keep him calm, to reassure him, he wouldn't be settled. He didn't trust Ferdinand, but Emily did. My head was an absolute mess. I leaned my cheek against Emily's head and my eyes started to drift closed. Thoughts of what we were about to encounter entered my head as my eyes succumbed to the darkness. My head felt heavy, and all of a sudden I was falling.

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