Chapter Forty Seven

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The next day Whitt had left to go and look after Dom's pack. She'd said that she wasn't the only one he'd given instructions to, but she was the one that everyone would be answering to. I felt proud of her. This would be good. It would be great for her to see how a pack runs in general, but she would always be weaker when she was at the Midnight Moon pack. That thought weighed heavily on me.

My main reason for wanting to even get to the bottom of all of this and hopefully bring down the dark witches was because of that reason. How could I ever expect her to stay with me and help run the pack when it would literally destroy her? It was great that we were getting together and so far it seemed amazing. She was so understanding and caring and the pack already loved her. Now I just had to sort out those pesky witches and hopefully everything else would fall into place.

I flipped my wrist over and looked at my watch, my meeting with Misty wasn't for another 20 minutes, but I needed something to do. I opened the draw to my father's journal and decided to look through the pages again. There were entries for almost every occasion and yet none of them had mentioned the dark witches. The pages that I found in the fireplace could only do so much and the book had been a dead end that I needed more answers for.

I felt like I was going around in circles at this point. Why had he never mentioned any of this before? I glanced at the phone on my desk, should I try to call the other Alphas? Maybe find out if they know anything about what's going on? If any of them were to know anything it would probably be Peter. I was finally listening to people around me, Whitt was right, I didn't have to do this by myself. In fact, my father had explicitly told me to involve the other packs.

I drummed my fingers against the desk, the clock ticking getting louder as my impatience grew. I sighed and grabbed the phone, at least if he thought I was crazy it wouldn't be the worst thing. He was well known for being the crazy Alpha. I punched in the numbers and waited for the click sound of his answering machine. Peter picked up after the second ring.

"I was wondering when I'd be hearing from you again Alpha Logan." He said, his tone didn't sound at all surprised. "Yeah, it's a bit of a weird one actually," I started to explain to him. "Did my father ever mention anything to you about dark witches or witches in general?" He snorted, "you mean other than your mate? Who no one has even met yet by the way." His voice was filled with accusation at that statement.

Usually an Alpha would throw a party to celebrate those kind of things, but with the way things had been ever since we were mated, it never seemed like a good time. "I know," I told him. "But I'm not talking about Whitt. Did he ever mention anything about magic," my eyes roamed over at the book on my desk, "or the moon goddess?"

Peter was silent for a moment before he spoke again. "Alpha Choal was a very private man. If he'd had any interactions with witches I don't think anyone would've known about it. I rubbed the bridge of my nose, I knew this would be another loose end. Peter cleared his throat, "If it helps, he did tell me to expect a call from you at some point. I thought he was just talking about you asking for advice." I laughed to myself, of course he would only give out the minimal details.

Maybe I was more like my father than I thought, I found it hard to open up to people and let them in. "I'm sure he knew what he was doing at the time," I told Peter. "I just have no idea what he wants me to do with all of this. I'm not entirely sure that I can trust the things I've been told."

My door knocked, though there was no need for it because Misty stepped straight into my office anyway. Peter started speaking on the other end of the phone again, "the thing is, your dad never did anything without purpose. He always had an uncanny ability to know what was coming. How do you think he took over so much land?"

If I did decide to trust in whatever crazy plan my father had made, how would I even go about setting it up? "If I was to call in your pack and yourself at some point to help give me aid, could I count on it?" I asked him, Misty's eyes widened at the statement. "It depends what it's for. Respectfully if you want to go after other packs I'm not going to agree with that." I couldn't promise him anything, I didn't even know what my father's bigger plan was.

"I'm just trying to build alliances, worst case scenario kind of thing..." I told him, Misty was glaring in my direction. Yes, I'd have to tell my Beta all about this too and she wouldn't be happy. "The Shadow pack will always aid the Midnight Moon pack when needed." Peter declared. I looked over at Misty, who was now bouncing her foot up and down on her leg. "I appreciate that Peter, I have a meeting with my Beta now, but I'd love to be able to set up another call?"

We ended the phone conversation having agreed to talk more in-depth about why I wanted this plan in place. It was a start and it was more than I'd originally expected. Misty's icy eyes were watching me like a hawk. "You're asking other packs for aid? Aid in what Logan?" I got up from my desk and sat her down on the couch, regardless of if I wanted to or not, it was time to come clean.

I explained to her about my father's journal, about my mother and about the witches. She looked confused right up until I'd finished, but she didn't question it once. "Let's say I believe everything you've just told me and don't think you're crazy..." she started. "What are we meant to do about all of this?"

I picked myself up and drifted over to my window, "we wait for a reply." Misty got up to join me, looking over the expense of the forest that was our home. "And what if they don't reply?" I shrugged, "I guess that's what the alliances are for."

I could see storm clouds rolling in from the east, huge, heavy thick clouds were blocking out the sun. My office darkened within seconds. Above all else, I hoped that this wasn't a sign of things to come.

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