Chapter Nine

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I wanted to run, I wanted to escape. I felt captured by his gaze but I didn't want to. I had told myself that I didn't want this for the past year. Telling myself repeatedly that I didn't want him... now here he was, touching me, loving me so completely. I didn't know what I was running from anymore. I don't know what I had expected when I followed that pulling feeling from the pack house, but part of me knew I'd find Logan at the end of it.

My head started to spin as his hand moved from my jaw, down my throat and stopped at the top of my chest, right over my heart. My chest was beating so fast, I had no doubt that he could feel it under his hand. "This," he spoke gently, "this belongs to me." I sucked in a breath, even though I denied thinking it, or saying it to myself, I knew it was true. I hadn't thought about anyone else since I'd felt the pull.

At first, I didn't have a clue what I was feeling. I thought that it was just some fascination with him, with the guy everyone was fascinated with. That lasted for months before it started getting more intense. When I'd read the pack headlines about Logan and Emily at the ascending dinner, it really hadn't bothered me. I felt jealous, but so had every female within a 10 mile radius. More than anything I was happy for her, truly.

After that I'd decided that it didn't matter what little small feelings I had felt, I wanted to protect her and what she wanted. I tried to warn her against it, telling her that I didn't trust him, but that only made her stick up for him more. I realised that she was in too deep, it didn't matter that I said at that point, she would find a way to love him. He was her first love, you always make excuses for your first.

I tried to distance myself from them, the more I started to feel, the less I was hanging out with anyone, I shut myself inside and closed off the world, battling with this feeling by myself. I didn't know if it was just a growing obsession or jealousy, but it couldn't be the mate bond. They were so perfect for each other, I didn't want to ruin that. The closer it got to Logan's alpha ceremony, the more I started to feel ill, sick even. I started sleeping during the day to try to curve the terrible feeling and then it started to affect my nights too.

One night I was sat watching tv in my apartment, there was something trivial on, I wasn't even watching it. But then, I felt a burst of anger so hit and powerful that it just ripped from my body. Sparks flashed around me so uncontrollably, it took the tv with it. I refused to go out after that. I had no idea what was wrong with me. I was a freak, I wasn't like the rest of the pack.

As the weeks went by it got better and I didn't have any more outbursts, I even started to think that maybe I was seeing things, maybe I was so tired from not sleeping that I'd imagined the whole thing. I decided to go to the ceremony because I was meant to be there for Emily. She'd started going out with Logan at that point, though not a lot of people knew about it. I did, I could feel it.

It was going to be hard for him, but having to watch him go through that, it was going to be hard for her too. That night was a blur, all I remember was the agonising pain from being so close to such a force of power. I'd opened up to Emily and it felt so much better to have my best friend back in the loop. She didn't think I was weird, she wasn't scared of me, it made me feel so much better. I'd kept away from him after that. I decided I didn't want it. I didn't want him.

I wouldn't go to the mating ceremony, I'd make an excuse and after it passed and we weren't mates, everything would go back to normal for me. Then I found out I had a brother and that I was a witch. Oh, and that my brother was the alpha of another pack, the very same pack my family had run. It was so much information at the same time, I had so much to deal with already... my head was just about to burst,  but it was also a welcome relief. Finally I had somewhere to go that Logan wouldn't be. I had a group of people to keep me occupied and I could put all of my thought into training.

I didn't want to go that night, I didn't mean to get involved in the ceremony, I didn't mean to hurt the people I loved more than anything... but it had happened. Now here I was, with the alpha of the Midnight Moon pack looking at me so seductively, so self assured and confident. He was every girl's dream, but he was my mate.

"Whitt?" He asked. I was so lost in my own thoughts I hadn't even realised he was speaking to me. I didn't say a thing, we hadn't even spoken much, but it was the words left unsaid that meant the most. Instead, I lifted myself up on my toes, wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. He was shocked, but after a moment his lips started to move against mine.

We found an easy rhythm, the rain being blocked out by his tall figure leaning over mine. I could hear the rain on the sign behind me, the pitter patter was a gentle and soothing sound. Logan looped his arm around my waist and pushed me against the cold metal, my back arched away from the cold and pushed me closer to him. Not once did our lips part, we were connected in more ways than that.

Suddenly, a cold chill ran down my spine. My lips stopped moving and I looked up at the alpha. I took a deep breath in, those lips belonged to my best friend a month ago. "I can't be doing this right now." He looked at me confused, "what?" I started to back away from him, he tried to stab me but I dodged out of the way. Something felt off, something felt incredibly wrong. "I'm sorry, I'll see you around," I told my mate before sprinting off into the dark. I left him confused, but my own feelings were confusing right now.

My loyalty to Emily would always keep me from pursuing him. It felt like betrayal of the highest order and she was still hurting. I couldn't be happy with the guy she fell in love with.

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