Chapter Thirty One

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"Emily, why don't you join us inside?"

I couldn't stop looking up at him, "How did you know I was out here?" A man waved from the seat inside me parent's summer house. "That would be me, miss...?" I closed my jaw and stood upright, "Emily. My name is Emily. Are you Ferdinand?" He pointed down at himself, "I might be." I couldn't begin to see how this man had anything to do with the moon goddess. He smiled up at me, "but I'm also anyone you want me to be, sweetheart." Dom growled in front of me and snapped his head to the man on the chair. "Why don't you tell me how the hell you knew she was there?"

He stood up and made his way over to the fireplace, "I have a unique set of gifts. The moon goddess is very gracious to those who serve her." Oh boy, I could tell this way going to be a long day. I had no idea what had been happening before I showed up, I'd only just made my way to the door when Dom had opened it. Whatever it was, it didn't seem good. Dom was tense, I could practically see the muscles clenching and unclenching under his shirt. "Hey," I sighed softly, running my hand up his tense arm. "How about you let me try some questions?"

He looked at me from the side and stepped away from the door, letting me through. I searched my head for a question to start off with, but came up empty handed. I remembered watching a crime documentary with Whitt at my old house and channelled my inner detective. "What can you tell me about the moon goddess?" My bet was that he couldn't tell me a huge amount, but I needed somewhere to start and this was as good a place as any.

He ran his eyes over Dom, who was still standing next to the door, "she needs your help." Okay, well I definitely wasn't expecting that. "Why?" I questioned him further. "There are people that seek to destroy her power, to destroy her. Without the moon goddess, there is no hope." My blood ran cold as I remembered the story that Logan's dad had told me before he passed, "the dark witches, right? They want revenge for something?" Malik looked at me, his eyebrow raised in question. Of course they wouldn't know this, it wasn't their pack history, it was Logan's.

"They cursed the Midnight Moon land because the wolves ran them out. They want to destroy the moon goddess because then they destroy the wolves?" Ferdinand clapped his hands together in excitement, "now we're getting somewhere. At last, someone with a brain." This time both Malik and Dom growled low and deep. Dom walked over to Malik, his pace slow and controlled, "why didn't we know about this?"

I was about to explain that only Logan's pack knew because it only affected them, then I stopped myself. I was starting to realise how stupid it sounded. Of course it affected all of the packs. Why hadn't the late Alpha Choal or Logan said anything to anyone? Why hadn't the other packs been informed? "He never told you?" I asked them, they shook their heads. "We knew about the dark witches, but we thought they were after Whitt, we thought it was because of the prophecy in the book." Malik answered. "The alphas of that pack have always talked about the land being cursed but we've never known anything other than they pissed off a few witches."

Ferdinand was still grinning at me, "how come a little pup like you gets to know the big pack secrets?" I looked at him confused, "excuse me?" He brushed down his trousers and sat back on the chair, "I'm just saying, not everyone gets trusted with information like that and it seems even other Alphas had no idea." I had no idea where he was going with this, the more he spoke, the more I was beginning to dislike him. "The alpha at the time told me the story, that's all. I don't really know anything other than that."

"Something tells me we are also going to have to pay a visit to the Midnight Moon pack too." Malik remarked, "but right now we need answers, and we need real answers." He was right, it was the whole reason we were here after all. Stalked towards Ferdinand, "how can we speak to the moon goddess?" We weren't getting answers here, maybe if we could see her ourselves it would be better.

He tapped his foot on the floor and looked as if he was thinking, then his foot stopped and he looked at each of us slowly, "that's why I'm here. I can take you to her. We have to fly though, so I hope none of you get travel sick easily." What? What did he mean that's why he was here? He sighed, "listen, she's the moon goddess, she's aware of everything and anything that's happening." Dom squared his shoulders, "you're right, she is the moon goddess. Why can't she sort out the problem of the dark witches herself?"

That was a good question, surely she had powers or an ability or something? "She's a celestial being, while she's on earth her abilities are limited, she's in a sense... weaker. She has a human form here." I started to pace, thinking, "that's why she wants the help of the wolves?" Ferdinand nodded, "if the moon goddess dies, all wolf kind dies. She can't fight. Not in this form." Dom's head snapped up, "then why is she here? Why doesn't she go back?" Ferdinand started tapping his foot again, "there are reasons that are not mine to share. We really do need to be going though, time is running out."

We all looked at him now, "where exactly are we going?" I asked. His full beamed smile came back to his face at the question, "Sweden of course." Sweden? He's the hell was in Sweden? Why would she be staying in Sweden? He noticed our confusion and shrugged, "it's a nice place. It's also where I live." I instantly recognised the slight tinge in his tone at the end of his words now. "You're Swedish?" He started to walk toward the door and flashed me a smile, "all of the best people are."

Dom cleared his throat and stood in Ferdinand's path to the door. Holding out his hand he said, "key." After a minute of checking his pockets, he handed over the small golden key to the alpha. "We can't go straight away, he told us all. We need to speak with some people first." I nodded, he looked directly at me, "we need to be linked before you go anywhere. I'm not risking losing you in an airport, you'll end up in Australia." I was suddenly nervous. What would it mean to be linked to the Alpha of Dawn?

I had to admit that I'd started feeling things for Dom. Would being linked change that? Would it make it worse?

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