Chapter Sixty One

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Now that Whitt was filled in on all of the little details I felt as if a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I no longer felt worried that I was going behind her back or keeping things from her. It felt good to have her in on this secret project. I still didn't trust Yarah, but I couldn't deny the information that was in front of me.

I'd spent days looking over the research that my father and Yarah had been doing, with the amount that was there, it must've taken them years to come up with everything. Some articles were written about the Moon Goddess directly, about her whereabouts and the places she visits. Some of them were slightly shorter with only a few pictures depicting the Sun God, it seems that no one really knew much about him before he disappeared.

Yarah was writing something down in an old crumbling leather journal, she looked so at peace in this room. I wondered whether being the leader of a witch coven was as stressful as being the Alpha of a pack. If I was truly going to suss out these witches, maybe I should try to learn some more about them. "How did your coven end up here, if you don't mind me asking?" Yarah didn't seem surprised about my question, in fact, it was almost as if she was waiting for it.

"The thing that your people forget to mention when they talk about the history of this land, is that my sisters and I lived among human communities for centuries without a problem. We weren't the problem. We are peaceful people, but when our people are torn from their homes and used like puppets..." she took a deep breath. "I watched as my older sister was torn from her bed in the middle of the night. The big hairy monster that took her didn't even bother to shift before he..." she couldn't finish, but she didn't need to.

I felt instantly guilty, even if I hadn't personally done anything, it was the ancestry of the wolves that had. "You say you are Nordic witches? Why don't you live over there?" She smiled sadly, "we were signalled by a fellow clan of witches, they were in need. A long time ago people weren't as accepting of the supernatural as they are now." She looked up at the light and I could see the water filling up in her eyes, "you should think yourself lucky that we live in an age where it's seen as a 'quirk' to have abilities."

I guess I'd never considered how different things could've been for all of the wolves that came before us too, it made sense as to why they had to move around so often. "How do you know so much about the moon goddess?" I questioned her. It was the main thing I wanted to know. "Like all beings, supernatural creatures are linked in a special way. The celestial gods are all alike, almost like family. The moon goddess was always an outcast in that sense."

I stopped her, already confused, "outcast how?" Yarah rolled her eyes at me, right, I should shut up and listen. "When the Sun God and the Moon Goddess created their pact, they isolated themselves from all other beings and became their own unit. The Sun God saw it as an opportunity to relieve some pressure from himself and the moon goddess saw it as a chance to be anything but darkness." She flipped through the pages of the journal she was working in and stopped on a portrait of a woman.

"When the moon goddess started to control the night something strange happened, there was a shift in power on the earth and creatures of the night gained strange abilities. Wolves would become rabid and bite the people that lived closest to the forests. A month would pass and on the next full moon those people would go through a change and become a human wolf hybrid. The more that the humans shifted, the more they would breed and more hybrids were created."

This was a lot of information to take in. "What does this woman have to do with anything?" I asked, pointing to the sketched portrait. "Her name was Lilith. She was one of the first wolf hybrids. When the sun god returned to Earth to see what had become of it, he was furious. He tried to change them back, to heal them, but the power was far too dark for even the brightest light." I had no way to prove anything she was saying and I knew that she could be using that to her advantage.

"How do you even know all of this?" I asked her suspiciously. She flipped to the front of the journal and the name on the front read:


"Right, the Sun God right?" She nodded, I rolled my eyes, was this whole thing just made up? "While he was studying the wolves, he kept a journal so that future generations wouldn't make the same mistake. The more he studied, the more he realised that they couldn't be changed. It was a mutation in humans that they would just have to live with. Lilith was one of his test subjects, he became obsessed with her, and her with him. He wrote about it all in here. I can show you if you don't believe me?" Show me? How was she supposed to show me?

She saw my confusion. "I can show you a moment from the book if the energy is still there in the words. The more it's used, the less strength it has, but I should be able to show you a moment at least." Did I trust her? This witch I didn't know much about? Everything she was saying sounded so bizarre and yet it was crazy enough that she literally couldn't make it up. Could a celestial being really fall in love with a hybrid creature?

I thought about my relationship with Whitt, she was a hybrid, and I was drawn to her. Whitt's parents were also complete opposites and they were also drawn to each other. Maybe it was something in the bloodline? Maybe there was some truth to all of this? She placed the book on one of the stone benches and held her hand out to me. She gave me a sly smile before saying, "what's the worst that could happen?" Before I could think better of it, I took her hand.

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