Chapter Twelve

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Every single day in this pack seemed to bring challenges lately. The search for my mother was still going on, but it still didn't give us any results either. The last place she was scented was in the caves where Emily's parents were found, but Elena swore that no one else had been there when she went to save the Russell's. I took a deep breath in and placed my hands on the desk in front of me. There must be something I'm missing.

I remembered the night of the mating ceremony, the look of agony on Emily's face when she realised we weren't mates... I shook my head, there was more to it than that. After the events had unfolded, we'd made quick work of the woman that had tried to kill me. When we'd moved her away from the pack house I realised that she was part of some cult. On her right arm, near her wrist, was a symbol. It was three moons, but each moon had a different phase. I thought nothing of it at the time, my head was too mixed up to think about anything after the ceremony, but now it almost seemed like a cult.

I opened the bottom left draw on my desk and took out my father's journal. He didn't write absolutely everything down, but maybe he'd known something about this? I wished he could've been here to help me at times like this. I wish he could see how I'm doing with the pack and give me some advice. I wish I could talk to him about mates and have his help to manoeuvre this situation. Alpha Choal knew everything about being an alpha and he had hardly any time to train me at all. If only I'd have listened more and stopped messing about earlier...

I lifted out the book and shut the draw, it was heavy and thick with notes and little scraps of paper. His personal journal reminded me of the briefcase he'd given me, they were both just messy piles of paper in the end, how was I ever meant to find anything in all of this? I flipped to the first page, better to start from the beginning I suppose. Each page was filled with notes about pack movements and army building. My father had noted the packs willing to help him and the packs that he'd had to blackmail, bribe or threaten, it must've been important for him to remember.

I flipped over a few pages that had diagrams drawn right up to the edges of the page and landed on a page that wasn't the same as the rest, it folded out like a letter, but it was attached to the journal with string. This one was also written in a feminine script.

Alpha Choal,

Thank you for your letter, the dark witches are eager to meet you and your pack. There is much to be discussed about your land and what you can do to protect your pack. There are people in positions of power that they should not hold.

A baby has been born that tips the scales. The union of two species has created a monstrosity. The more it grows, the more dangerous it will become.

Hope to hear from you again.


Palmer, Forest Coven. Dark Witch

"A baby has been born that tips the scales." I reiterated to myself. That must've been Whitt right? As far as I knew, there was no one else that had been born a hybrid of any species. Or was there? Was there more people like Whitt out there? Could there be more people with power like her? Just as I was turning the page, the door to my office opened and Rae walked in, shutting the door behind herself. "You have no idea how much pampering that dog takes!" A smile twitched at my lips, I knew all too well how fussy Storm was.

"I mean, one minute he's fine with getting his nails cut and the next he's practically a wolf in tiny form." She sounded exasperated, but that only made my smile grow. She looked over at me and her eyes narrowed, "you think this is funny? You try looking after him for two days straight. He's worse than a child." I didn't say anything, I just watched her with that same grin on my face. "Are you even listening to me?" She threw her hands up and came over to the desk. "Why are you smiling so much?"

I tapped on the page in front of me and turned the book to face her. "We have a lead." Her eyes grew wider as she rushed to read the paper, her eyes scanning just as mine had. She took a sharp breath in, "Alpha Choal was cooperating with the dark witches?" I shook my head, "I don't know what was going on, I don't know if he trusted them, or if he was just trying to get information... but I know who to ask." I said, tapping on the signature at the end of the page.

She took the book away from me and held it in her arms. "No." My mouth fell open, "what do you mean no?" She held the book behind her back, "no, you aren't going to find them." I stood up from my desk and walked over to her, "yes, I am." She moves backwards, "you don't even know who they are or where to find them." She stopped and started flailing her arms, "what are you just going to walk into the woods and shout about a woman called Palmer?" I'd reached her at this point, I lifted my hand and removed the journal from behind her back, "yes. That's exactly what I plan on doing."

I thought I'd had her with that comment and she'd stop pushing, then she said something that froze me to the core. "Have you told Whitt?" This wasn't just about me and finding answers to where my mother could be, this could actively put my mate in danger too. Especially if she was the child they were talking about in the letter.

I pinched the bridge of my nose, already getting a headache at the thought of the conversation. "Things are weird between us right now, she doesn't really want to know me." That wasn't exactly true and I knew it as soon as the words came out of my mouth. So did Rae.

"I'm not an idiot Logan. I know you are both hurt by the Emily situation-" I flinched but she continued anyway. "-You need to talk to each other, build trust with each other. Emily isn't your mate and I'm sorry... but you both need to forget about her while you build your relationship."

She started to walk towards the door, "you haven't rejected each other which means that you both want something, you just need to figure out what that is." I frowned, I was trying, but maybe Rae was right. Maybe I needed to make more of an effort to persuade Whitt. She left and I looked at the book in my hands, "what would you do father?"

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