Chapter Twenty

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I'd wasted an hour pacing my office deciding what to do. Should I really be going by myself? It was clear that this person wasn't about to just hand over my mother, she wanted something in return. That cost seemed to be me. I debated telling Whitt, she was my mate, she deserved to know right? But the letter had told me to come alone and we'd been getting on quite well until this point.

I didn't want to ruin that, but I also didn't want to put her life at risk. If this was who I thought it was, the only thing they would want more than the alpha of the Midnight Moon pack was Whitt. I wasn't about to let anyone lay a hand on my mate. I looked at the dent that the hair pin had made in my door, at least I had a pretty good weapon for distance damage.

I didn't have a choice. My mother would die, or my mate would die. How could anyone ever choose between that? No. I had to do this alone. I was the alpha, if my father could take on whole armies and still keep a weird connection with the dark witches, I could at least go and see what all of this was about. What would my father do? I looked at his journal again, if they got into his journal there's no way he would've written anything about it in there.

I looked from the desk and towards the fire, my father had always burned things he didn't want people to see. But this was different wasn't it? If he'd written about it and documented it, surly he'd keep it for future alphas to learn from too? I walked towards the fireplace and felt around the stones. The outside was clear of any damage or signs of tampering. Of course it was. That was too obvious.

I poked my head through the hole in the breast of the fireplace and looked around, it was thick with soot. The perfect place to hide something and still be able to see if someone had been snooping. Finger marks would've been left and people would've been able to be traced. My father may have been many things, but covering up and secrecy were things he excelled in.

I gripped one of the pokers from beside the fire in my right hand and started to scratch at the inside wall. If there was anything out of place, it would stick out from the rest. I was about to give up, scratching away the door from all three sides, when I hit the poker off of a stone to my right and it sounded hollow. My hands started to sweat, I'd already wasted so much time doing this, ifI didn't come up with something it would all be a waste.

Letting go of the poker, I watched as it fell to the stone floor. My hands were already on the hollow rock, gripping it and pulling it, trying any way that I could to free it. After moving it from left to right rapidly, it came loose. My heart was in my throat, why would my father take the effort to hide something this thoroughly? It all started to click into place for me. The fact that he'd always had the fire burning, even when it was warm. He told me specifically to burn everything that I didn't want seen.

could kick myself over this later, right now I needed to piece things together. There was nothing in the wall that the hollow stone had come from, but as I twisted it in my hands, I realised that the notes were stuffed inside. My father, alway thinking one step ahead...

I dusted myself off as I stood tall again, the rock was full of notes, all shapes and sizes. It was almost as if someone had stuffed them in there in a hurry. The first one I picked out was on a post-it note.

Pack library
7th row
3rd shelf
11th book

Okay, so we were off to a flying start, this was going to be a treasure hunt for information. I looked at the clock directly in front of me, I had 2 hours. That wasn't even taking into account that I'd need to take to find the place as well. So I more than likely had an hour, maybe an hour and a half max.

The second note that I pulled out was on a large piece of paper and it had been folded up into small squares. I opened it up and realised it was a letter.

Dear Alpha,

I hope one day this finds you. I hope that after I am gone a successor is found. I hope that that successor is my son, Logan.

I am writing to you, not as an alpha, but as a father and a husband.

We have trusted blindly for too many years. There are secrets in this world that are too deadly to be spoken of. I am one man, I have been trying to unite the other packs around the area for the past 10 years. Whoever takes over this pack will need to carry on this tradition, because when the war comes, every pack will need to fight.

Every pack will have losses, and every pack will have to draw a line in the sand for the duration of battle.

No one wins if we don't all win together.

I'm sorry that this now falls on you, but if you can not unite the packs, the heavens will open and there will be blood.


I looked down at the shaking letter in my trembling hands. A war? With the dark witches? There had been no mention of anything useful in this letter. How was I meant to unite the packs against a war I knew nothing about? At least we had a head start and if I wanted answers, I would have to go and find them myself.

My father's words resonated with me, embedded into my mind, "I hope that that successor is my son, Logan."

I would go and meet up with whoever sent the letter, I would go without other members of my pack, but I would never be alone. Not when I had my father watching over me.

I stuffed the notes back into the stone and wiggled it back into its cosy space. Just before I left my office, I lit a match and threw it into the fireplace. I watched as the flames licked at the walls and covered all that had been touched. Once again, the alpha's secrets were hidden.

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