Chapter Thirty Seven

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I raced from the car to my room, barely saying hello to Malik as I passed. Dom said he would book the flights and arrange the luggage, all I had to do was pack. Negative, before I packed I would need a very VERY cold shower. I was all too aware that the car ride to the pack house was probably the only time we would get to spend alone together for a while.

I stepped under the icy water of the shower and shivered as the water tendrils dripped down my spine. I still didn't feel cold enough. I couldn't help thinking that nothing was ever going to be able to cool my heat scorched skin ever again.

I stood there like that for a while, letting the water soak into my skin. After a moment or two more I gave up. It felt like there was an inferno building in my core. It seemed unholy that a man could make a woman feel like this. I wrapped the fluffy white towel around myself and walked out into my room, opening every single window that I could as I went.

I stopped in front of my underwear draw and browsed the selection. While I had been living at the Rising Dawn pack, Dom had given me free reign of his pack bank card. I had shown up here with practically nothing and now every draw was bursting at the seams. I'd refused for the first couple of days, that was until the alpha had kindly pointed out that he also needed to wear his own clothes too. I was making my way through his wardrobe quicker than he usually would.

I accepted his request and soon enough I was browsing every clothing website, including the one that most of my underwear came from. I'd never thought about it before, but I really hoped that that wouldn't show up on the pack credit file.

I picked up a particular small piece of blue lace and rubbed the material between my fingers. As I recall, he said he liked the colour blue and thought it would suit me. My head turned to the open case on my bed, should I pack them for the trip? Just in case?

Just in case what? I scolded myself. Just in case he decides that suddenly the mission to find the moon goddess isn't all that important and he'd rather take your virginity instead?

It was stupid, of course he wouldn't be thinking about that and he was quick enough to stop what was going on in the car. My face flushed at the thought. No, there was no way he'd get distracted. I walked over to my case and dropped the thin blue fabric into the bottom, smiling to myself as I did so. Just in case.

Suddenly, my door swung open and jumped towards the intruder, gripping my towel tightly around myself. "Well well well" said a salty voice, "planning to go somewhere?" Francesca was standing in my doorway, a smug smirk on her face. "What the hell do you want?" I spat. "Didn't Dom tell you not to come near the pack house again?" She tutted and walked further into my room, making sure to close the door behind her.

"You really think Dom cares what I do? We all get tossed to the side and forgotten about." What in the goddess was she talking about? She looked at my blank expression and burst into laughter, "oh you poor thing. You really do think he likes you don't you?" My face heated as I tried to walk over to my dressing gown, she stepped in my path and I backed up. "The thing is Em, can I call you Em?" I glared at her, "no." She carried on anyway, "the thing is Em, Dom is a man of habit and his particular habit is leading women on."

I didn't like where this conversation was going. "Oh yeah, he'll woo you and he'll make all of this effort now. But in the end you'll just end up like so many before you. Like me." I tried to stifle my laughter. Like her? Goddess if there was one thing I wouldn't end up being, it was Francesca.

I squared my shoulders, the towel still being gripped with extreme force. "I don't know what it was that you had with him, but it's over. It was over before I got here and he doesn't seem interested in sparking anything back up with you." She narrowed her eyes at me, "you think you're so touch don't you? We all think that when the Alpha gives us some attention."

The smirk grew even wider on her lips, "but you'd already know that wouldn't you? It seems like you're good going after any Alpha." I saw red. How dare she. She had no idea what I had been through with Logan and how the hell did she know about that anyway?

Vindictive and evil people like Francesca would never let off, so I decided to tell her something she wouldn't already know. "If you're so smart and you know Dom's dating habits so well... Why is he mind linking with me tomorrow? Actually, he insisted on it even though I'm not a member of this pack."

All of the blood that was in Francesca's face had drained. "He said what?" I could almost see her heart breaking. "If you think I'm that unimportant to him, why is he taking me on his business trip? Why am I getting a personal mind link? Oh and most importantly, why didn't he do any of this with you?"

I could see the tears sitting in her waterline waiting to fall. She wouldn't let them. Not in front of me. "Now the next time you want to come in here and try to tell me that I'm being used, think about that." She turned in her heels and left. I blew out a shaky breath I didn't know I was holding. I didn't want to believe her words, I was aware that she was jealous, but something in her voice made me nervous.

This woman had loved Dom, still loved him. There must've been a time that she truly believed she was special too and if there was, how could he move on from that so easily? I went to sleep that night worrying, hoping that I could get some answers in the morning and knowing I probably wouldn't.

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