Chapter Eighty Five

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The sight that greeted me wasn't a present one. There were wolves shifted and fighting in every direction. The inky scabious creatures were hopping onto their victims and trying to rip the fur from their backs. One wolf cried out in pain not far from me, I didn't know the wolf, but I sprinted to help. We were all kin, no matter the pack. I kept one eye on Emily as she searched the faces looking for her parents, ready to jump to her side if she needed it.

The creature shrieked as my teeth sank into the flesh of its back. The wolf underneath contacted and ran into the woods for safety. My teeth smashed down managing to break the creatures back with my teeth. It went limp in my jaws and I spat it out, along with the disgusting liquid that came from it. It was the strangest looking thing. It's eyes were huge and red, it looked almost like a wolf, but without the fur. Instead, it's skin was more like that of a lizard. The putrid smell of its blood filled my senses and made me heave up whatever I had eaten on the plane to calm my nerves.

I looked up again, hoping to spot Emily where I had last seen her. She wasn't there. All around me creatures and furry beasts were battling, trying to rid themselves of each other. But still no Emily. I was so focused on looking at all of the fur - hoping above all else that I would to spot hers - when a blistering pain cracked through my back paws. I heard the bone crunch before I saw the creature, it's black teeth dripping with my blood, like rubies falling and disappearing into the wet dirt.

I held in my howl of pain, not wanting to distract the other wolves from their own fighting. The creature grinned and its teeth sank deeper. My eyes started to water, my teeth biting into my tongue. I had no idea where Logan was, no idea if my sister was here and now I had lost Emily too. How easy this was going to be for our enemies, they were picking us off like we were cattle. All around me bodies from both sides fell, it was getting hard to tell them apart in all of the mess.

My body started to convulse as my wolf form failed me and I shifted back into my human body. Suddenly, a bright light flashed behind me and where the sickly creature had been moments before. Standing there was someone I didn't think I would ever meet again, someone I hadn't seen in years.


I whispered, my voice was crocky from the lack of use, but I couldn't quite believe what I was seeing either. Her body was translucent enough that I could still make out the colour of her outfit and the details on her face. "How?... what... how?" I couldn't choose a question to start off with. She nodded over to a group of figures in the distance, at the centre, I could just about make out my sister. "Whitt brought you here?" She nodded, "she opened a channel to the spirit realm when she summoned me, she channeled her power before she could close it, and now it's like something is wedging it open."

My jaw dropped open, "isn't that dangerous?" Hazel's eyes dropped as she looked at Whitt, "it will be for her if we can close it. She's already using so much of her power to channel her magic. She'll die if we can't close it. I have enough spirit energy to help out, but it's depleting fast. My powers don't work the same over here." Fantastic we were just adding more to the list of things that needed to be done before my loved ones died from trying to protect everyone else.

"Have you seen a girl, a little shorter than me, mousy hair? She might be in her wolf form and if she is she'd be like a snowy white?" I questioned her. Hazel shook her head and my heart dropped. I tried to open the link with her but I couldn't make a connection, it reminded me of the time we were around Ferdinand... - but if Ferdinand was here, that would mean that...

"She's here."

I spun in the direction of the voice. A voice I hadn't heard since I was a child, a voice that would sing me songs and read me bedtime stories... My eyes found hers, the same wolf purple I had inherited shining back at me. "Mum?" Her lips twisted up into a smile as she led Emily over to me. Emily looked absolutely spooked. I couldn't blame her, I suppose there were easier ways of meeting your mother-in-law and in far better situations.

"Dominick, my beautiful son." She cooed, bringing my mate to my side. "I didn't imagine I would ever be able to see you again." Her eyes looked as though they were watering, though I knew she couldn't cry. Not really, she was beyond the habits of the living now. "My how you have grown..." I was still in a state of shock from seeing Hazel, that my encounter with my mum, my dad's first Luna, left me speechless. "And what a beautiful mate you have..." she gestured to Emily. "I know you haven't seen each other in quite some time, but we do have a battle raging in behind us." Hazel reminded, watching the destruction around us.


I turned to Emily, "did you find your parents? We need to get to my sister and we need to find Logan." Emily nodded, biting her lip. "My parents are with the pack, they're trying to control the flow of creatures onto the ground, Logan wasn't them." A hooded woman next to me suddenly ripped the head clean off of one of the scaly beasts, stopping only to drop it at my feet. I recognised her face. "Yarah?" Her head twisted towards me, "how do you know my name?" She looked at the spirits around me unfazed, "nice to see you again, but what are you doing here?" She asked Hazel.

"Jessie couldn't close the barrier before her power engulfed her, it's still open. I'm here to make sure that it closes." She explained. I looked at Yarah's bloodied face, the splatters making her look less of a witch and more of a soldier. Then it hit me, of course she wouldn't remember me, I'd never met this version of Yarah. "It doesn't matter how I know you," I waved her off, "what matters is if you've seen Alpha Logan?"

Emily's hand fell into mine and I squeezed it slightly, reassuringly. Yarah's hand ripped through the air and as she balled her hand into a fist, the creature running towards her contorted and withered on the ground. I hadn't even seen it. Her lightning reflexes were impressive, I could see why it was better to have her on our side.

"He's over with the Rising Dawn witches." She nodded in the direction of the pack house and there he was, sanding at the front of my pack's coven, his body covered in blood and dirt. Looking like a true warrior.

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