Chapter Thirty Eight

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I'd locked myself up in my office claiming to be doing the figures for this year's celebratory events. In reality I was waiting until everyone had gone to sleep to slip out and get the book. I hardly ever go into the library, I rarely have any need for any of the books in there and so it would look increasingly strange for anyone to see me frantically searching the shelves. No,

I had to play this smart. I felt almost a little like a traitor to my own pack with all the secretiveness and skulking around.

At least one thing came from all of this, I now understand why my father was such a shifty looking person. I understood why he was cold and rarely showed affection.

It was a weakness, I looked over at the picture of my mother and father together...

Affection was weakness.

The clock had just stuck 10pm. I knew that Misty and Rae would be up early for council meetings and so any chance of them still milling about was high you improbable. Misty especially, would be in the thick of it talking to pack strategist about the new border enforcements and that would take pretty much all day.

Whitt had offered to get the coven's help with a warding spell, I'd turned her down. The Midnight Moon pack had survived all of this time without the help of witches- I suddenly stopped my train of thought. Had we?

With the new evidence of my parent's involvement in all of this it seemed highly probable that my father had been getting their help for years. Why wouldn't he if it gave him an edge? I cleared my head of these thoughts, I would only keep going around in circles.

Instead I decided that this was my chance and headed off in the direction of the library. It wasn't far from my office, but I had to pass the entryway to get there and that was always a risk. I ran the last few feet towards the door and quickly, but softly, shut the door behind myself.

There were books everywhere, I wouldn't even know where to start looking. What had the letter said? I'd had clear instructions of where to look. It was in the 7th row and I was currently standing in front of row 1. I made my way through the stacks and marvelled at the collection. How long had people been collecting these books? I even wondered if we had any that in text long forgotten. I passed row six and sucked in a breath, row 7 was literally just a bookshelf made from one of the walls. Not really a row, more of an exhibit display.

At least this should be easier than I expected, I climbed the small ladder that was attached to the shelving. It had said to go to the 3rd shelf, it just so happened to be a little higher than I'd expected it. I counted the spines of 11 books as the letter had told me to do and came across an unusual pick.

The book was called 'Mythic and Mythical Monsters' and it didn't seem to have an author.

How strange.

I flicked through the pages, did they expect me to read this whole book or could I just watch a video that explains what the book is about? None of the things in this book related to the Nordic/Dark witches. Instead I tried a different route, searching the index for any mention of the Moon Goddess. If this book could explain their hatred and need to destroy the moon goddess, then maybe I'd find all of the answers in here and be able to stop it before it starts.

Maybe that's what my father had meant about uniting the packs. Maybe he was actually undercover? That would also explain why my mother was so desperate for me to hear what they were saying, maybe they were just spying on them and trying to work out what the plan was? I could hope that they weren't actually the bad guys. I flipped a few pages and read some more.


The Moon Goddess's Curse

Ever since time began the Moon Goddess was destined to live a life of Solidarity. Space was dark and the universe was bleak. Then one day, a glowing shimmering light managed to wade its way through the dark. The closer it got , the more that the Moon Goddess could see and the more she started to see, the bigger the universe started to seem.

The warm and kind being who had stumbled upon her had introduced himself as the Sun Deity. The sun deity had been working with a cluster of planets, but he was getting worn out with the constant need of daylight. He had many other abilities but the planet had no need of those and so his power was depleting. He begged the Moon Goddess for her night, and in return the Sun Deity would keep burning throughout the night to provide her with a special light.

The Sun Deity benefited from this greatly. While the Moon Goddess was taking care of the planets, he could use his own healing ability to recharge. The moon Goddess was instantly drawn to the idea of having her darkness mean more than empty space. With the Sun Deity's light, she would have a greater purpose. She swiftly agreed.


Something stumped me as I read, how was this a curse? And why did we never hear about the sun god? If he was so important to the start of everything, why was he erased from wolf history? I was realising quicker and quicker that I needed more information. I needed to go back and talk to the witches. Why was this book so important? The next thing I needed to figure out was how to send a letter to them, I was finally ready to listen.

I stuffed the book under my arm and made my way back to my office, maybe I could write it and leave it somewhere in the forest for them to find? I looked at my wrist watch, it was midnight. I'd met the witches even later than this last night, so maybe I could write it quickly and head out now? It was this point that made me feel guilty for not confiding in Whitt with this.

She's a witch, of course she would probably know how they contacted each other. I opened and closed the office door again, only this time when I turned around I was face to face with my mate.

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