Chapter Twenty Four

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Elena was sitting on her knees next to us and as soon as Dom's eyes fluttered open she was fussing over him. He'd told her twice that he was okay already, but the witch knew him better than that. Of course Dom would say he was fine to save hassle, sometimes he didn't realise just how important he was. He was always the alpha putting everyone else before himself, even if it was other packs.

Dom looked like his patience was wearing thin. "We had no idea what happened and then I was trying to wake you and it wouldn't work-" Elena was frantically trying to explain. "I'm fine, please stop fussing." Was Dom's only response. It seemed like he needed some time to himself, he was quiet and the way he was behaving I could bet he just wanted to go back to sleep. I couldn't imagine how busy his usual day was.

"Come on," I told Elena, pushing myself to my feet to go back to my own bed, "we should let him rest a little." She glanced one more time at Dom before making her way towards the door, I knew I was in no position to tell her what to do, but I really did believe that it was for the best. "Not you." I heard his voice directly behind me. I froze as his fingers ran in a line all the way down my spine, his breath was a ghost at my ear. "I want you to stay, we have some unfinished business to talk about."

For some reason I couldn't explain if I was worried or tired or incredibly turned on, my emotions were all mixing into each other. I took a steadying breath and watched as Elena left and shut the door. "What do you need t-" I started to say, "turn and face me when you speak to me little varg." Dom ordered. A jolt of adrenaline rushed through my body in reaction to his words. Part of me wanted to strut out the door and not listen to what he had to say. The other part of me heard the tone in his voice and stayed exactly where I was, like a deer caught in headlights.

"I said-" Dom started to instruct me, I didn't let him finish this time. I spun around and poked his chest with my finger, "I heard exactly what you said alpha." I guess we know which part of me won out. "I'm choosing to ignore your tone." His eyes flashed a brilliant shade of purple, "careful Emily, you seem to be playing with fire here." I walked around him, starting to move before he'd even finished. My eyes narrowed in on his bed as I perched myself at the end, "tell me alpha, how exactly am I playing with fire?"

Again, Dom's eyes lit up, and I knew I was heading in a dangerous direction. His eyes scoured my body, I could feel his gaze taking over my skin as he checked out every inch of me. I placed my hands on my knees and split my legs apart. I had no idea what came over me, but the images and thoughts of that dream... the library dream, they were clouding my mind. I watched as he licked his lips, a predator stalking its prey. He opened his mouth and smirked, "you know if you are going to sit there like that, at least have the decency to put on a show."

Oh it was a show he wanted? "I thought you were tired?" I raised my eyebrows questioning him. "Well little varg, it looks like I suddenly had a reason to stay up." He looked towards the floor and my eyes followed his direction of sight, I realised quite quickly that he wasn't looking towards the floor. He had worn pyjama pants to bed ,but the material was the thinnest in existence ever made. I could see where the material was raised, right above where his dick would be. I blushed.

Oh man, oh man oh man I'd put myself in a situation I didn't think I was ready for. He raised his head and grinned at me, "I told you, you were playing with fire." I spotted my eyes and glared at him, "I would hardly say that fire is what's making your body react right now." With one foot in front of the other, Dom slowly started to stalk towards me, "little varg, a raging internal fire is exactly all I can feel right now."

My heart beat started to quicken and for some reason I decided it would be a great idea to run my mouth right now. "Well I'd say that that sounds like a 'you' problem Dominick." I hardly ever used his full name, I couldn't remember there being a time when I actually had. He didn't like it. He was standing a foot away from me now, "what did you just call me?" Oh I was in for it now. His eyes narrowed, "considering 'you' are exactly the person that has caused this, I would think you'd be the one offering to help my raging..." he smirked, "fire."

I looked up at him under my fluttering lashes and pointed at myself, "me?" He nodded his head slowly, controlled. "What would you have me do Dominick?" He breathed in through his nose and out through his mouth, "call me Dominick one for time little varg, I dare you." Oh this was fun, seeing the way the alpha got so wound up by a simple name. "What is it that you don't like about your name?" I asked him. He leaned forward so that his face was an identical height to mine, "it's not my name, I like my name." I looked at him confused and his eyes some in and locked onto my lips.

"I told you a very long time ago to call me Dom, disobeying my direct order isn't in your best interest right now." He leaned in so that I could feel his breath on my lips, "especially when you are so vulnerable and exposed to me, little varg." He touched the hem around the bottom of my shorts and slid his hand underneath, his eyes rolled back as he felt exactly what I knew he would. "You're already so wet for me and my fingers are nowhere near your pussy." He licked his lips and his eyes were considerably hooded, "is this what ignoring me and doing the opposite of what I say does to you little varg?"

I squared my shoulder and looked him straight in the eyes, "if you want it so badly, why don't you just take it... Dominick."

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