Chapter Sixty

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Now it was my turn to freak out. I suddenly understood what Dom had meant. I had been here. But I had never been here with Dom. When we were searching the dream realm looking for my parents I had messed up and fallen through the void. I'd landed in a cosy room, seemingly completely random and strange. I left through the door. I looked back at the door we'd entered through, THAT door.

The fire that was out when I'd first visited was now lit and filling the room with heat. The bed in the corner of the room was freshly made, and the chair that was in front of the fireplace was now occupied. I couldn't move. This was the room I'd fallen into in the dream realm. Why the hell had I fallen into the moon goddess's house? Come to think of it, that orange light outside had seemed familiar too. When I'd first been put to sleep to  enter the dream realm, I had to come from a different place. I hadn't fallen asleep naturally and so I had to go 'through the front door' in a sense.

It was pitch black other than the orange light that led to a huge wooden door. Was the Moon Goddess's house a portal to the dream realm? And if it was a portal to the dream realm, was she able to access it? "You're late." A beautiful voice called from the chair. It sounded like music, like the most magnificent melodies ever crafted. It was hard to not instantly like her.

When she stood, her white dress fell around her feet, the embroidered silver thread in her dress was glittering off of the flames in the fire and she looked completely the image of her title. She was a goddess. Her hair was long and golden, her face was slim and pale. But she was an eternal beauty. How the Sun God could ever leave was seriously questionable.

She smiled as she looked at every one of us, her eyes focusing to my right, on Dom. "Alpha, what a pleasure to finally be able to meet you." She cooed. Dom's eyes lit up as she started to glide towards him. My stomach started to hurt, I felt sick and my hands were sweating. Was this jealousy? Was I really jealous of the Moon Goddess? "Thank you for your service Ferdinand, I appreciate how far you have had to travel to find them."

But no thanks to us for the travel to save her life? "Yeah, so about the trip..." I started to say, "where are we going to sleep? This place hardly looks like it fits more than one." With the flick of her wrist, the cottage doubled in size and there were now stairs leading up to a second floor. Wow. If only we could all have that ability. The Moon Goddess held her hand up to Dom's cheek, "you're so handsome, I feel sorry for the decision you are about to make." What? What did she mean by 'decision' and 'feel sorry'?

We looked at each other confused, she noticed and laughed to herself explaining, "have you not figured it out yet?" Well I for one was completely lost. She looked over at me, a sad smile on her face.

"He's your mate, Emily."

My heart catapulted straight from my chest and out of my throat. What?! Mate? What? Of course the connection between us had always been strange and I'd always felt pulled to him. His eyes found mine, the tears in them threatening to fall. "Mate? I actually have a mate?"

I was in shock. I couldn't feel happy or excited, I was absolutely frozen stiff in shock.

The Moon Goddess clapped her hands together and then stopped, thinking... "it's just such a shame, you both look like you would be such a cute couple." I shook myself from my frozen state just long enough to ask, "why would it be a shame?" She rolled her eyes at me and laughed, "because of his other mate, silly." My heart crumbled. I'd finally found my mate and he had two? "Well, not two exactly and not mates per-say." She started to correct herself, "the Sun God only has one mate." She turned back to Dom, a smirk on her face, "hello Kresnik."

I started to laugh, the pain in my chest near the point of explosion. "You're kidding me right?" Her face was still smiling at Dom. "Why on Earth would I joke about something like that?" I was suddenly overcome with a need to throw up. "What do you mean the Sun God?" Dom asked her, finally using his words. "You are a direct descendant of the Sun God, I thought you already knew that?" She was right, we had known that he was related in some way, when we were trying to figure out the clues in my parent's Mystic Mythology book, he'd come across a part about the Rising Dawn Alpha.

Suddenly it all started to click. He was the Alpha of Dawn. He always woke up before Dawn. He always had a certain glow about him and his eyes were the colour of the morning sky before daybreak. Tears fell from my eyes as I looked at him next to her. "She's right." He seemed to shake himself from some kind of haze. "Did you call me Kresnik?" He asked her, she smiled. "I've been waiting so long to finally meet you." "You were in my dreams." He accused her. "You were in my dreams the night I was paralysed. You were speaking to someone... you said you'd found him." She nodded her head at everything he was saying.

He quickly snatched his hand from her jaw and dropped it at the side of her body. "How dare you violate my dreams like that. How dare you dictate to me who I am mates with." She looked stunned as she took everything in that he was saying. "I am not your Kresnik. I am Dominick Elio, son of Daniel Elio and Alpha of The Rising Dawn pack." She folded her arms in front of her chest and clicked her tongue against her cheek. "You can't be with Emily." She stated. "And why not!" Dom roared back at her. "The universe needs balance, Dominick. It is imbalanced at the moment and it needs to be restored. The dark witches are trying to destroy ME and in turn they will also destroy all of the wolf kind in the process."

"That's ridiculous. That would never happen." Dom spat. "If we don't join, the world is at stake Dominick. Would you really choose your mate over your duty? You would pick one little girl over hundreds and thousands of lives?" He paused. Dom had always had one problem, he was so selfless. He didn't have the ability to put himself first and in The Rising Dawn pack, duty came before anything. The Moon Goddess walked back over to the fireplace, "she did have another mate too you know?" What? So we both had other people that we could've met?

"Then where was he?" Dom shouted at her, "I was the one there for her when her heart was broken. I was the one looking after her and helping her." She started to laugh under her breath, "I don't choose mates. It's a very common mistake that people seem to think. Your sister was created as a mate for Alpha Logan. Alpha Logan already had a mate." My eyes widened. Whitt wasn't Logan's first mate either? What the hell was this? This was an absolute joke.

"Emily was meant for Alpha Logan. Whitt was created from an unnatural paring. The night of the ceremony Whitt was pushed into the ritual. She's a hybrid, of course her energy would affect the Alpha more. He made a decision that night without knowing it. He chose Jessie Elio." This time she walked over to me when she spoke, her voice soothing and calm, which was the exact opposite to the way that my body felt right now. "She was never meant to be with him dear, I can undo what has been done and you can have your Alpha. The Midnight Moon Alpha."

"Whitt has a mate. She is with Alpha Logan and they are a great match." Dom defended his sister. She batted him away, "you can sleep on it, you must be tired from your travel." I couldn't believe this was happening. So I'd just found out that Dom was my mate, that Logan was also (at one point) my mate and that Dom was the Sun God. I think I needed more than sleep.

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