Chapter Forty One

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I'd taken Whitt to bed, she was exhausted. My body felt the same, but my mind wouldn't switch off. I looked at my mate sleeping peacefully next to me, I owed it to her to get some answers. I couldn't just sit around knowing someone was after her. I lifted the covers, careful not to wake her and left the bed. I sat at the desk in front of my window and started to write. I wasn't exactly sure what I was writing, but I knew I needed to get something down.



̶I̶ ̶n̶e̶e̶d̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶s̶e̶e̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶a̶g̶a̶i̶n̶ ̶

I̶ ̶f̶o̶u̶n̶d̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶b̶o̶o̶k̶.


I crossed it out immediately. I had no idea how to start this. I scrunched up the paper and threw it in my bin. It made a light dinging noise as it fell to the bottom. I looked over to Whitt to see if it had disturbed her sleep. Thankfully it appeared that my mate could sleep through anything. I tried again.



Leader of the forest witches.

I hope this reaches you with haste and efficiency. I would like to arrange another meeting. I looked where you had instructed me to look and I have questions.


I'm considering the allegiance you have stated that your clan held with my father. I would like to hear more about it and I look forward to your fast and prompt reply.


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I folded the small piece of paper and slipped on my clothes that had been thrown over the floor. I wouldn't be able to sleep until I'd done this. It was pointless trying to sleep until I had answers. I snuck through the pack house and left through the back door again.

I was starting to see the similarities between myself and my father. He would be up all night in his office, now that I knew about the witches I was starting to wonder if this was the reason why. I hadn't made any effort to contact any of the other packs regarding my father's letter.

All along I had thought that he was trying to make me rally an army against the dark witches, but if he was working with them... what on earth would I need an army for? Surely this only went to prove his innocence? Surely this proved that he was informing from the front lines?

I'd always thought that my father's way of handling things was a little off, but I couldn't believe that it was because he was a bad person. My father was the best judge of character, it's how he moved his way through pack after pack and how he dismantled the weakest of them.

I trudged through the grass and muddy leaves, wading my way back through the path I had walked the previous night. I would've loved to let my wolf do all of the running but I'd have to pack clothes for shifting back and there was nowhere the witches wouldn't see. Why couldn't witches just use a spell to translate wolf gibberish? That would definitely make my life easier at the minute.

I felt the wind change before the first few droplets of water started to leak from the clouds. Fantastic, I was tired and grouchy and now I was about to be soaked too. I passed though the last line of trees that lead to the huge one in the centre of the forest and the air seemed thicker. It didn't feel uncomfortable, but it wasn't at all inviting either.

The wind started to pick up around me and I realised one vital mistake I'd made. I hadn't been invited this time. I quickly took the note from my zipped pocket and placed it under the mossy rock that I had fallen on.

I figured that if it was tough enough to withstand my head, it was probably tough enough to keep a note hidden too. I clearly motioned what I was doing in the air around me. If the wind was any sign of the witches presence, I didn't know what was.

When Whitt would get annoyed, the first thing to happen would be phantom breezes. I knew enough about that not to try to overstay my welcome. When the note was secured I left, there was no reason for me to stay and anger them further. Finally I could go home and sleep.

I didn't stop all the way back to the pack house, the rain had started really coming down now and I felt chilled to my bones. I couldn't wait to get into my bed and cuddle up next to my mate. Hopefully I'd get some reasonable answers and this whole thing would be over. I wanted to go back to my easy life, I'd even take strategizing over this. As quickly as I left, I made my way back to the bedroom. I smiled as I looked towards the bed, Whitt had cocooned herself inside the covers like a witchy wolfie burrito.

I crept softly making sure I wouldn't step on a squeaky floorboard, stripping myself down as I went. I slipped under the blanket and felt instant relief. The past 48 hours had been long. I pulled back the covers to kiss my mate and panicked. She wasn't there.

I was blinded by the sudden spark of fluorescent lights from the ceiling, Whitt was standing over the bed, her eyes burning with rage.

"Who is Yarah, Logan?"

There went my dreams of being able to get some actual sleep. I had a lot of explaining to do.

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