Chapter Fourteen

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Emily blinked up at me, confused. I wrapped an arm around her waist and pushed her up against the wall. "I said, what do you think you are wearing." My nose was touching hers, her breath was a ghost against my lips, reminding me of the night before. When I saw her walking down the corridor my breath had caught in my throat, it wasn't the dress that I'd given her to wear, but she looked stunning. I'd purposely chosen material that wouldn't show off her figure or remind me of the night before, but she'd throw all of that to the wind and pick the most figure hugging outfit she could find.

I was a dead man walking at this point, how was I meant to go through a few hours with her family not touching her or thinking about her, when she looked like that. She was a bad tease and she knew it. She smiled up at me, "I didn't like the dress, I didn't want to be too overdressed." I knew she was lying, the glint in her eye told me exactly what she was playing at. She wanted a game? Okay, I'd play along. I stepped away from her and her face dropped, "by all means, lead the way."

She crossed her arms and stormed off ahead of me, I smiled to myself, this was sure as hell going to be one interesting day. I watched as her ass wiggle in that tight blue skirt. Well I'd definitely need to readjust before walking in to everyone. I stuffed my hand down my trousers and gripped onto my dick, I pulled it up and tucked it under my waistband. If she made this any harder for me, I didn't know how I'd survive today. Time to officially meet the parents.

The first half an hour flew by, they were excited to see Emily again and watching her with her parents made me happy. I was so conscious of the fact that she was away from her pack and her family, but she was adamant that this is where she wanted to be and I wasn't about to force her to do anything she didn't want to. Having her family here was special though, but I was waiting for them to get to the point. As much as I wished they were here for Emily and Emily alone, I knew that wouldn't be the case.

The whole entire time, Emily was having a game of footsie with me under the table, it soon turned into a game of 'let's see who can hold their nerve longer'. While she was having a conversation with her mother about her friend's cake shop, I slipped my hand under the table and started to play with her knee. She jerked her leg forwards, trying to get out of my reach, but in doing so, it made my hand access to her thighs.

I ran my hand up and down her thigh, the only sign of what we were doing was the slight edge to her voice as I got closer to her core. I didn't imagine she'd get wet so quickly, but I could scent it in the air and removed my hand quickly. We didn't need her parents noticing, I'd be the talk of the Midnight Moon pack by tomorrow. She looked at me when I removed my hand and frowned, this made me chuckle to myself. Oh, so she was enjoying that was she?

Finally, Mr Russel turned to me, "Alpha Dominick-" he started to say, I quickly corrected him, "call me Dom please, only my council members and people I don't particularly know refer to me as Dominick. He looked at his wife, "okay, Dom... we've found a lead on the celestial case you are running." Emily's happy expression changed and she started to look very, very confused. "Celestial case?" She turned to me, "what's the celestial case?"

I looked towards her parents, wondering if they would explain it, but everyone was waiting for me. I sighed, "after that we read in the mythic book, I've been looking for leads on if any of it was true." She gestured for me to carry on, "and your parents might've found someone that can help me find the moon goddess." She paused, taking it all in, before bursting out in a fit of laughter. "You're kidding right?" She looked back at her parents, "he's kidding right?" They shook their heads and her face dropped.

"The moon goddess? THE moon goddess?" I nodded, "if she walks along the earth for only a short period of the year, we don't have long to find her." She shook her head and looked at her parents, "why are we looking for the moon goddess?" It was her mum who spoke up, "sweetie, our pack had been plagued by a curse for as long as I can remember. It happened before we were even a thought to our parents," she said looking at her husband. "A group of magical women called 'the dark witches' cursed the pack ground when the pack took over."

She started to nod her head, finally she seemed to be understanding something. "Alpha Choal told me someone about it last year, he said something about the dark witches and the moon goddess." She clearly hadn't been told a lot. Her dad spoke up, "the dark witches supposedly cursed the pack ground to get back at the wolves that took the land. However, what they don't teach you is that they also want to destroy the moon goddess because of all of this." He looked at his wife, "They won't stop until there is no moon goddess, which would probably kill us all."

Emily gasped and held her hand over her mouth, "is someone doing something about this?" Her dad took her hand, I wished it could've been me reaching  for her instead. "Alpha Logan is busy making a plan, but there's a lot of things we still don't know. Alpha Domin... Dom" he corrected himself, "is working with his pack and witches to find the moon goddess before they do." It's true, we were working to find her, but there had been no evidence to prove she even existed yet.

"What's the news you've come to give me? Who is this person?" I asked them, eager to get past this conversation. "We have got word that there's a man a few towns over called Ferdinand, he says he knows about the moon goddess." I rolled my eyes, "you're telling me this guy says he knows about the moon goddess and this is your lead?" I felt Emily's leg start to nudge against my knee under the table but my attention was brought back when her dad started talking.

"He has the triple moon amulet. The one from the book." My jaw dropped open, "are you sure he couldn't have known about the book and tried to recreate it?" Mr Russell shook his head, "I've seen it work, it works." My heart leapt into my throat. If he'd seen it work, if he'd see this for himself... we finally had a lead.

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