Chapter Five

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I finished the coffee that used to belong to Dom and made my way to the bedroom. If I was going to be using the gym I needed to find something that I could wear there, the booty shorts and crop top wouldn't cut it. Dom always seemed to go out on his little fitness missions wearing jogging bottoms and a thin t-shirt of some kind, maybe that's what I should be looking for? When I got to the top of the stairs I turned down the corridor and made my way to the room at the end of the hall.

I paused when I passed Dom's door, I knew what that room looked like, I remembered the time when he'd invited me in while we were looking for my parents. I pushed my hands against the wood and let out a slight moan. I clenched my legs together as I remembered his hands over my body and being thrust against his desk, that felt like so long ago now. I remembered the feeling of utter bliss from his kisses... I needed to cool down. Logan was meant to come over today and I didn't need any distractions. I needed to make this okay for all of the packs.

I pushed myself back, shaking the torturous thoughts from my mind and just as I was about to continue, the door to my left opened. Whitt's room. I let out a sign of relief when, instead of Whitt, Elena came out with a bundle of crystals in her arms. She paused when she saw me. "What were you doing in there?" I asked her, wondering why she'd need crystals from Whitt's room when I knew that the witches cave had everything they needed. "Witch matters don't concern you wolf." She spat back. There was so much hostility in her voice I took a step back, "I'm sorry, have I done something wrong?"

She paused, "it's what you haven't done and what you continue to refuse to do." Okay, I had no idea what the hell this woman was talking about, "I don't understand, I haven't done anything to you?" She sighed and laid out the crystals on the floor in front of her, she looked back at me, "sit." I hesitated, I didn't know anything about witchcraft and she could be doing anything with those rocks right now. We were finally on common ground and I didn't want to think badly of her, but the way she was acting made me suspicious.

She glared at me, "you want to know what my problem is?" I nodded. "Sit" she instructed me again. I pushed my legs from under myself and landed on the corridor floor, I was suddenly aware that we were in the way for anyone trying to get through. "Whatever it is, we have to make this quick. I have a guest-" she held up her hand. "Yeah yeah yeah Alpha Logan is coming over." I looked at her with an open mouth, how did she know? She rolled her eyes, "you might not speak to Whitt but everyone else still does."

That hurt.

"She's still part of the coven which means she's part of this pack Emily. You can't just erase her." I looked down at my fidgeting fingers, is that what I was trying to do? I stopped Dom whenever he tried to have a conversation with me about her. I walked out of a room when I heard her name mentioned. I invited her mate to her pack but left her out her name on the letter. What was I doing? Guilt suddenly ripped at my chest, I was trying to erase her from the picture. "Look," she told me, pointing to the crystals in front of her, "these have been in her room for the past month, I can use them to channel her energy."

Why was Elena trying to channel Whitt's energy? Was she trying to steal her power? She rolled her eyes at me, "she used to be a close friend of mine when she lived at the pack." She held out her hands over the crystals, leaving them to hover there. "She's not been doing too well lately. I just use these to check on her mental state." Whitt wasn't doing too good? She had a mate. What did she have to worry about? "I sent one of our apprentice's with her back to the Midnight Moon pack, just to keep an eye on her magic."

All at once I remembered all of the information I'd stored away to forget. "The Midnight Moon pack has a curse on the land..." I stated. She nodded, "I mean yeah that, and the fact that she's mated to someone she couldn't care less about." My eyes widened, "she's what?" The crystals started to glow and in the middle of the cluster and an image was rippling inside. I waited in anticipation as Whitt's face came into view. My first reaction was to look away, not wanting to look at the best friend that had betrayed me. Instead, I watched as the pack house kitchen came into view.

She was smiling and laughing with a man about our age. That must be the apprentice Elena was talking about. Logan marched through the entry and slammed his hands down into the counter. "How dare you!" Her smile instantly fell, "what have I done?" The guy next to Whitt took a protective step forward, Logan's growl at his reaction ripped through the house. "You won't spend a minute with me alone, but you come back with some stranger?" She stepped in front of the apprentice. "You do not talk to me like that Logan Fenton. You are not my alpha."

Logan's fists balled as his temper grew, Whitt's eyes started to glow bright blue around the edges. The apprentice, realising he was in over his head, took a step back, then another and then another. "You are in my pack house. You are under my pack's protection. You are my mate. You are mine." Hearing those words leave his mouth hit me like a ton of bricks. Of course I knew they were mates, of course I considered that fact that he would behave like this... but seeing it personally when he used to be that way around me, it hurt so much more than I could've prepared for.

Mine. You are mine. The words echoed in my head. He was right, she was his. So why did she seem to be fighting it? "I don't want you Logan." She said it so bluntly it didn't even register. I put a hand over my mouth in shock, she didn't want him? "Then refuse me!" He shouted back, "stop putting us through this." She was quiet for a moment before she whispered, "this thing ruined my life, why would I ever accept that." Suddenly, the crystals started to shake and the image disappeared. I looked at Elena questioning what had happened. She was sweating, panting, "what happens between them is none of our business. But at least you can see it now."

I got up from the floor, looking at the circle of crystals, "thank you. I didn't realise she didn't want him." Elena shook her head, I was getting tired of her disagreeing with everything I was saying like I was stupid. "He's her mate. She wants him, she's fighting it because of you." I looked at her confused, "she's just told him that she doesn't want him?" She started to gather the crystals back together in a pile, "she might not necessarily want it right now, but she won't even get to know him."

She brushed off some dust from her legs, "and she's fighting it because of you. I'm not going to pretend I understand anything about the moon or wolves because I don't, but I'm pretty sure mates are mated for a reason." I probably understood just as much about mates as she did, but I couldn't help but agree with her. They were clearly hurting, we all were, but the fact that they wouldn't give each other a chance because of me... that hurt me more than their relationship.

Amelie, Dom's house maid came through the hall, "Miss Russel?" She looked around at the scene, "I'm sorry to disturb, but there's someone here to see you." That must've been Logan. "Can you let Alpha Dominick know for me?" She nodded and left as quickly as she came in. I turned to excuse myself from Elena but she had already made her way to the stairs. She'd helped me more than she could possibly know today, I'd have to do something for her to thank her. I knew she didn't accept gifts, but maybe speaking to Dom would give me some ideas. I squared my shoulders and straightened my back, it was time to face the music, and face my ex.

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