Chapter Sixteen

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I didn't understand what all of this meant for anyone else, but if they could find the moon goddess, maybe that meant that she could fix all of this. Maybe Logan's mum would be found and maybe... maybe I could find out if I had a mate. I felt pretty clueless about the whole situation, about the moon goddess and about this person my parents seemed to know. The one thing that seemed to annoy me more than anything, was that both Dom and my parents were keeping things from me, why couldn't I be involved too? It certainly didn't make me feel any better.

"How exactly are we meant to trust someone you've only just met?" I asked everyone. "Because it seems to be that you are all going in to this blindly." My father looked at me, blinking back his astonishment, "we've see it Emily, do you have any reason to distrust my word?" I didn't want to question them, I knew that the pack trusted them, Logan's pack trusted them... but if what everyone was saying was true, how did we know we could trust Logan's pack? The witches cursed the land there for a reason. It suddenly made me realise how little I knew about my own pack.

I turned to Dom suddenly, "I want to know about the pack." He looked confused of course he was, I hadn't given him an explaination and he wasn't a mind reader... I think. "Your pack, I want to know about your pack. Where you came from, what the history is, all of it. He didn't reply for a few moments, but eventually he nodded, "okay then. Rising Dawn pack history coming up." My mum and dad shared a look. "What's that for?" I asked them, growing annoyed at their little moments I wasn't privy to. Instead, Dom got up from his seat beside me and sauntered over to the kitchen, "packs aren't meant to divulge thier information to members of another pack."

He retrieved a glass jar of cookies and placed them in front of us all, taking one of the chocolate chip doughy delights out he said, "It takes one person to say the wrong thing to the wrong person." The cookie in his hand started to push against the jar, "every bit of information chips away at the pack." I looked at him as the jar got closer to the edge of the table, he wouldn't let it drop surely? "That person has the ability to bring down a whole pack." He stopped pushing and looked at me, storm clouds gathering in his eyes,  but it takes an even better alpha to realise the signs early enough."

I sighed in relief that the poor cookies lived to be eaten another day. He took the cookie jar and offered it to my parents, they turned him down politely. "We never tell people outside of our packs, you have to be pretty damn special." He offered me a cookie and I reached into the glass jar and grabbed the biggest looking one out, "I guess the only catch is, that once I tell you, you'd be attached to the pack." Attached? Attached how? "I'd class you as a member of this pack. You would have to spend time here and work like the rest of the pack do."

Was that even possible? I thought that you couldn't be a member of more than one pack? "You would be mindlinked to both Alphas. Logan and myself." The thought of being any more linked with Dom made my heart speed up, we had the connection from the dream realm, the ability to wander through worlds, but if he was able to read my every thought... I blushed. Nothing would be hidden from him anymore. Was the information really worth the price of him being able to dip in and out of my thoughts when he wanted to?

"We need to negotiate." I told him, standing my ground. He smirked, the smile lighting up his face in the most mischievous way, "I wouldn't expect anything less from you." The rest of the time with my parents was spent talking about their adventures tracking down Ferdinand, apparently he wasn't an easy guy to find. They'd bypassed most of the packs in a twenty mile radius to find him and then eventually they'd caught word of a man claiming to have the triple moon amulet.

He'd been found in a run down building, sitting, waiting, as if he knew they were going to show up. I'd never met him and it didn't feel fair to judge someone I didn't know, but something didn't seem right here. It was almost too easy to find someone who was supposedly linked to the moon goddess? The MOON GODDESS? And not to mention that he was this close to home? While my parents were sharing their gossip I slipped out to get some air. There was too much to process from this one conversation.

I noted the pink and purple hues in the sky as it was shifting from afternoon to evening. It never failed to take my breath away, just as the dawn always did. I walked out to the garden, the tan coloured wood of the decking was glowing like gold as the sun decended further into a distant sea. I leaned against the rail admiring the colours, so much had happened in such a short space of time that I didn't even know where my place was in the world anymore.

I was a member of Logan's pack, my parents were there and my friends probably had no idea what had happened to me since I'd left. But now, if I wanted to know more about Dom's pack history I'd have to pledge alliance to him too? And then there was the whole moon goddess thing... my head was hurting just thinking about it. A knock on the sliding door made me jump, my mum smiled and opened the door to join me.

"How are you holding up? I know it's a lot of information to take in." I looked back out at the grass, the sun making long shadows from the trees, "I wish people would let me in on things before it gets to the point where there's a lot of information to take in." The words tumbled from my mouth truthfully, I couldn't stop my mouth from vocalising my thoughts. "The alpha here trusts you, you know?" I turned to face her, my eyes reluctantly leaving the beautiful scene in front of me. "What do you mean?" I asked her.

"Alpha Dominick, he trusts you more than he would most people it seems." I had no idea what she was talking about, why would he not have a reason to trust me? "Alphas don't just agree to give out pack information, you should know that." I thought back to the time I had spent with Logan and how he was so secretive about everything. It was strange to consider that he was my alpha and my own alpha hadn't trusted me as much as this man was willing to.

My mum pushed off from the rail and retreated back into the pack house, "Just food for thought Emily, but consider how much of an opportunity this is." I knew she was right, and who knew what kind of door this would open for me.

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