Chapter Eighty Eight

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I could sense her the moment her feet touched the ground. I felt like my whole body was a living power detector. I didn't know if it was all of the energy I had running through my system right now, or if it's because I was bound to this land as a wolf, but I knew it was her alright. I also knew that Emily and Dom were here, even if I hadn't heard all of the commotion, I could still feel my magic pulsing through Emily.

I could feel the earth vibrating under my feet, not like the normal earthquakes that we had been getting, no this was pure power. I could feel the wind rushing around my fingers, every partial in the air attaching itself to me as a life source. I couldn't smell the rotting of the downed bodies laid around us, I couldn't smell the damp from the rainfall the night before... The only thing that I could smell was energy. It was like a metallic scent, like the kind of greasy smell you would get from working in a steel factory all day.

That's how I knew she was here. My body reacted the moment it sensed the amount of power she held. It wanted it. Needed it. For the first time since Yarah had directed me to this spot, I opened my eyes. The witches around me were still concentrating, I could still feel their energy pulsing into me.

I'd never seen her before, yet I knew exactly where to look to find her. Now I had my own personal Moon Goddess detector too. She hadn't seen me, she was too busy eyeing up my brother and arguing with my mate to give anyone else any notice. My firsts balled at the side of my hips, ready to show her what a true match would feel like... I stopped myself.

This wasn't the time. She might've been distracted right now, but right now we still had the element of surprise and if I did anything I would blow that. I caught Yarah's eye from across the field of bodies. She gave me one nod.


I didn't want to take my eyes off of Logan, she was closing in on him, I couldn't concentrate right now, even if I wanted to. Everyone started to gasp and as I struggled to see what was going on, my eye found a strange looking man standing next to my brother. It took awhile for the recognition to sink in, I'd seen photos of this man, I'd seen this man first hand in memories... as Dom moved forward to stand next to him, I saw the resemblance straight away. This was Daniel Elio. This was my dad. But how?

I couldn't keep my eyes from them as they looked at each other, Alpha to Alpha. This wasn't supposed to happen. I could see Logan saying something, I couldn't hear any of it. The witches around me suddenly crouched down and I had a clear view of everything. There was a man standing next to Logan, I'd know grey hair and stubble anywhere... It was Alpha Choal.

But how?

How could they be here?

I thought back to when I had called forth my mother hours previously, Yarah hadn't taught me how to send her back. She'd disappeared when I had full control of my power and I just assumed that she'd gone back to wherever it was that she'd come from. Maybe I was supposed to do something to help her get back? And now that I'd seem Alpha Daniel and Alpha Choal, I realised that we had an even bigger problem than I'd first imagined. First, I needed to get the moon goddess away from my family and friends.

I closed my eyes tight and reached out into the air with my hands. It was like a physical thing that I could shape and mould into whatever I needed. I created a ball of energy with the same effects as a firework, pushing my arms out in front of me, I sent it up into the sky far away from me. Just as I had imagined, everyone looked towards the explosion. It gave it a small window and I prayed that they would use that.

Yarah started to sprint towards the moon goddess, her body blurring as she used her magic to propel her further. With one swipe of her hand, she'd ripped the side of the moon goddess's dress. The actual attack had missed, but she had caused another distraction. I'd never known Yarah to miss. Her whole thing was that I was terrible for missing my shots, so why would she?...

My mind practically exploded when I figured out what she was doing. She shoved at my brother and Logan, moving them away from the moon goddess. She spun around to look at me, her face looking completely neutral and calm. Her lips twisted into a smile, her head bowed slightly in my direction. She had done her job. She had found me and trained me and now she was giving us one last parting gift.


She didn't stand a chance. None of us did alone. And she had just made herself a singular target with no backup. I watched in horror as she flew up into the air on the wind and smashed back down into the ground. Her body mangled with the dirt and her limbs sticking out in all of the wrong directions. My eyes were wide, tears dropped from where they had been building up and a silent scream sounded through my throat. She was one of mine, one of my own people. I wanted to mourn but I didn't have that luxury, the shell shock lasted for all but a moment before I realised I was here to do the same thing. I was a weapon.

I looked at my mate one last time, his gorgeous body busy in the fighting again. He wiped his eyes with his upper arm and I could tell that it had affected him as much as it was killing me right now. I let out a breath, clearing my mind completely as my friends and family started to battle again. I wouldn't be able to grieve for them, I wouldn't be able to grieve for anyone... I knew what I had to do.

Tears escaped my eyes as I remembered Emily's smile the day she asked to be my friend. We grew up but we had grown together and there she was, fighting alongside Dom and Logan. The three most important people in my life. The people that had opened their arms to me and protected me, putting their own lives at risk to do so. Now it was my turn to give them something. No longer would my brother have to give up his plans, his life... to save anyone else. I remembered the moment Dom had opened his heart to me so completely even after all those years... how Logan had loved me so tenderly, so fiercely and so exceptionally.

I was Jessie Whitney Elio of the Rising Dawn and Midnight moon pack. Daughter of Daniel and Hazel Elio and fated mate to Alpha Logan James Fenton. I used to think that my name didn't mean anything, I was just an orphan rogue. Now I knew that I couldn't be more wrong, I had the most loving family anyone could ask for and I would not let this bitch mess with them anymore.

It was time to spark up and finish this.

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