Chapter Sixty Nine

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When the moon goddess opened the door I expected to see the snow I'd just trudged through to get here. Instead I was staring into the black void that was a portal. "Where exactly are we going to?" I asked her, not exactly trusting her intentions. She rolled her eyes, "you wanted to see why the balance was important, correct?" I had wanted to see why the balance was important, but only so that I could reassure her that it would be fine if I stayed with Emily.

The swirling dark called to me, like it had so many times through my travel to the dream realm. It had been a while since I had wanted to travel there, and that was all thanks to the person standing in front of me. Ever since the moon goddess had invaded my dreams I'd been worried about what would happen to me if I went back, it seemed that I was better off in the dream realm than in reality at the minute.

"Where are we going?" I asked her again, I wanted to know the location so that I knew how to exit on my own too. "I'm going to take you to the centre of everything, to the centre of time itself." Yeah, because that didn't sound suspicious at all. "We don't have all day Dominick and if we don't go now, we'll miss Emily coming back from her day with Ferdinand." She was right, I wanted to get back so that I could see Emily. Ever since she'd left this morning I had felt so utterly lost. I hadn't been without Emily ever since she came to my pack house.

People would probably think that it was a good thing, good that we could find ourselves away from each other, I considered it a nightmare. I walked towards the door but the moon goddess didn't move. She looked as if she was in a trace, my eyebrows raised, "what're you doing?" She shushed me and held her hand up, "I'm just checking in on Ferdinand." I hadn't wanted to disturb Emily's day. I wanted her to be able to have some time away from me, but it hadn't stopped me from wanting to check in on her.

While the moon goddess was preoccupied I opened up the link. It was murky and the static in my head was buzzing like electricity until it could find the other end to the link. I closed my eyes to help me reach her. A faint pulsing led me to the other side. It was a cosy feeling, a happy feeling. There she was.

"Please tell me that you are having a better time than I am right now?"

I felt shock from the other end of the bond as Emily realised I was in her head, it made me smile to imagine her confused face.

"How is it going for you? I've actually had a lot of fun. I may come back with a few scrapes and bruises though."

Bruises? What the hell was he doing to her? I felt the wolf inside me rising up at the thought of Ferdinand being anywhere close enough to her to be able to help her with those scrapes and bruises.

"I'm about to adventure out, she said she has something to show me and I don't know if I'll be able to reach you by mind link there. I miss you."

I felt warmth shoot through the bond as she smiled, having a mate was the most incredible feeling.

"I miss you too, Dom. I wish you were with me instead, but I'm glad you're talking with her."

The warmth I felt was suddenly replaced by a cold wind as I remembered the whole reason I was here in the first place. Why couldn't I just be a mate? Why couldn't I just be an Alpha? Why did I have to be the one with a decision that wasn't really a decision. I wanted to be a leader, a husband and a father. I wanted all of that with Emily, but I couldn't deny the pull that I felt for my duty too. It had always been my weak spot.

Whether I was helping Logan, Edmund, or any of the other Alpha's... I always felt it was my duty to protect them. Especially when I had the witches to teach me how to be more useful, I saw it all as my duty. At least now I kind of understood why.

"I'll be back soon. I lov-"

Before I could finish what I was about to say, the mind link snapped closed. I opened my eyes to see the annoyed face of the moon goddess. "If you're quite finished, we have somewhere to be." She sounded angry, but why would she be? Did she have the ability to stop my mind link? I didn't understand why she would, she was talking to Ferdinand anyway. She was aware that Emily was my mate, she was the one that had told us, so why would she be so annoyed that I was talking to her?

Before we walked into the void she turned to me once more, "wasn't she the one that told you to spend time with me? She was the one that insisted that you get to know me. Why are you mind linking her?" I didn't like this, she was jealous. Having a jealous girlfriend was bad enough. Having a jealous woman who believed she was meant to be with you, who just so happened to be the most powerful being in the universe... well, that was worse.

"I just wanted to check in with her. To make sure Ferdinand was keeping her safe." Her frown instantly lifted up, "that's very sweet of you, but Ferdinand is one of my most trusted servants. I'm sure she'll be fine if you don't check on her from now on." There was no mistaking the command in her voice. "You won't be able to reach her from the dream realm anyway, so I suppose that's where I'll get to know you without distractions." She smiled as she finished.

I had to be smart. I had to get back to Emily. "You're right," I told her, matching her enthusiasm. "I can't wait to find out who the moon goddess really is." She looked momentarily confused but shook it off. Motioning towards the void, her eyes fluttered to mine, "shall we?" My stomach turned. I just had to get through today. Maybe I could learn more about her, maybe I could play on her emotions...

Above all, I hoped that I could make it back to my mate in one piece.

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