Chapter Sixty Three

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"No. Absolutely not." I said storming out of the small room that I'd shared with Emily and Malik. Emily chased after me, "you don't even know if you don't spend any time with her!" She argued. I spun on my heel and looked straight into her eyes, "I know that I don't want to spend time with that woman Emily. I am in love with you. You are my mate. That means a hell of a lot more to me than some stupid duty that you all think I have to uphold."

So this was what it felt like to have your first argument with your mate? I couldn't even enjoy being mates with her because of the massive bomb that the moon goddess had decided to drop on us. She was quick to fire back with her own argument, "you can't put me before the entire world Dom! It's the world at stake here!" I couldn't hold back my annoyance as I shouted, "you don't think I know that! You don't think I know that it's my happiness for everyone else that I'm trading?" She took a few steps back from me, hurt clear on her face.

I rubbed my eyes with my fists and sat on the fence outside of the hut we were staying in. After our talk last night, Ferdinand had taken us to a cabin around a mile away from the moon goddess's cottage. I was thankful to be away from her to be honest, but Emily had been strangely quiet all evening. "Emily I've always felt connected to you." I pleaded with her, "I care about you more than I care about my own life." I'd never said it out loud before, but it hadn't been any clearer than in this moment.

I didn't care about anyone else, I just wanted Emily to be happy. She took two big strides over the fence and wrapped her arms around me, I felt comforted by her presence immediately. "This feeling," I told her, pointing between us, "I've never felt this before and I know I will never feel it again. This is worth everything to me." Emily pulled me closer, "I've never felt this was either. It kills me to tell you to go and spend time with another woman. It kills me Dom... but you need to."

I didn't want to argue with her anymore. I didn't want to be the one to make her upset or scared and I definitely didn't want to disappoint her. "Fine." I sighed, letting out the longest breath in existence. I would go, I would do everything Emily asked me to do, but I would never entertain the idea of being with that woman. She may be the moon goddess, but all she was to me right now was a ruiner of happiness. I'd felt the connection to Emily for a little while now, I'd be lying if I said the thought of her being my mate had never crossed my mind. But it just always seemed too good to be true.

I slid off of the fence and held her head in my hands, "I'm not making an effort though." I pouted my lips for emphasis and she started to laugh. I closed my eyes and smiled, how could I ever give up hearing such a beautiful laugh? Everyone was mad to think I'd pick anything over the woman in front of me. I leaned down to place my lips on her and she met me in the middle. I deepened the kiss, desperately wanting to finish what we had started in the woods yesterday, but Emily pulled away giggling. "There will be enough time for that after you've gone to see her."

I pouted at her again and she tapped the side of my cheek, "I'm sure she's lined up a day full of distractions for me too." Just as she said it Ferdinand rounded the corner of the cabin. "Hej hej Emily!" He cheered enthusiastically. Goddess would he just go away already? I caught myself in that thought, I'd quit having to say goddess all the time. I didn't even want to think about her. I leaned in to kiss Emily's forehead and tilted my head so that she could hear me whispering, "don't have too much fun with the tour guide, okay?"

She smacked my arm playfully and shoved me towards the cabin. "Hope you have lots of fun on your date!" I cringed at the word, it wasn't a date, it would never be a date. I was thinking about this as more of a business meeting, it's the only way I could force myself to go. She would tell me whatever the hell it was that she wanted to, and I would sit there pretending to be interested while I thought about my mate. Sounded easy enough.

I watched as Emily tried to hold up the huge ski's that Ferdinand hand handed to her, I almost fell down laughing as she started to sway to the side. My laughter died down the minute Ferdinand grabbed hold of her waist to keep her upright. My face scrunched up as I let out a warning growl. It was low and commanding. Ferdinand may not me a wolf, but he should certainly understand a warming growl when he hears one.

His hands snapped away from my mate quickly and as she turned around I thought she was going to scold me. I was ready to tell her that she was my mate and I didn't want anyone else touching her. Instead I was pleasantly surprised when she smirked and held up a hand, "try not to bite anyone while I'm gone okay?"

This was new, I liked this new side to her. Maybe it was the mate bond? Maybe it was just being away from pack duties, but I'd never felt more free and happy. As I watched her walk away a thought started to niggle at the corner of my mind.

How much longer would I remain free?

Did I even have a choice in this?

Like hell I wouldn't go down without a fight.

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