Chapter Thirty Five

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I was so embarrassed. The least Alpha Dominick could've done was let us know he was coming over. It wasn't bad enough that my ex had found me in that position, but then my mate's brother had to waltz in too. Whitt burst out laughing, the sound hugging my ears and calming me. "What the hell just happened?" She laughed. I couldn't help it, I started with her. This was such a bizarre situation. "Your brother is going to kill me" I laughed at Whitt and that made her start giggling even more.

We looked up, Emily was still standing in the doorway, "if you wouldn't mind?" I asked her, motioning to the door. "I'd like to get myself a little more presentable if I have to speak to Alpha Dominick." She shook herself out of thought, "oh goddess yes, of course!" Before leaving and shutting the door behind her.

Whitt snorted, "I honestly don't think you'll be getting any sleep today." I nuzzled into her neck and bit against the skin, "I certainly hope not." She pushed me off and grabbed her clothes, dressing rapidly as she did. I didn't want to think about how or why she was so good at that.

"Anything else before I leave?" She asked me. "Yeah just one thing." I wagged my finger for her to come back, she smirked, "you can get that later." I sighed, "it's nice to be like this with you." She opened the door and waved towards me, "yeah same mushy stuff, see you later!" I laughed to myself, of course, in the heat of the moment she can be the cutest person ever, afterwards it was anyone's guess. I looked at the shirt I was still holding in my hands, yeah I probably should change my outfit for now.

It was a good thing that my father's office was built with little hidden treasures. I pressed one of the buttons on the bottom of his desk and a panel opened up behind me. I pushed on the wooden panel and underneath there was an array of clothes I'd stocked in here before I moved in properly. I picked out some jogging bottoms and a clean shirt, discarding my dirty ones. I wasn't exactly ready for an audience but at this point it appeared I had no choice.

I was ready when my door knocked again, it was gruff so I instantly expected to see Alpha Dominick on the other side. I was pleasantly surprised, "Beta Malik? Is the whole of the Rising Dawn pack here?" He cut his eyes at me, "Whitt is like a sister to me, I'll mess you up if you put a foot wrong." Wow okay, that started off well. "And good afternoon to you too." I let out a breath sarcastically. "I don't mean to sound rude, but what exactly is everyone doing here?" I asked him.

"We were away with business somewhere-" he stopped himself, thought for a few seconds and then carried on, "-close to here." He looked around my office, "It appears your pack has a long history of keeping secrets and as a pack in the surrounding area we think we have a right to know." Know what? I was so confused right now. Were they coming just to interrogate me? To try to intimidate me?

"Listen, I'm not entirely sure what you're talking about," I told the Beta, "so you're going to have to start from the start." Alpha Dominick's voice boomed through the room suddenly, I hadn't even noticed that he'd come in. "Why didn't you tell us the special part about your pack's curse? The part where the dark witches were trying to kill the Moon Goddess to kill all of the wolves." My thoughts flashed back to the night before, to the glowing beam of light I'd seen in the dark witches cave. Could that be there to destroy the moon goddess?

They said they were trying to get rid of a powerful force, could that be what they really meant? No wonder they needed Whitt if they wanted to do that, she was only getting more and more powerful by the day. Suddenly things started to make sense, but then there were things that ran parallel that didn't fit in the jigsaw. Why would my mother and father be working with them for years if that was their aim? I was in way too deep over my head. I had to get to that book.

I'd decided to keep the meeting to myself for now, I didn't need to give them a reason to start distrusting me too. "I didn't know about that part of the pack history, but it makes sense that that's what they were after the first time around." I told him instead, "what can I do to help?" Dom circled the couch, eyeing it disgustingly. "We already have a plan that we're starting to set in motion. I'm heading to Sweden with some of my pack the day after tomorrow for research."

Why in the world would he need to go to Sweden for research? I thought not to question it, I was already so confused about this whole situation. "I need you and your pack to keep a watch out, tighten your border controls because we don't know what they are plotting." I nodded, I'd already started to do that since my meeting with them last night, but he didn't need to know that either. "Anything else?" I asked him, he looked surprised. "No actually, I wasn't expecting it to be this easy."

The voice of someone clearing their throat echoed through the room, Whitt was standing in the doorway with Emily. This didn't look good. "We have some questions." Whitt declared. I gestured for them to take the floor and sat down in my seat. Emily looked at Whitt, she nodded and walked forward "I'd like to ask about the dark witches." Oh no. "Alpha Choal spoke to me about them before he passed, he's the one that gave me the information. Do you think you'd have anything in your library that can help us?"

I froze, the book that I was meant to look for would be in there. I couldn't give it to them until I'd read it, until I understood. I shook my head. "Sorry, I don't remember there being anything in there other than pack reports and old books." Alpha Dominick's head snapped to Emily and they shared a look, I wasn't entirely sure what it meant, but he sighed. "Fine Emily, we'll do it your way."

She beamed and ran over to him, throwing her arms around his shoulders. Whitt watched them in admiration, her eyes met mine and she smiled. Whatever had happened between Emily and Whitt while we were in the office was completely absurd, but I was glad for it.

Did I feel regret looking at Emily and Alpha Dominick? Yes. But regret because whenever they clearly had, I couldn't give her. But I was happy to see that it didn't really affect her anymore too, she was moving on with her life and I was moving on with mine. I was happy with Whitt, we were happy.

Now I just needed to know what the dark witches, or 'Nordic witches' as they told me, were up to so that I could keep my mate safe. I wanted her to be my Luna, but not under these conditions. I would risk everything, I would risk my pack, but I would never risk her.

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