Chapter 38 - Letter of Pine & Ice

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"I will mash her to pulp when I see her!"

"Where are you, b*tch!"

Sammy was impossible to get to calm down. I prayed with all my heart as I tried my best to convince her to not start something.

"Take me to her locker." She says walking around, uneasy after learning about what happened.

"Samantha Loloha Martinez!" She twisted her head around to give me the official annoyed look. She hated it when we addressed her that way.

"Don't get yourself expelled Sammy we just cleaned up our mess some weeks ago. Isn't that enough?" I say limping around, unable to remain in an exact spot, worried she was going to go after Jessica for sure and by the look on her face she wasn't capable of showing any mercy.

"I don't care, Bella. I'm going to beat the crap out of that bijj." She places her hands on her waist, before she marched off.

There was nothing we could do as the rest of the girls stood by me and we watched her storm off into the storm.

"Somebody please, do something." Jade uttered in a low cry.

"It's useless she's going to fight us for sure." Daphne says and Stacy agreed.

For it was just us and the rest of the squad had gone their separate ways, not a knowledge about what's happening.

We were contemplating whether to go after her or go find a teacher and that's when our luck pushed.

As Sammy turned the corner, we could hear arguments and the next thing you know she squealed. Before we could go check on her, Diego appeared, turning the corner and coming towards us with Sammy thrown over his shoulder.

We all began laughing as Sammy whined so bad for Diego to put her down and she began squirming under his grip.

"D! Put me down!" She demanded at the top of her annoyed voice.

"Shut it, shawty." Diego says all laid back as he strutted towards the laughing friends who belonged to Samantha.

"Diego!!" Sammy protested.

"Aye, mami, now what I say bout addressing me that way?"

He stopped in front of us and placed her down.

She pushed him but he didn't budge. She began complaining while we thanked Diego and that caused her to go extra worse.

Diego just smirked and pulled her closer to him before he kissed her.

After he pulled away, she just looked at him completely speechless.

"Oh great! I thought u ain't gon' shut up." He says and folds his arms across his chest and studied her expression.

"Why'd you do that?" She says in an annoyed tone and crossed her arms.

"Why you looking like a pretty murderer?" He asks mockingly and everyone laughed as she sighed. Everyone was already crawling on their stomach including me.

"Thank you ever so much Diego. She's been really hard to control." I say warmly, and Sammy gave me an annoyed look.

"Bet. You welcome. But what's wrong?"

Sammy beat me to it before I could explain.

"That b*tch Jessica is the reason for my best friend limping."

"And here we go again." I sighed.

"Diego please, I don't know what's going on in that thick skull of my stubborn best friend but please take her home."

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