Chapter 3 - Phone Issues

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I was about to scream when so called ' Mr. Pennywise ' held one hand over my mouth covering it completely so that no sound escapes.

I tried performing some karate tricks that I've learnt from my karate teacher back in fifth grade. But it was no use. He knew too.

What the hell?! Do creepy clowns go for karate lessons before they attack their victims? In no right mind, I did the one thing that came to mind. I bit his hand.

"Ow! shit! That fucking hurts!" While my kidnapper was grunting in pain, I searched for the light switch.

Once I've found it, I switched it on and to my surprise it wasn't Pennywise nor the Grim Reaper. Instead it was Harry Styles. Hash tag Mr. Dangerous hot stuff who I bumped into this morning.

This is my cue to release that long, heavy, dreamy sigh that those Disney princesses do---um hello, wake up he just tried to kidnap you. Oh right!

"You?!" I questioned still trying to catch my breath. "Why did you do that?" I say calmly, yet frustrated. "Why the hell you bit my finger for!?" He rubbed his hand and gave me a pissed off look. Ah, the accent... Bella snap out of it. This jerk tried to kidnap you.

"Well you grabbed me and pulled me in here. Who knows you might have murdered me or done something worse than that." He gave me a confused look before bursting into a hilarious laughter. "Ok, what are some examples?" He questioned smirking. The nerve.

"Forget it I'm out of here." I simply shook my head not bothering to wait for a reply and turned to the door.

I was about to turn the knob when he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me towards him.

How cliche, it's like what happens between couples when they have an argument. Well this isn't one of them.

Being the idiot I am, I started kicking back and squirming in his grasp. Which wasn't helpful at all.

We both fell down to the floor in an awkward position. I fell on top of him with his hands still wrapped around my waist.

Seeing how awkward we were positioned he smirked.

"Damn, babe I didn't know you felt this way. You know, my room's more comfortable." He teased wiggling his eyebrows.

I stared blankly at him with my mouth agape, unable to process what I've just heard.

"How dare you!" I gasped. "You disgusting pig!" I banged at his chest and he laughed. What a pervert. I thought to myself as I got off him and helped myself up.

"What the hell is your problem?" I scold and began walking away. Not even bothered to wait for a respond.

"Wait I need to talk to you." He stopped laughing and grabbed my wrist. His touch sent chills and had an electric effect on my skin causing goosebumps to rise and I felt my knees get jelly all of a sudden. Weird.

I replied a simple 'ok' and once he saw my uneasiness that was caused by his grip, he let go and began.

"I uh, need a favour from you. You're the new girl I bumped into this morning right?" He gave me a questionable look. "Right." I replied with a puzzled look.

"Your name's Bella right?" He continued, avoiding my confused face.

"Ri--wait, are you stalking me?" My expression turned suspicious.

"What? No." He said scoffing. "Then how do you know my name?" I say raising an eyebrow. "I have my ways." He said with a smirk and I mentally roll my eyes.

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