Chapter 30 -

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I hadn't realise that I was speaking Italian until Diego appeared in front of me.

I didn't know that I was even crying too until Diego came asking why I was.

"I saw him! I-I-I s-s-saw him."

"Shush, that's ok baby." Diego comforts, engulfing me in a hug as I sniffled.


"So are you like full Italian?"

I shook my head focusing my attention on the cheese burger in front of me.

We were at the food court.

I tried to figure out what just happened.

It's natural for me to miss him and hope to see him again but his sudden appearance scared the poop out of me, that I can't even think straight for a minute.

"I grew up there." I uttered slowly but clearly for him to hear.

He was about to say something when my phone rang. I picked it up to check the caller ID. It was mama.


I answered, trying to sound as ok as I can (the last thing I want is breaking down when she asks me if I'm ok) and she began asking me where I was, calling me by my second name and pestering me to go home. I hadn't realised how the both of us were exchanging foreign languages over the phone.

I ended the call and sighed, but before that I told her that I was with Diego and that calmed her. Long story short. Ever since my parents found out about the hero and villain from the last summer camp, Diego became a hero that he earned my parents approval. So yeah I think you know how this goes.

"So Loha aight? Cool tho, sounds like those island owned names."

"Samantha Loloha Martinez, pleased to meet you." I jokingly say and he smiled amusingly at me.

"She calls me by that name when she's being serious.. guess that's how her side of the family's like."

"What do you mean her side of the family?" He asked and I sighed, nervously biting on my lip before explaining. Here it goes my history line

"My dad's Latina but I really don't know much about his side of the family so I regard myself as an Italian because I've been there, practically my whole life. But I did spend a holiday at my mom's place once but now I don't remember how it's like."

"Woah cool, mind me asking-"

"Oh Mexican, my dad's Mexican."

"Shidd! That's really cool."

"Aaand my mom's a Pacific Islander, I guess that explains why she's super strict." I giggled nervously and Diego was gaping.

"Damn Moana that's fugging liiit!" I laughed as he said that.

"So what happened back there?" He asks and I grew silent before speaking.

"Xavier Alexeev."

I sighed heavily. His name always brought back a lot of memories.

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